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Having troubles with video color changing between AE and premiere

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Dec 14, 2021 Dec 14, 2021

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I created some things in Premiere, then I needed to add some animation for a transition between a couple clips, so selected the clips, the audio so I knew timing, and did a "replace with after effects composition."


The video is ProRes that was shot on an 8K RED cam. No luts were applied from the person who delivered them. I added the premiere preset named "SL Neutral Start" in premiere. Then I added another lumetri effect to add a creative adjustment (it's not extreme) using SL Clean Straight HDR.

That is applied to an adjustment layer. Each video footage is precomposed so that it's easier to adjust the clips as needed. 


Over in AE, it was missing the LUTs. I'm guessing that's Adobe's fault for not saving paths? It says "missing lut" and you just have to Guess what was missing. So Adobe Really F'd that one up. Anyway, I guessed the order correctly and actually applied the same ones. There are copies of the same itx files in both premiere's folder And AE. I selected Premiere at first, but the AE ones look no different. I've tried those as well. 


In premiere, I checked the sequences are using Rec709, the footage is Rec709. In AE, the project is Rec709, the footage is Rec709. 

The footage looks the same if there is No lumetri effect applied in either. But as soon as I use the lumetri effect and make the same adjustments, different. 

I got close enough to pass as not Terrible in AE by adjusting the contrast All the way down on the initial lumetri color effect. 


Anyone know what setting I'm missing that would cause the footage to be extra contrasty? Because this capital Sucks. I'm Guessing it's something I am missing, but Adobe Sure didn't make it easy. Here's another point for Davinci having their software all wrapped up in one package.

Editing , Effects and Titles , How to






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