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If I use the text function to insert text under the graphics menu and then want to switch back to the selection cursor to place the text where I want it on the clip, I can't find a consistent way to make the cursor switch out of its text cursor configuration. There has to be an easier way to do this than randomly clicking around in the effects panel while holding the Command key, which seems to work occasionally.
This has to be the easiest question ever posted in the forum, but it is driving me crazy. Thanks for the help!
I press ESC to escape from text creation and then press V to return to the Selection tool. Then, you can usually do what you want, which might be to manipulate the position of the text or to change a parameter/control.
You can also press the Selection tool.
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You have to click somewhere in a panel outside the Program or Text/EGP panels to be able to go from text entering mode to keyboard-shortcut mode. Which is a bit of a pain. Personally, I HATE having to grab the mouse at that time, but it's necessary.
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I press ESC to escape from text creation and then press V to return to the Selection tool. Then, you can usually do what you want, which might be to manipulate the position of the text or to change a parameter/control.
You can also press the Selection tool.
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Thanks to everyone who answered! Stupid, isn't it?
I actually found an answer: click on the selection tool in the Tools panel! Duh! Yes, you have to touch the mouse, but at least it works.
What frosts me is that I could not find the answer to this question no matter how I structured the text in the search engine.
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That works, sorry if we didn't suggest the obvious.
I usually use ESC + V. Not trying to be pedantic, but this keyboard shortcut combination is akin to clicking on the Selection tool, which is the overall solution. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
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I have never heard of shortcuts in Premiere Pro including the ESC button. Do you mean CTRL?
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Hi @Stigert,
ESC + V does work to deselect the tool. Not sure how I even know this. Correct, it's not a normal keyboard shortcut but it works so....
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Are you sure you're not just pressing V, while the ESC is irrelevant?
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Edited to make the solution more clear:
Press ESC to exit text editing mode, after that press V to switch to the Selection Tool.
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Ooh, you're talking about ESC followed by V, not a shortcut combination
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Yes: ESC followed by V.
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Is that working for you @Stig Andre244063184oo7?
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I just showed that you are wrong, and you go ahead and mark it as a "solution" 😄 Esc + V is not a valid shortcut.
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Hey @Stig Andre35695186yt0z , Kevin was asking you if my solution worked for you (Esc followed by V).
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Oh, sorry. Yes, you corrected Kevin correctly.
As for the original question in this thread, the answer would be:
You have to enable the Selection Tool (or another tool) in the Tool panel. The shortcut for the Selection Tool is "V"
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Actually, the solution is in exiting the text editing mode by pressing ESC, just as Ann said in the first place, then you will be able to press other shortcuts to switch to other tools.
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Yes, or by just clicking "Selection Tool". I was just pointing out that the answer that is marked as "solution" is wrong, because Esc+V is not a shortcut. No Adobe shortcuts includes Esc to my knowledge.
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