HELP: Premiere Pro CC not using all CPU and RAM during rendering and export
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I am using Premiere Pro CC on a Windows 7. My timeline is quite simple with two videos, one with the movie (mpeg) and the other with the subtitles (avi).
When I render the sequence in PP or export, the rendering time is way too slow and it only uses around 15-20% of the CPU and 3 GB of RAM.
My hardware config is :
- CPU : i7-4770k 3.50Ghz
- RAM : 8 GB
- Disk : 2 x 3 TB SATA (no raid)
RAM is not the bottleneck, neither the disk access.
I have tried rendering and exporting the same project on an iMac (with an i5 2.7 Ghz and 4 GB RAM and only 1 disk) and the result is 4x faster !!!
The CPU usage is close to 100% as well as RAM usage.
So how come PP uses all resources availble on an iMac and not on a Windows 7 ?
Is there any known bug or software bottleneck on Windows 7 ?
My machine is brand new and nothing much installed besides Adobe products.
Any help is very much appreciated.
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I use QT Pro res 422 as my preview render Codec in the timeline whilst editing. Then Export my 'Master' file using sequence settings + Use Previews. This gives me a fast export that I can then compress in AME Etc for delivery. Keen to hear other methods!
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This would save time, as long as you set your previews to render maximum quality, otherwise scaling quality will suffer as far as I know.
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I am having the exact same problem... rendering and exporting is only taking 20-40% of my CPU and its horribly slow. There is no load on the disks (I have 3 different SSDs). There is def a bug going on here.
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I'm experiencing a similar problem with Premiere Pro when it comes to rendering. Playback is fine but when it comes to rendering only 15-20% of the CPU is being used. I checked the GPU load and i noticed that it is maxed out to 99%. I find that weird so what i did was I turned off the mercury playback engine. BOOM. It fixed the issue. I did a render and it started using 99% of the CPU. Render time improved by 40%-50%. I don't understand this because Mercury Playback is supposed to speed things up. REALLY WEIRD.
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red april wrote:
I'm experiencing a similar problem with Premiere Pro when it comes to rendering. Playback is fine but when it comes to rendering only 15-20% of the CPU is being used. I checked the GPU load and i noticed that it is maxed out to 99%. I find that weird so what i did was I turned off the mercury playback engine. BOOM. It fixed the issue. I did a render and it started using 99% of the CPU. Render time improved by 40%-50%. I don't understand this because Mercury Playback is supposed to speed things up. REALLY WEIRD.
What video card are you using? I've only ever seen my GPU jump to around 70% when working it hard on purpose to test. Otherwise it jumps between 0% and 25% as it works through the sequence.
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GTX 750ti. This problem does not always occur. Just in some projects and I don't understand why as I always use the same set of color correction tools. I wonder if you could try turning off your Mercury playback engine and see if it fixes your problem too(although we have slightly different issues).
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red april wrote:
GTX 750ti. This problem does not always occur. Just in some projects and I don't understand why as I always use the same set of color correction tools. I wonder if you could try turning off your Mercury playback engine and see if it fixes your problem too(although we have slightly different issues).
I have tried turning off in the past, definitely not recommended. It just turns off any GPU acceleration. Since your problem is not every time, I would consider looking at what codecs and types of files you're using in your sequence. My problem has been pretty much solved simply by rendering through Adobe Media Encoder rather than directly inside Premiere.
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I can't really figure this out Either. Current system
i7 5960x
Titan X 4x SLI
Rampage V Extreme/U 3.1
32GB (8x4GB) 2666Mhz Crucial at 15-16-16-34/1t
Samsung Evo Pro 1tb
EKWB Loop for CPU and all GPU's
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GTX 750ti. This problem does not always occur. Just in some projects and I don't understand why as I always use the same set of color correction tools. I wonder if you could try turning off your Mercury playback engine and see if it fixes your problem too(although we have slightly different issues).
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I have noticed that when my CPU power setting is on 99% instead of 100% I get almost twice as fast render times from either direct export or AME export. Set both minimum and maximum power states to 99%.
