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The clips are 720 x 480 SD 4:3 Pixel Aspect Ratio: .9091
Final export is 1920 x 1080 16:9 Square Pixels (1.0) Bluray H.264 mpeg4
(note: I don't want to create a dvd and have the bluray player upres)
Question: How to convert the rectangular pixels to square pixels.... in the Custom Sequence Settings or in the final export in Media Encoder? (using H.264 bluray to change source pixels to square)
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note: I don't want to create a dvd and have the bluray player upres
That is quality wise not pixel wise.
Dont mess with the pixels.
Go back to your old thread. All this has been covered.
Dont make us give you the same answers again.
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The issue of pixel conversion was never addressed. Most issues were 'keep original settings' and 'make a dvd and let bluray uprez it.' I'd really like to know the best way to convert the pixels, via Sequence Settings or thru the preset in export to bluray.
I've also searched many posts in Adobe support, and couldn't find a clear answer.
I won't mess with the pixels, but h.264 does insist on square pixels. So do I change them first in the sequence settings, or let the preset do it?
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Sorry but Ann is correct, we have answered all of this before in excruciating detail. You are over-thinking things. You personally do not have to change the pixels in this case - Premiere will do it for you! Create a New Sequence in Premiere, to match what you wish to output for Blu-ray. I believe you were working with 25fps material, so maybe select AVCHD 1080i50 (which is 25fps). Drop your 4:3 DV clips into the HD timeline, and SCALE them up however you want it to look inside the HD frame, then Export as H.264 Blu-Ray. Done. You are not changing any PAR settings anywhere.
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Thanks, but one thing.... you say I don't change anything so I leave the sequence settings pixel settings .9091 and let the bluray export change the pixels to square? If I read you right. If yes, it conflicts with the rule that the sequence settings must match the export settings. That's the rule I've been reading everywhere. Please advise, Thanks.
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aaaahhhhhh !!! yes! Thank you! That's what I was looking for. So I can drop my .9 clips into a sequence that has square pixels. PPRo will convert it, and the square sequence will match the square media encoder export. Thanks very much, sorry if I was a pain. 😉