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H264 4k files choppy playback

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Jun 17, 2017 Jun 17, 2017

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I can't playback more than 30seconds of 4K without getting choppy playback. My guess is premiere is not using the GPU and the CPU can't decode the H264 codec as fast as it needs.

changing the quality to 1/2 or 1/4 does nothing. changing the settings of the sequences doesn't improve it.

I have a pretty good Cuda GPU, and all the footage is located on a really fast PCI volume, so I'm not sure what's going on.

Maybe the H264 decoding is not thru the GPU, I check the activity monitor and the CPU loads goes really high when premiere is playing back the video. and i do have CUDA acceleration activated.

my system:

Mac Pro 2010 2x2.4Ghz Quad Core intel

64Gb Ram

Nvidia Geforce GTX Titan X 12gb

PCI OWC Accelsior Pro Q (footage is here)

I do understand that H264 is a bad codec to edit. but I'm mixing footage from an atomos ninja inferno Prores with a Gh5 that records in H264.

I always transcode everything to prores and it works perfectly smooth but in this case I have 30 hours of footage from the GH5 probably I will use only 25% so I don't want to transcode and I don't want to create proxy.

any ideas to improve performance for h264?

Thanks in advance




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Jun 17, 2017 Jun 17, 2017

You're asking the impossible, really. Realistically.

Because of the nature of the media you're having trouble with ... that's long-GOP (group of pictures). What that means is the camera records to card every 9th to 30th frame ... and in-between, records only a matrix data-set of the pixels that change between either the previous or next complete "I" frame.

For de-encoding, the computer CPU takes the first I frame, de-compresses (and these are heavily compressed, so it's a lot of computation per fr



Jun 17, 2017 Jun 17, 2017

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You're asking the impossible, really. Realistically.

Because of the nature of the media you're having trouble with ... that's long-GOP (group of pictures). What that means is the camera records to card every 9th to 30th frame ... and in-between, records only a matrix data-set of the pixels that change between either the previous or next complete "I" frame.

For de-encoding, the computer CPU takes the first I frame, de-compresses (and these are heavily compressed, so it's a lot of computation per frame) and sends along plus stores it to RAM. Calls up the next "frame" data-set ... recalls the previous frame from RAM, computes the changes ... sends along, stores to RAM ... rinse & repeat. Every cycle at some point it needs to grab the next I-frame and de-compress that just to work on the few frames before that I-frame. This is incredibly intensive CPU core/thread and RAM work, stressing their individual subsystems to the max. And it doesn't allow for GPU help.

It's bad enough with 1080 media ... but you're using 4k, which is four times the amount of data to be handled per frame. This chokes even the high-end specialized machines of the colorist trade. Your rig ... nope, ain't gonna work.

The ProRes files are much larger on disc ... but in most ProRes, it's intraframe meaning that every frame is a real frame of data, just compressed. And vastly less compressed than the interframe long-GOP you're having trouble with.

I don't understand the "not wanting to create proxy" ... literally no idea what your complaint is.

For that current project, in the Project panel, select your media in a bin, right-click and "Proxy/Create Proxies" using the small Cineform option. Go have lunch or sleep for the night.

Then in the program manager click the + icon on the far right, hover over the various control icons there ... on getting the one that deals with proxies, drag it into your control panel.

In operation, when you click on it, you're using proxies if it's blue. Click again, it's gray, you're using original media. It will never use the original media for anything but playback.

Oh ... one caveat .. the proxies apparently don't work with speed-ramped clips.





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Contributor ,
Jun 17, 2017 Jun 17, 2017

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Hi Neil,

I understand I was asking too much, I didn't mean to blame my lovely 2010 mac pro, still a beast. I was wondering about the decoding process, is good to know that playback of compressed files are CPU even if you have a good cuda GPU.

I do proxies, but this particular project is huge and I think it will take for ever to render proxies just to trash 75% of the material.

with the prores files I did a fast playback to delete what I didn't want, but with the H264 files I can only play x2 speed, faster than that I get choppy playback.

I will try to render proxies of a small portion to see how long it takes.





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Jun 17, 2017 Jun 17, 2017

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Yea, I know it can take a good bit of time to make the proxies ... which is why I suggested while you're away from the computer such as lunch or over-night. Overnight's good for larger projects ...





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Jun 19, 2017 Jun 19, 2017

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I'm wondering if there is a easy way to transcode clips from the project window into full prores once they are already in the project.

I know I can do proxies with a right click. but is there anyway to transcode and replace to high quality formats ? or force ingest of files that are already in the project?

I got tons of clips already organised in the project, with bins and everything and I would like to transcode them directly to prores 422 with match settings.

I tried making them offline then online back but ingest doesn't start. I could try making a new project and import only the bins with h264 cameras. but it will take forever. I would love to know if there is a command to transcode the clips I'm selecting.




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Jun 19, 2017 Jun 19, 2017

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You make the transcodes using the exact same names, just of course the different extensions. AME (Adobe Media Encoder) would be the tool to use for that. If there's not a preset exactly to your liking, create an encoding preset. You can batch entire folders of course.

Then in PrPro, Project panel, you can either select clips and 'replace media' or use Offline, then when reconnecting, navigate to the folders with the new transcodes.





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Jun 20, 2017 Jun 20, 2017

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yes, I use AME everyday. but I was looking for an easy workflow. I got a huge project with more than 60 bins and inside each bin another 4 bins of each camera selected footage. DJI and Gh5 needs to be transcode to prores.

but I think I figure out. I did a new empty timeline, in project window I search for H.264 and I drop all the footage into that timeline, then I used the Render and replace command for all the footage, is not exactly what I wanted but at least it worked. I leave it all night rendering and this morning was all done, the only thing is that I need to delete the duplicate h264 files. but is all good. would be nice to have a way to transcode files from project window after imported

Thanks for your help Neil.




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Jun 20, 2017 Jun 20, 2017

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I've seen several people post here that they've made a feature request for transcoding from the project panel ... good idea.






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