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Hello, i have been having the same problem on my hp zbook 17 g2, i got 16gigs of ram and 4gigs of quadro, but all was slowing down and cpu was just at 20percent. Here is the solution that has worked for me after long days of trying. I had changed soe setting in the bios, i went back and put everything to default, then came to the nvidia control panel put the global 3d settings to base profile, changed my power plan from high performance to hp optimized, opened premiere and cleaned cache, now everything is back to speed, 100percent usage on all and render time is just seconds.
whanny wrote:
I am using Premiere Pro CC on a Windows 7. My timeline is quite simple with two videos, one with the movie (mpeg) and the other with the subtitles (avi).
When I render the sequence in PP or export, the rendering time is way too slow and it only uses around 15-20% of the CPU and 3 GB of RAM.
My hardware config is :
- CPU : i7-4770k 3.50Ghz
- RAM : 8 GB
- Disk : 2 x 3 TB SATA (no raid)
RAM is not the bottleneck, neither the disk access.
I have tried rendering and exporting the same project on an iMac (with an i5 2.7 Ghz and 4 GB RAM and only 1 disk) and the result is 4x faster !!!
The CPU usage is close to 100% as well as RAM usage.
So how come PP uses all resources availble on an iMac and not on a Windows 7 ?
Is there any known bug or software bottleneck on Windows 7 ?
My machine is brand new and nothing much installed besides Adobe products.
Any help is very much appreciated.
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Try this Very slow encoding AME
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I just upgraded from a 7 year old QX9650 with 8GB RAM and a Geforce GTX680, to a dual Xeon E5-2630 with 128GB RAM and a Titan X 12GB GPU.
My old system would play UHD Prores video at about 70% CPU utilization, no dropped frames. But the new system drops 40% of the frames playing the same clip in the same version of Premiere (CS6) and CPU utilization is a paltry 3% in Taskman!
Isn't there any way to get Premiere to utilize the resources better?

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A little bit disappointed that any adobe staff come for help here and answer us..
I have also problem same all of us with rendering time and cpu 20% use with 10 hours rendering for 3' timeline FHD with effects.
I have a powerfull config as well with 2 SSD for current editing, scratch disk, cache ...
I7 5820K 3.3ghz 32GB RAM GTX 970 win 7 64bits
So we can optimize ours config and used 100% cpu and not 20% as before CC ?? or we have to switch to davinci resolve ??
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Hi, I have 48 threads / 24 real cores ( 2 x E5 2680 V3 / 4 x TITAN X GPU / 1 x K5000 / 64 GB 2133 ECC Ram.) all in Supermicro server MB. Very stable on win 8.1
The ... Premiere and After efects are using max 18 to 22 % of cpu power.... that is sad...
When I render out from maya or other 3d application is 100 % use and is super fast.
Any idea how can I enable this option ?
Thank you !
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I have a similar setup (2 x E2640 v3 / 2 x GTX980 / 64GB RAM) and was having the same problem - when encoding CPU utilization hovered near 20%. I had a chat with Adobe tech support and it seems this is the expected behavior for Premiere.
Me: I am trying to figure out why the system won't use more of the CPU to decrease encoding time
Adobe: Well Premiere uses these resources to the extent it wants to. If the files are not that heavy and not much effects have been used, the CPU and RAM are also not that utilized.
Me: I guess my next question would be why doesn't it 'want to' use more CPU to decrease encoding time?
Adobe: Because it doesn't need to. That's how it is designed.
Adobe: If Premiere was designed in a way that it uses Xeon processors to their full capacity then, it won't run on other slower computers.
Adobe: That is why, it is designed to use an optimal amount of resources.
Doesn't really make sense to me, but it doesn't sound like there's anything that can be done..
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This is atrocious.
I can't believe how ignorant Adobe can't sometimes be!
Well, they are just disqualifying themselfs for a more professional enviroment...
A smart program shut recognize wether its a Xeon or a consumer CPU.
I faced better CPU usage once I've done a clean install of the OS. From 50% - 90%...
