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FAQ: How to fix workspace related issues in Premiere Pro?

Mar 08, 2018 Mar 08, 2018

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The solution given in this post applies to the following issues:

  • Blank Premiere Pro workspace after opening a project
  • Blank workspace after switching from one workspace to another
  • Blank workspace when disconnecting your secondary monitor(s)
  • Crash while switching workspaces
  • Unable to save workspace layout


Follow these steps to resolve the issues mentioned above:

1. Quit Premiere Pro

2. Navigate to Documents > Adobe > Premiere Pro > 14.0 [if you're working in Premiere Pro 2019, go to 13.0]

a. If Sync Settings are turned on, go to the Profile-yourprofilename folder

b. If Sync Settings aren't turned on, go to the Profile-CreativeCloud- folder

3. Rename the Layouts folder to Old_Layouts

4. Launch Premiere Pro and create a new project

5. From the Premiere Pro menu bar, choose Window > Workspaces and deselect Import Workspace from Projects

6. Save & close the empty project

7. Open the project that you have to work in


NOTE: You'll lose your customized workspaces





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