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How to find Premiere working with Windows 7

New Here ,
Jan 25, 2020 Jan 25, 2020

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Dear community


Working on windows 7, I'm looking for the relevant Adobe Premiere Pro (2018) which could work on it. Unfortunately the lastest one doesn't work on window 7 but on W10. I would prefer to avoid windows 10 buy just to due to adobe premiere compatibility


Any possibility for me?


Thank you in advance for your return






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jan 25, 2020 Jan 25, 2020

I would prefer to avoid windows 10 buy just to due to adobe premiere compatibility


AFAIK upgrading Win 7 to Win 10 is still free. Last i heard one can just download Media Creation Tool from Microsoft and do a clean install of Win 10 and use the serialkey for Win 7.


More info and how-to upgrade: How To Upgrade To Windows 10 For Free In 2020


Community Expert ,
Jan 25, 2020 Jan 25, 2020

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Direct Download Links for Creative Cloud https://prodesigntools.com/tag/ddl
-please note that Adobe may remove the links to download older versions at any time
-so IF you find what you need, but sure to copy the download to an external drive




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New Here ,
Sep 27, 2020 Sep 27, 2020

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I didn't know they did this with CC. I've been running CS4 for a few years because I didn't want to pay monthly when I started my other job. And seriously, I ain't upgrading to Windows 10 just to run this one program.




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Community Expert ,
Jan 25, 2020 Jan 25, 2020

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I would prefer to avoid windows 10 buy just to due to adobe premiere compatibility


AFAIK upgrading Win 7 to Win 10 is still free. Last i heard one can just download Media Creation Tool from Microsoft and do a clean install of Win 10 and use the serialkey for Win 7.


More info and how-to upgrade: How To Upgrade To Windows 10 For Free In 2020




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New Here ,
Apr 22, 2020 Apr 22, 2020

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Do you think it will ever come out on windows 7?




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Community Expert ,
Apr 22, 2020 Apr 22, 2020

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No, there will be no future version of Premiere Pro with Windows 7 compability again.


Just curious, why are you clinging to Windows 7?




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 24, 2020 Apr 24, 2020

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not him, but for me I stick with 7 because I'm used to it and don't like windows 10's UI and how it force me to update mid-work




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Apr 24, 2020 Apr 24, 2020

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Unfortunately, you MUST upgrade to Wiundows 10 before you can run any currently up toi date programs:


  1. Microsoft's support for Windows 7 has now completely ended back on January 13. That means any newly discovered security holes in Windows 7 will remain permanently unpatched. And antivirus companies will completely cease supporting Windows 7 eventually.
  2. Windows 7 cannot utilize anywhere near the full capabilities of newer PCs (for example, any USB 3.2 ports may get capped to USB 2.0 levels of performance). In fact, newer PCs now require Windows 10 (as far as Windows is concerned) just to even run at all.


And Adobe, in this situation, had absolutely no choice whatsoever but to follow Microsoft's lead. That means that all new versions of its software will now officially support only those CPU platforms that were introduced during the Windows 10 era. It will no longer support those CPU platforms that were in existence prior to the advent of Windows 10. And Adobe had removed all versions of Premiere Pro that were compatible with older platforms and OSes in large part due to the limited-term licenses that third-party plugin companies impose on any "rental" software such as Premier Pro CC or later. All of those third-party companies that make the plugins that provide much of the functionality of those older versions of Premiere Pro strongly favor extremely-high-priced perpetual licenses over lower-cost rental licenses.




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New Here ,
Sep 25, 2020 Sep 25, 2020

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If I'm paying for it I should be able to use it. I have Windows 10 JUST for Premiere, After Effects, and Audition. I hate it. An old version exists and works, they just won't let me download it. That is bs.




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Community Expert ,
Apr 24, 2020 Apr 24, 2020

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not him, but for me I stick with 7 because I'm used to it and don't like windows 10's UI and how it force me to update mid-work

In Win 10 Pro one can pause updates for up to 35 days and you can change active hours as well so no required re-starts are made during those hours. Those options should be sufficient for all.




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Apr 24, 2020 Apr 24, 2020

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True of the Pro. Windows 10 Home, since the 1803 update, now allows you to pause automatic updates for up to the same 35 day span as the Pro. Previously, Windows 10 Home forced you to accept and install the updates in the middle of work; however, you could still pause the restart for a few hours.




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Engaged ,
Sep 25, 2020 Sep 25, 2020

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> Just curious, why are you clinging to Windows 7?


Windows 10 isn't an operating system, it's a joke, a travesty, a sham, a mockery. (Even its name is bogus, since they skipped Windows 9.) Almost every single thing about 10 it is worse than 7. I could spend hours listing things I hate about it, but the two biggest reasons are:


1. Ugly interface

As an interface designer, the design of the interface is EVERYTHING to me. And Windows 10's interface is utterly hideous. For example, the windows don't even have borders. Everything looks so cheap and flimsy. Then you have "live tiles" - a disgusting, badly-designed, disorganized mess of chaotic shapes and colors. Plus, Windows 10 has such garish bright colors. I want an OS that looks sensible, professional, and provides a neutral platform for me to run my programs on, but Windows 10 looks like it's screaming for attention.


Then there's movement/animation in the Start Menu! Just looking at it makes me feel sick. The whole thing looks like it's aimed at trying to entertain pre-schoolers. There is no way on earth I would ever consider downgrading to something so ugly.