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Fact is: this issue hasn't been adressed for years now which is a shame! We spend a lot of money in a good system but don't get to use it - we should write a petition! Does anybody know how to do that?

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@Nightjar: good idea!!
Please sign and share! This needs to be adrssed now!
Best regards
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Adobe software was always buggy - crashes and other problems are a pain that I'm facing for years and I guess they just don't care.
I guess I have a powerful machine - Alienware with i7-4900MQ, SSD, two GTX 780M cards and 32GB of RAM and I got like 15% of CPU used while rendering and just one NVidia card being used while rendering.
I've managed to improve my rendering speed - it's far from perfect though - I get 50% of my CPU now and SLI seems to be working but I'm not 100% sure - I get like 30-40% of performance on one 780M and 17% on the other. Really weird. Seems the Media Encoder is using just like 1/6 of the full performance of my setup (or even less), but it's still better than using just 15% of my CPU.
Here's what I did:
- I cleaned the cache settings in Premiere Pro CC (Edit > Preferences > Media > Media Cache Database)
- I deleted all Temp files from my computer (I'm using Windows, so you need to delete the stuff in the AppData/Local folder)
- I started Media Encoder first and then Premiere Pro.
Now i get 4x faster render times even though my machine should be able to get much better render times than this - there's still a lot of room for improvement. I don't get why it's using just 50% of my CPU, 30-40% of one GPU and just 17% of the second GPU.
Just as much as I don't get why I cannot change the language of the software within the software - Adobe are masters of intuitivity and they're always listening to their customers. Yeah, right...
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Hello all,
I was having this same issue and I believe I found the problem, at least in my case: The denoiser effect.
I had a fully finished ~20min sequence - including multiple Ae video layers, audio round-trips from Au, etc - and, just to render or export, it was taking my PC to 2+ hours. With the Task Manager open, I could see Premiere Pro CC 2015 only using about 30% of the CPU and about 40% RAM.
I copied the entire sequence into a new identical sequence, cut off all the denoiser effects (I use NeatVideo denoiser, not RedGiant) and started the render/export again. This time, Task Manager shot to full 100% CPU and 70-80% RAM. Estimated time to render... 30min!
The only thing I changed between the two sequences was cutting off the NeatVideo Denoiser effect.
I say I found the "problem" not the "solution" because, well - I need to render/export it out with denoiser ON so I can see my final product haha.
I hope this little bit of information helps point us to the solution. Maybe it's a question for NeatVideo or RedGriant?
My Rig:
Windows 10
Intel i7-5820k (overclocked to 4.0ghz)
32gb RAM
EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB
All SSDs
Adobe CC 2015
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This is a problem that Adobe staff, in other threads, claimed was fixed in version CC 2015 of Media Encoder. But it has not been. If I export a long, complex project in CS6 Media Encoder, the render time is 1 hour 20 minutes. Opening the resource monitor, I see that all 12 cpu are being used between 90 and 100% and RAM is being used around 90%. In CC 2015 Media Encoder, the render time is 46 hours, and only one cpu is being used. I believe it has nothing to do with the complexity of the project, it is just an issue of CC not using all the available cpu power.
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Hey Avfreedman,
I have a very similar setup as yours which I built over the holidays.
My Config:
Asus X99-A/USB 3.1
Intel i7-5820k (Overclocked to 4.3)
32GB RAM 2400
Gigabyte GTX-970 4GB DDR5 - Overclocked
2 Samsung EVO 850 (256GB) in Raid 0 - OS/Programs
1 Samsung EVO 850 (256GB) - Scratch Drive
3 1TB Barracuda 7200RPM Drives in Raid 0 - Media
1 USB 3.0 2TB Backup
Adobe CC 2015
I too am using Neatvideo. Did you go into the preferences tab and check optimize performance. It will run through all the cores first, then the GPU and then combined and come up with a recommendation. On 4K video, it uses 11 Cores and the GPU, but my FPS was low at around 7.1 FPS. On 1080P it uses only 10 Cores and GPU but the FPS was pushing 12.
