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Hello All!
I keep getting this error when I drag and drop any motion graphics piece into my timeline on my PC.
A window with the header "Motion Graphics Template Import Error" pops up and says Motion Graphics Template is Corrupt.
Do any of you folks know the solution to this?
I have deleted all filed from my AppData>Roaming>Adobe>Common>Essential Graphics folder....but what next.
Thanks in advance for you help and tips
1 Correct answer
Alright! We finally got an in-house repro!! Whew! I've been chasing this ghost in the machine for quite awhile! It looks like the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media
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Maybe jstrawn​ might be able to assist ... I've not seen that before.
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I emailed him with this issue - thanks for the headsup!
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I did have a weird thing and an Adobe Stock free mogrt a couple days back. Had it go to one of my CC Libraries, and it was grey there ... and wouldn't "load". Said was incompatible. Downloaded to the local EGP folder, worked perfectly. Weird. I've got others in the Library working fine.
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I just realized that we use the 2018 version of Premiere its fine but the moment we use the 2019 version this error with importing any motion graphics template (be it Adobe or third party) props up and becomes 100% unsuable.
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"Downloaded to the local EGP folder, worked perfectly" - how do you download it to local EGP folder (what's EGP)?
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Essential Graphics Panel.
This uses both mogrts in CC Libraries and those in the local graphics folder on a drive in your computer.
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I'm running into this issue as well. A Motion Graphic that I regularly use is suddenly "corrupt" in Premiere 2019. This is a motion graphic template I got off of Adobe Stock, not some random website and I use it very often. It worked earlier this week in 2019, now suddenly today it just will not. I cannot seem to delete the original instance of it in Premiere to wipe it out and reinstall. I did go re-download it from Adobe Stock and imported it into Premiere. Premiere prompts me that this template is already installed and would I like to overwrite it. I overwrite it, and it still says it is corrupt when I try to use it.
Anyone find a fix for this? It is really frustrating how much stuff seems to break with each update of Premiere.
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Does this happen in all projects or just this one?
If you haven't used it in a different project, create a new project and try to use that mogrt.
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In my case it is MANY projects. It is hit or miss. Some times (for no apparent rhyme or reason) the templates do not work. Some times only ONE template does not work. Most commonly it is the one Template I've had the longest and use the most (of course). New projects, new sequences, nothing makes a difference.
Right now I'm working on a Project and NO motion graphics templates will load. Not any of the ones I've purchased and added, not even the pre-loaded ones that come with Adobe Premiere. ZERO are functional right now.
I'm using Version 13.1.1 by the way. Just to head that off at the pass.
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Wow ... that is screwy.
Have to think about this for more ideas.
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What if you open that mogrt in after effects 2019 and re-export it from there?
Then use the new exported mogrt in premiere pro..
Please try this and let us know what happens
Open Motion Graphics templates as a project
To edit your After Effects Motion Graphics template (.mogrt files), you can open them in After Effects as a Project file. After you edit the template, re-export it as a .mogrt file.
To open a Motion Graphics template as a project, use the following steps:
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I've tried that and it didn't make any difference.
Last night I uninstalled Premiere Pro (with "yes remove app preferences" checked) and then reinstalled it. Before doing so NO Mogrts were working at all. Now they are all working again. However it didn't delete any of my app preferences as I indicated it should.
I've done this before in relation to this Mogrt issue so I'm only expecting this to be a temporary fix (as it has been before). But we shall see.
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if it happens again, trash your preferences
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Did you figure this out? Im having the same issue and tried all the same tips Im seeing everywhere i even uninstalled and reinstalled PP and updated it.
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Ahh ... you jumped into multiple old posts. Not always the best way to get a result. Typically after reading through older posts, I would suggest posting a new thread.
There's some key information here "we" would need to start troubleshooting this.
Which number-dot-number version of Premiere are you using, found in the Help/About menu. I'm on 13.1.5.
And which "place" are you grabbing mogrts from? I'm presuming the EGP Browsing panel, but ... local folder, library, Adobe Stock, what?
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Alright! We finally got an in-house repro!! Whew! I've been chasing this ghost in the machine for quite awhile! It looks like the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media folder inside of folders with a Unique ID that also has a really long string of characters. It throws Windows over the edge to where it doesn't recognize the file path as valid.
We are looking into a workaround on our end but in the meantime, I found this article that shows where you can go in Win 10 to change this limitation.
You can also open Project Settings and change the Motion Graphics Template Media Scratch Disk to a new location with fewer nested folders or closer to the root.
I have not been able to reproduce this issue on a Mac though. It looks to be specific to Windows. But if you are experiencing this issue on Mac please reach out 🙂
Hope this is helpful!
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Dacia, awesome work.
So ... anytime somone gets a corrupted mogrts message, the first thing to check is how deep a folder tree is used in their system for those files ... easy to remember.
Easy to advise also.
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I know right! I'm so relieved that we finally cracked that mystery!
Hopefully we'll get a fix in the works soon. But in the meantime, yes setting the Motion Graphics Templates Media Scratch Disk folder (in the project settings) to a folder that is closer to the root is clutch. Basically, if the folder file path name has more than 260 characters, Windows Explorer will block the creation of the folders where the project stores related aegraphics. Those have to exist for Premiere to be able to use the Mogrt.
Hopefully users will be able to remove that limitation easily though in the meantime (if they need to have a really complex folder structure).
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TLDR SOLUTION RUN PremierePro.exe AS ADMIN (later edit)
I don't think that's the issue (path too long for windows explorer). See my attachment! The path to the files are short.
I've in/wasted an entire day trying to figure this out.
Adobe has NO support and seeing all posts in the "adobe support community" regarding this issue makred as Solved feels unfair.
Later Edit (TLDR? run as admin):
A simple thing I missed is to check the permissions of Premiere Pro and the user account under whom the process is running. But before this I decided to run Premiere Pro as admin (I remember changing this in the exe properties but not after todays update) and this solved my problem.
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Wow, Dacia, this is a pretty major realization. I'm wondering how many of our unsolvable mogrts queries of the last couple years were due to this!
Between this, and the realization that when the Dynamic Link process is croaking, shutting down the apps, renaming the Dynamic Link Server folder, then restarting ... fixes most DL issues.
Two major steps forward in debugging user troubles.
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I am getting this same error for a "call out" motion graphics pack on a brand new MacBook Pro 16".
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Where did you get that pack? And have you communicated with them to see if they have suggestions? Which version of Premiere are you running?