2. No privacy

Unlike most people these days, I value my privacy. Windows 10 completely abolished user privacy - it sends logs of everything you do to Microsoft, including logging all your keystrokes, sending a list of all the sites you visit back to Microsoft, and hacking your webcam, sending videos back to Microsoft. I would never install an operating system like that!


In 2016 it became apparent that Microsoft have become unscrupulous when they forced every Windows 7 user to downgrade to Windows 10 against our wishes. We had months of nag screens, which could not be turned off, before eventaully having the new operating system being AUTOMATICALLY DOWNLOADED and installed without our permission! Around the same time, they also began installing telemetry updates on Windows 7 machines to spy on users. Since this incident, I would never trust any new Microsoft operating system.


Another way that Windows 10 destroys privacy is by being far more "online" than Windows 7. Here in Windows 7, the only program that has access to the internet is my web browser. That is my gateway to the outside world, and I guard that carefully. I know that anything I do in my web browser is 'public' and everything esle is 'private'.

But in Windows 10, the entire operating system connects to the internet - it even "synchs" so you can run it on a different computer. The division between 'offline' and 'online' is broken down, with the user losing his sense of personal privacy. It's as though Microsoft are trying to eradicate the concept of privacy and want everyone to consider their computers "public". That is absolutely NOT what I want from an operating system! I want connecting to the internet to be a CHOICE I make, not the default state of my computer!


Windows 7 is a great operating system with almost nothing wrong with it. There are a small number of minor shortcomings, like the terrible search function. Microsoft had ten years to fix/improve these shortcomings, but could not be bothered and ignored users' requests. Nevertheless, the shortcomings are easily worked around, sometimes with third party software.


Windows 10 DOES have a couple of neat features (like a 4-way Aero Snap) - but these are incredibly simple features which Microsoft could easily have added to Windows 7 with a few lines of code. It's not something you build an entirely new Operating system for. And Windows 10's "Snap Assist" is incredibly irritating.

Then, Windows 10 comes bundled with a program called Cortana. The ONLY reason Windows 7 doesn't have this program is because Microsoft have deliberately refused to relase a Windows 7 version, which they could easily do. Not to mention, Cortana is nothing but a gimmick. No one uses it. You're not going to plug your microphone in just to effectively Google something verbally. It's clumsy. And if anyone left their microphone plugged in constantly, they should expect their every word to be sent back to Microsoft - not a good idea!


Windows 10 brings support for lots of things I have no interest in such as videogames, Skpye, multiple desktops, "synching", and touch-screen. I have no interest in such things! I don't play videogames. I don't use webcams. I only have one computer. And I hate touch screens with a loathing. Why would anyone want to reach over and touch the screen when you have a keyboard and mouse!?


The only major 'upgrade' I have ever wanted for Windows was a faster boot time. To this day, Microsoft have never offered this, and Windows 10 still takes just as long to boot as ever.


There's no way I'm swapping Windows 7 for a piece of junk like Windows 10 which spies on you. Never!

I just can't understand how Windows 10 has become so popular when it's so obviously a downgrade, and so alarmingly non-private.


It is very unfortunate that Adobe no longer Support Windows 7, and it means that the time will come (soon) when I won't be paying Adobe another penny, and will fall back exclusively on old copies of software, as I am doing now with Premiere Pro.




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New Here ,
Sep 25, 2020 Sep 25, 2020

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So true. In fact didn't DHS have to issue like a level 10 threat (the highest there is) because Microsoft released an upgrade with a huge security flaw that could compromise national security? Yet they force us to switch - pshht. 


Just FYI I have 30 second boot times with Windows 8 and an SSD. 10 boots in like 45 but takes forever to load startup programs even with everything but MS disabled... yay, "progress"




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Sep 28, 2020 Sep 28, 2020

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This means that I am considering cancellation of my subscription within the last month of my annual period, and ditching Windows completely as Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft any more. Any security holes affecting Windows 7 will no longer be fixed at all.


Plus, Windows 7 does not play nice at all with even USB 3.2 Gen 1x1, let alone USB 3.2 Gen 2x2. In fact, available USB 3.0 drivers for Windows 7 restrict maximum transfer rate to only 200 MB/s for writes.




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Sep 28, 2020 Sep 28, 2020

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I forgot to mention that Windows 7 does not properly support USB 3.x's UASP mode; its USB 3.x support is limited to USB 2.0-like BOT even with third-party drivers.




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 06, 2021 Jan 06, 2021

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1. Windows 7 does support m.2. nvme drives, USB 3.0 and even 3.1 speeds using the GIGABYTE Windows 7 tool.

2. Yes Windows 7 will run on modern PCs if you use above mentioned software "GIGABYTE Tool"

3. Research for 1 or so hour about how to get free Microsoft official Windows 7 extended security patches. These are official MS patches. You can get them for free through illicit methods, and it's technically not pirating as the same updates are available for free in Windows 10... think about it like that...

4. Everything i use (500 or so programs) support Windows 7 except for stupid creative cloud suite




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Community Expert ,
Jan 25, 2021 Jan 25, 2021

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11 Free Tools To Disable And Stop Windows 10 From Spying And Tracking You


(Note that Windows 7 also has telemetry/tracking.)




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