I went through a battery of tests today and if I used straight out of the camera (Sony A7Rii) footage and export it out 2min of footage at matched bitrate, took less then 3 minutes with my media on the Striped Barracuda Array. If I put the media on the SSD's with the OS and Programs, it was a 1 min, 35 sec. I then started adding effects, like film emulation. Results, about 5 minutes on the Striped Barracuda Array, 2 minutes 40 sec on the SSD's. Now Neat Video. Wow, it kills the system. About 24 Minutes on the Striped Barracuda Array and about 21 minutes on the SSD's.
I also tried the same process in After Effects with media encoder opened first and I got exactly the same results. I had Task Manager opened and GPU-Z. My system was at 45% memory and only 50% CPU utilization. GPU never went over 2GB of memory usage. I did see the drives maxing out so I knew something was actually working to it's full potential.
It would be good to hear back from you if you have had any success increasing your rendering performance. Neat video is clearly a bottleneck. If it is a problem with Adobe, then I hope they come up with a fix. Not sure if Neatvideo has a workaround, but warrants an email to them.
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Thanks for the in-depth testing, budnikasr!
I'm sorry for the late reply as it has been a busy start to the new year. I ended up contacting NeatVideo via email. Here's what they told me (Purple text is what I originally wrote and black text was Vlad's response):
> Anywho, I was hoping you could help me out with this: I've
> noticed that when I apply NeatVideo to my clips and render a
> video in Adobe Premiere Pro CC, my computer only uses 40-50%
> of my CPU and less than 50% of the RAM available.
That is not necessarily abnormal. The reasons may be in Premiereitself (the way it works (differently) when using a plug-in), in
plug-in itself (it may be set to use less than all CPU cores),
in video codecs used by Premiere to read input data for itself
and for the plug-in.
> If I remove the NeatVideo affect and render again, without changing
> anything else, my CPU and RAM go to 80-100%
That is not abnormal either.
> I wasn't sure if you all knew of this and if it was an Adobe
> CC issue or NeatVideo? Please refer to this Adobe forum where
> I posted and another poster confirmed having the same problem
> when using NeatVideo (I'm sorry for the incredibly long link):
> You can see my post under my name "Alex Freedman" and the
> next poster to respond having the same problem.
There may be problems related to the difference between Premiereand Media Encoder (the latter is more often causing slowdowns
then Premiere).
There may be a problem if Neat Video itself is not optimized to
the hardware. There is a built-in Optimize tool in Neat Video
Preferences to achieve the best speed of Neat Video itself (not
of Premiere as a whole, but the Neat Video component of the
render process).
Generally speaking, it is not possible to say who is at fault
(or if there is a fault to begin with) based on your description
in the e-mail. If we add the figures from the post (~20min
sequence rendered 2 hours) then I would also not say that it is
abnormal. Noise reduction is very computation intensive to long
renders are expected by default. The real question whether the
render speed is adequate for that hardware or it is slower for
some reason.
Please run the Optimize tool and let me see the complete log
from that window. It will help to see the actual speeds achieved
by Neat Video on your computer.
Also, please make sure you have updated Neat Video to the latest
version 4.1.1.
Thank you,
What he said makes sense, as I didn't realize there was an optimization feature and I was using an old version of NeatVideo (4.0.3). I updated to the new version and I'm just now starting on a new project I hope to complete in the coming month or so. I'll run some tests of my own with the new project as I build it and report back. I haven't responded to Vlad yet either, but will do that ASAP and keep you updated on his reponses.
Thanks again for all your info!
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Hi All,
I have same bug on my new rig.
I did upgrade from 3770K CPU to new system with 5960X CPU.
On synthetic test i have twice power after upgrade but in Premiere i have slow down rendering performance also twice, after upgrade.
I use one project for testing.
I read in docs that Premiere support up to 16 CPUs, but real loading much less on new rig.
I try VideoStudioPro by Corel - it use 16 threads at 95-95%.
I think we have bug with LGA 2011 architecture.