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How to Design, Build, Export, and Install Motion Graphics Templates (MOGRTs) in Premiere Pro

Adobe Employee ,
Dec 18, 2019 Dec 18, 2019

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You can use the Essential Graphics Panel in Premiere Pro to create a motion graphics templates that is customizable and reusable, so you can develop a consistent brand identity across all your work. Before you get started with building the motion graphics template, there are some decisions to make on your design.

The video below covers the information you need to start developing a brand identity. 



Here's the breakdown:

  1. Who is your target audience?
  2. What kind of work, information, or community members are you trying to attract?
  3. What do you need to tell your audience and how can you do so visually?
  4. Whatever your craft is, what's special about the way that you do it? What are you like to work with?
  5. Gather branding assets to develop your brand
    • Color palette – use Adobe Color to find harmonious color codes.
    • Icon or logo
    • Font – use Adobe Fonts to sync across all Adobe resources
    • Visual assets for email, Twitter, Instagram, and other contact information.


After you've made these decisions and gathered the assets needed, you can build your motion graphics template (aka .MOGRT or "mo-gurt" file) using the Essential Graphics Panel in Premiere.


  1. Open the Essential Graphics Panel by navigating to the "Graphics" workspace or by using the top menu to select Window > Essential Graphics
  2. Use the "Browse" tab of the Essential Graphics Panel to search through .mogrt files that other creators have uploaded for public use and sale
  3. Use the "Edit" tab of the Essential Graphics Panel to create, import, and adjust assets within your template.
  4. Start the video at 1:57 to see the export process.


Once your .MOGRT file is exported, you may need to share it across computers. Watch this last video to see how to import the .MOGRT into Premiere – start the video at 0:20 to see how to import the .MOGRT into Rush.



There's an icon in both Premiere Pro and Rush that symbolizes the import of .MOGRT files. It's best to watch the video to see where the icon is and what it looks like! Don't worry, it's short.


Hope this helps! Feel free to private message me here on our community forums with any follow-up questions.



How to






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Dec 20, 2019 Dec 20, 2019

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Mogrts are amazing, and can be very simple or incredibly complex. Caroline's resources are great for getting going with this intriguing and fun process.


As a follow-on bit of instruction in Mogrt design/construction/deployement, there's also an ebook that Adobe provides free, written by master editor/everything Jarle Leirpoll ... this link is to the Adobe webiste where you download the book.


Leirpoll ebook: Making Mogrts


It goes into the process of designing mogrts in AfterEffects, both for the wider variety of effects available and for the ability to limit the Premiere editor's choices say for fonts or colors. This is crucial for deployement of mogrts/graphics within a corporate system where the company fonts and colors are absolutely nailed down.








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Valorous Hero ,
Jan 14, 2020 Jan 14, 2020

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An essential component of branding is differentiation. An Adobe After Effects MoGRT is the better solution for developing advanced, automated, pixel-perfect MoGRTs which are ideal for branding while also increasing productivity, lowering costs and allowing for consistent visual branding.


Here's a promo video I produced a short while ago to help introduce high-end MoGRTs to the corporate world.



Very Advanced After Effects Training | Adaptive & Responsive Toolkits | Intelligent Design Assets (IDAs) | MoGraph Design System DEV





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