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I've been trying to import a stream VOD I recorded with OBS 26.0.2 that has multiple audio tracks. I confirmed in VLC that the VOD has 6 tracks with different audio sources in each one for ease of editing. However, when I import it into Premiere 14.6, only the first audio track is detected by Premiere. I'm at a loss for what to do and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
i7 6700
GTX 1060
Premiere Pro v14.6 (build 51)
OBS v26.0.2
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Is it 1 track with 6 channels or 6 tracks each with one channel?
Right click the clip in the porject panel and choose Modify>Audio Channels. How many channels appear here?
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It is 6 stereo tracks with one video track recorded in OBS. I can confirm in VLC there are 6 selectable audio tracks that have different audio sources in them but when I import the clip into Premiere Pro, it only sees the one "master" audio track. This is reflected in the "Audio Channels" window.
Premiere Pro:
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I have the same problem. My OBS video has 3 tracks, but when I import it to Premiere Pro, it only shows 1. Did you solve this problem?
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Try changing the Number of Clips to 3 or more... Better yet, change to mono and set to 6.
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Double-check that "Default Audio Tracks" in Preferences is set to "Use File." Even though it's in the Timeline panel, it does affect the clip when imported. If that doesn't work, you can force the channels to be independent mono tracks by changing that setting to "mono". Change all four just in case PP thinks the file is multichannel. Then, Re-import the clips.
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If Premiere Pro is not seeing the audio tracks in the movie file as expected, you may need to extract the audio tracks to AIF or WAV files and then sync them back up in the Premiere Pro Timeline. You'll need to do the extract in an application that sees the audio tracks as expected.