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Interaction between Effect Controls and Essential Graphics panels

Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2018 Jun 13, 2018

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I'm learning new features of Premiere Pro CC 2018 so I made a title, following instructions on some YouTube videos:   I used the Text Tool to create some title text, then I did Window->Essential Graphics -> Edit to adjust the font, color size and position, etc.

Then I wanted to scroll it.  But no scrolling controls in EG.   Mr Google helped me find tutorials that said I had to use the Effect Controls like we did in the old legacy titles.    But when I went to Windows->Effect Controls, something odd happened.   This is what it looked like BEFORE I brought up the Effects Controls panel.  Notice that Essential Graphics is populated with lots of controls . . .



... and this is what it looked like AFTER . . .


. . .  Lots of the controls that WERE in Essential Graphics have been moved to Effect Controls.  (also my playback panel disappeared!)   The Essential Graphics panel is almost empty!    Not only that, but if I do a Close Panel on Effect Controls they don't come back - Essential Graphics STAYS almost empty!

... I also don't like the ways my panels got moved around on the screen and when I closed the Effect Controls panel everything was all different from how I had it before -  how do I restore my panels?

Thanks in advance!




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Jun 13, 2018 Jun 13, 2018

First ... if you click on the text in the Program monitor, the text is "active", and the EGP shows the controls for the text. Click in the Program monitor outside the text, and you get the view with other controls. Such as Roll.

Look again at my image, top of the screen, the Workspace bar. Which shows the EGP tab highlighted (blue) therefore is the present workspace. And the right side panel is the EGP. Notice it says Essential Graphics at the top?

As to opening new panels, I've never noted a logi



Jun 13, 2018 Jun 13, 2018

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I can't tell what workspace you were in working with the EGP ... were you in the EGP workspace?

This is how my EGP workspace appears ...

Note, the ECP (Effects Control Panel) is open on the left side of the Program monitor, and the EGP on the right. If yours isn't showing this way, I'd suggest you go to your EGP workspace, set things up like this, and save that workspace.

As to roll, well ... in my EGP panel right now is the same thing as your second image ... not the checkbox at the bottom of the EGP panel? with "roll" next to it? Check that, and you get a roll. There are a ton of tutorials on using this, and it's pretty easy. Type your text line by line, hitting the "enter" key after each line of text, or say two "enter" taps if you want wider spacing. You control the speed by how long the graphic is on the timeline. So after setting your lines of text, see how it plays, and adjust the length of the graphic to change playback speed.

Some folks still prefer to make rolls by graphics from Photoshop, animated by the ECP panel.

Either way works.

And you can have two or more segments of text side-by-side of course.





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Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2018 Jun 13, 2018

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I don't see an Essential Graphics panel in your picture so I'm not following what you're saying.

I started off in an editing workspace which basically just had my program monitor in the upper right, the timeline underneath it, and the media browser to its left. and and the Effects panel above that in the upper left.

Then as I explained, I did Window -> Essential Graphics, which put the EGP on the right as shown in my first picture, populated with its set of controls. 

Then in the second picture I brought up the ECP which "stole" a bunch of controls that had been in the EGP as seen in my second picture (and covered over my program monitor!)

As to roll, well ... in my EGP panel right now is the same thing as your second image ... not the checkbox at the bottom of the EGP panel? with "roll" next to it?

And that's another thing that's confusing.  Where did that  "Roll" thingy come from?   It wasn't there in the first picture.   It only appeared when I opened the ECP panel in the second picture.  What's up with that?   Here's a picture from the web of an Essential Graphics panel like my first one... https://i.ytimg.com/vi/La0GNNq0Jzw/maxresdefault.jpg  ... no "Roll" in it -  where does that come from?

I wouldn't mind so much except that when I did a "close panel" on the ECP the EGP was left denuded.     Our parents taught us to clean up behind ourselves -  when Premiere Pro rearranges my screen with a new panel then when I close that panel why can't it leave my layout the way it found it?!

Also, what determines, when you open a new panel from the Window menu, where it's going to put the new panel, and how do you "undo" the way it rearranged things when you close it? 




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Jun 13, 2018 Jun 13, 2018

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First ... if you click on the text in the Program monitor, the text is "active", and the EGP shows the controls for the text. Click in the Program monitor outside the text, and you get the view with other controls. Such as Roll.

Look again at my image, top of the screen, the Workspace bar. Which shows the EGP tab highlighted (blue) therefore is the present workspace. And the right side panel is the EGP. Notice it says Essential Graphics at the top?

As to opening new panels, I've never noted a logic to where they appear. Sigh ...

Your workspace looks like it's all custom, as the built-in ones tend to have multiple tabs or windows per panel. Is that the case?

The EGP is designed around the concept of using the EGP to control creating most text items, and the ECP to control animations of those items especially over time. So I'm used to the ECP showing as one of the tabs in the upper left pane in the base EGP. I like having both the Effects panel and the ECP visible for graphics, so I dragged the ECP out of the upper left panel and created a new panel between the upper left panel and the program monitor.

Then saved that workspace so it is my 'default' EGP workspace.





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Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2018 Jun 13, 2018

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Look again at my image, top of the screen, the Workspace bar. Which shows the EGP tab highlighted (blue) therefore is the present workspace. And the right side panel is the EGP. Notice it says Essential Graphics at the top?

Actually no, it's cropped on Adobe's website in my browser in the middle of your program panel.  If I right click on it and download the .png file I can see it now in an image viewer on my PC.   I'm surprised that Adobe doesn't put a scrollbar or something under the image to tell us when they're cropping it, like they do on Stack Exchange.   That actually raises an interesting question - how do ANY of us know when we're posting images what other people here are seeing?

But I see what you mean about Essential Graphics having two different feature sets depending on where you last clicked.  If I click on the text in the Program panel I get the stuff in the first picture.   To get the one with "Roll" in it, I can't just click on the graphic track; I FIRST have to click on some other track in the timeline, THEN click on the graphic track.    I'm confused about why EGP has these two different appearances, why isn't ROLL built into the same set of controls as Font and Color and Position, etc?

I'm finding Premiere Pro to be confusing, inconsistent, and ideosyncratic but I'll mark your response as the "Answer" even though I fail to see Adobe's reasoning.




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Jun 13, 2018 Jun 13, 2018

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The first controls are all text related controls.

The intro/autro/roll controls are animation controls.

And as soon as I click anywhere outside a text box or graphic on the Program monitor, I get the roll control screen.

All of which makes sense: when you select the text, you get text controls ... font, justification, all that. When you select the screen itself, you get the animation controls. It's just that it's not necessarily obvious at first. A lot of the EGP is like that ... it's not obvious at first, but as you learn to use it, you start to see the reasoning behind things.

In Firefox on my computer, I can see the whole image of yours and mine. Occasionally someone posts one large enough I can't see it on my screen, but there are always scroll bars on either/both axis to move around the image. And of course, this ... stupid ... forum software is by Jive, not Adobe. Many of us would like them to use about any forum platform but Jive.





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