Filing a gap in a sequence.
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Is there a way to trim a video clip in s source monitor to fill an exact gap in a sequence.
example, i was editing my video and i removed 3.25 second clip from the sequence. i will like to trim a differnt clip in the source monitor to fill that exact space, nothing more, nothing less. is there a easy way to do this in Premiere Pro?
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Yes. Do a search for 3 and 4 point edits. A typical 3-point edit process is:
- Set an in/out on the timeline;
- set an in OR out point on a clip in the Source monitor;
- tap the period key.
And will do as you want, choosing just the amount of clip needed from the Source monitor to fill the in/out selected area in the Sequence in the Timeline panel.
A four point edit process takes the entire selected in/out section of the clip in the source monitor and expands or shrinks the sequence to fit that bit into the section with in/out set in the sequence. So that is ...
- set in/out for clip in Source monitor;
- set in/out in Sequence;
- tap period key.
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if you put the playhead in the gap in the timeline and make sure just that track is selected in the track panel and hit x, you will mark an in and out to fill the gap. Should save you some time. I've attached a couple of screen grabs that hopefully make this clear. the first is before you hit x and the second show's the gap marked with an in and out.
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Different approach: select gap and hit forward slash.
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thanks Ann, you've shaved another 1/4 second off the time it takes. and since this is something I do many times a day, it adds up. Now if I can only remember this...
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Haha 1/4 of a second. Been using this for ages. Even for larger portions. Lasso several clips then forward slash.