Thank you Bill and Jeff - and Neil! What is different about my test is that this specific avi clip, in a brand new encore project, creates a pgc error on my system. I am completely open to discovering I have done something wrong, but what can be wrong? System issues are likely, but how would they interact with a particular avi file. Note again that I completed a project last week (not with this avi file) that contained animated buttons, multiple timelines, correctly replaced assets, etc., burned without a hitch.
If someone who does get the pgc error would be willing to do my Test 1 in post 10, I would be interested in your results.
Jeff, just for the record, you added a couple extras to the type project I set up, by using a motion menu and animated button - both factors that result in the pgc error for some users. I used the same options as you did, and still got the pgc error.
But it got me thinking. You did not mention whether you set this up for an auto transcode with max rate 8, as I had. I changed my transcode setting for this avi (ie. my test 1) to cbr 4.5, and ... built with no problem. I do not have time to track this down just yet, but makes me wonder. A quick look at the transcoded file with mpeg bitrate parser shows a rate spike at the very end -max rate 27,000. I seem to remember discussion that this tool was showing an error. The 4.5cbr file has the same type of pattern, but peaks at 16,000. I don't see where to examine this down to the frame level (only seconds), but I wonder if the point at which this spike occurs is the same as the time of the pgc error. One of my files from the project finished last week (longer - 3 minutes) had a peak of 8,058 using this tool - i.e. correct.
Is there a better tool to examine this? Is there a comparable tool for avis?
Neil, I am able to demonstrate the pgc error/no pgc error by deleting the xmpses file before importing the same m2v a3c files into a new project. Any idea what may be at work?
I believe my tests eliminate the asset swapping issues, and I don't know what could cause these problems in terms of system issues.