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Let's get this out of the way before we talk bug fixes: the UI for the updated Export Panel sucks, and is objectively terrible by a whole host of metrics. There are a ton of posts about this, so I'm not going to bother re-hashing the exact same critiques here.
For the love of all things holy, if you're not going to actually fix this abomination of a UI, at least fix the "feature" where the entire Export Panel UI is locked if you have an undocked panel open when you switch to the Export Panel. In order to get the app to work again, you have to switch back to the Edit UI using the tab at the top, close your undocked panels, then switch back to the Export Panel. One of your undocked panels covering the Export tab at the top of the screen? LOLOLOL GUESS YOU'RE OUT OF LUCK, SUCKER! You have to force quit the entire program and re-start it.
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We have been begging for something to be done about the new Export panel since it's release. I genuinely thought they were listening to our feedback. That fact it hasn't changed one bit, means they don't appear to be listening at all, or they simply are not interested in what we are saying.
Either way ... the Export panel is simply unusable for me. I am still on 22.2 and will never upgrade while that panel exists.
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Some assumptions are more or less valid than others. This is one of those things where there are *strong* assumptions ... assumed, I guess.
First, I'm no fan of the new export page in any way shape or form. So I'm not posting because I like it. Simply for additional information to be aware of.
That said, I am aware that for many users, this export page is the bee's knees. (Oddly enough.) And yes, I've talked with some who love it in person, from a SMPTE conference and at NAB.
And for many more, it's neither a problem nor an annoyance. And normally, no one who likes something posts about it.
Only those who object to something post. Like you & me.
So ... which users are they supposed to be listening to? Those who post objections, like thee and me, or the many others who either like it or don't have any problems with it?
Realistically, that's "where we're at". And why it "seems" universally hated. Which is actually not even close to correct. Sadly, in my opinion. But I'm a realist.
That said, there are changes that could make it less ... annoying ... for many of us.
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@R Neil Haugen You and I have been back and forth on this several times in other threads. I have no interest in doing a full recap what we've already discussed, but in summary: the new Export Panel design and UI isn't a case of "poh-tay-toe/poe-tah-toe"; it makes a huge pile of intentional design errors that fly in the face of accepted UI design standards and best practices. The layout and design is amateurishly, unambigiously bad, shockingly so.
Some people like broccoli; some people hate broccoli. That's a valid difference of opinion that is worth discussing and exploring. I'm sure you'd be able to find a handful of folks out there who absolutely LOVE broccoli smeared in raw chicken juice, but for a whole host of very obvious reasons, eating broccoli that's been smeared in raw chicken juice is an unambiguously bad idea. Some people might be of the "opinion" that broccoli smeared in raw chicken juice is great!, but they are wrong.
Regardless, this is a post about a bugfix for the persistent undocked-panel issue that Adobe has somehow still not addressed.
they don't appear to be listening at all, or they simply are not interested in what we are saying.
@Heathenlamb Unfortunately, you've hit the nail on the head there. Adobe hasn't bothered listening to its users since they moved to the subscription model. They don't have to work to convince users to buy the latest version of the software, so there's literally no incentive for them to take user feedback into account.
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That undocked panel thing is certainly a mess. At NAB they acknowledged the problem. When we'll see it fixed, no clue.
And UI things ... I've been in enough UI discussions over the last 30 years, complete with data/studies/surveys et al to more than last a lifetime.
My experience is for *any* claim one can quote on any UI element, including Expert Opinions and Data about, there are always at least three competing and totally supported "expert" approaches. Antithetical to the first set of data.
So I've come to see "expert" data on UI things as ... expensive, and perhaps valid, opinions. Because I'm aware that other as-notable experts will argue a different tack.
Ui studies are anything but monolithic.
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There is already a thread on this topic, so I am going to lock this duplicate thread.