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How do I merge Dolby Atmos audio files into films edited in Premier Pro??

Community Beginner ,
Apr 03, 2024 Apr 03, 2024

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I am an audio engineer. The studio I work at has an incredible Dolby Atmos room and that's where I spend most of my life these days. I have no questions about creating Dolby Atmos audio content. However, I have no idea how its merged with video and I really need to know.  I've been creating the audio, shipping the files off to the client when finished, and haven't run into any issues yet, but I see multiple ways that not knowing how my audio files become part of a video file after I'm done could become a problem.

Let's say a videographer I know shoots a music video for a client of ours. That client has paid for a Dolby Atmos master of that song and would like to have the Dolby Atmos music master be the audio for the video. How would I bring the Atmos audio into the video and render a video that has Atmos audio?
OR Let's say I get a client who's just shot a film. He's paying us to mix the audio and would like us to render it in Dolby Atmos. He's new to Atmos and doesn't know much about it other than how good it sounds when he's watching movies on Apple TV+ or NetFlix. He works on his film in Premier Pro. How do I walk him through importing the file I mix for him that I've rendered in Atmos? After bringing in the audio? How does he render it with the Dolby Atmos audio track?


We work in Nuendo, which has served us well thus far. It allows me to import the video and I'm able to sync to it just fine. However, I've never actually merged the video and the Atmos audio. I only render the audio and have nothing to do with putting them together. If someone calls and says I messed up syncing them, I'll have to take their word for it and am limited in my ways to check because I can't put the Atmos audio in the video myself.

Yes, technically, I can import the video into the MP4 and render them together, but I've never been able to make that video file myself. I can't do something as basic as that even. I can say "Here's a link to what Dolby says you should send me so that I can make you an MP4" obviously, but I'm an absolute rookie on the video side. 
I did sit in on video/film classes in college, when I was studying audio, to meet people on the video side of the business and made some connections that have paid off many years later. I learned a whole lot about light, editing video, and plenty of creative stuff, but I learned absolutely nothing about what now seems like the only thing I should've paid attention to- mergin my audio with video.

Can someone please help. Video is your domain and I yield to the experts on this matter.

Audio , Export , Formats , Import




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 03, 2024 Apr 03, 2024

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Okay, so I finally learned a little bit. I learned that the export I would need to do is called an IMF Package. This apparently, according to Bing AI, is an export option in Premier Pro. So, there must be a way to bring the Dolby Atmos audio into Premier Pro because it said that I need to select "Dolby Atmos" as the audio format when exporting the package.

I did a test and just drag & dropped an Atmos file that I'd previously delivered to a client into Premier Pro. It MIGHT have worked. What happened was I ended up with a whole lot of new mono audio tracks, which probably add up to the amount of objects in that perticular Atmos project.
However, I can't test that because Premier doesn't have an Atmos renderer in it and Premier is installed on a PC which was using the TV as the stereo output player when I was messing with it.  In short, it wasn't on the Atmos system, so I couldn't check if it did what I was hopingm but it looked like it did.

I need to go back and check which files need to be in the IMF, see if I can import them into a generic test project and then try to export an IMF.

Then I'm gonna need to figure out how to play it from the IMF to check it. I hope this works.

I'm sure some of you actually know what I'm trying to figure out here so any help would be appreciated




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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 03, 2024 Apr 03, 2024

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@DeadlyMixStudios Premiere Pro doesn't support reading or writing Dolby Atmos audio streams. You'll need to use another software application for what you're trying to do.




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 03, 2024 Apr 03, 2024

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Thank you. That seems to coincide with what I'm learning so far. The delivery file NetFlix wants is an IMF, which bundles the video and audio together. From what I understand, I would create the video in Premier Pro with stereo or 5.1 audio. Then, I need to use a completely separate program to bundle the Atmos and video files together. Yet another program is still needed to then playback the IMF file.

Apparently Resolve Pro eliminates this headache by allowing users to create the IMF file right in Resolve. I really don't feel like buying more software we don't necessarily need at a sound studio. Hopefully, there's a free or cheap IMF packager and player to test this concept.




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New Here ,
Oct 08, 2024 Oct 08, 2024

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Can you please reconsider this? I'm working for an international media company that is using Premiere, and not being able to lay back Dolby Atmos in Premiere is a big headache for us.





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Oct 08, 2024 Oct 08, 2024

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PLEASE check by searching the Idea posts, as that is the "feature request" section here ... for anything about adding Atmos sound to Premiere.


Either upvote or create a new Idea post. Many of us will be happy to upvote, as yea, that really needs to become included in Prmemiere. Many streaming services now either request or require it.




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