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issue with timecode in exported srt from a 24p sequence

Community Expert ,
Jul 24, 2021 Jul 24, 2021

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So I'm working on a complex project for blu-ray and dvd.  I shot an interview with the director at 24p and then had premiere 15 transcribe it and create a caption track.  I then exported the srt and sent it to the director to do a paper cut along with a mp4 with a timecode burn in.  The timecode in the srt does not match the timecode of the mp4 with a timecode burn in.  Looks like it's got about a 6 second disparity after about 90 minutes.   another video at 29.97 seems fine.  Am I being dense?    And if I reimport the srt, the timecode is the same as in the mp4 (and the camera original sequence).   I suppose I could have dropped the camera original into a 29.97 sequence but would like to know what's going on.  


thanks as always

Michael Grenadier

Editing , Error or problem , Export , Import




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Community Expert ,
Jul 24, 2021 Jul 24, 2021

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A variety of timecode sync issues have been reported, pre- and post-PR 2021. I have tried various tests, but often have not found a good method. In part this is because it often takes longer sequences to demonstrate the problem, and I do not have samples in various framerates to test.


By 24fps, do you mean 23.986? Or actual 24? Double check your sequence setting; does it match? Double check your mp4 export; does it match?


I don't understand the srt not matching and then matching again after imported to PR. Open the srt in a text editor and compare the timecodes to the Text Panel and timeline timecodes. (I would ignore the milliseconds/frames.)







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Community Expert ,
Jul 24, 2021 Jul 24, 2021

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Thanks Stan for posting.  yeah, 24p is 23.976.  been doing this a very long time.  so just to go over the workflow.  I've got about a 90 minute shoot (at 23.976fps) dropped in a timeline (also 23.976).  I had premiere do a transcription and then created a caption track using this transcription.  Within Premiere, everything is kosher (particularly appropriate given the subject of this documentary, it's about a holocaust survivorsrt textedit view.pngsrt imported back in.pngsequence settings.pngtimeline.png).    I've attached screen shots of the sequence settings, and the premiere interface showing the  timecode of the sequence, the timeline and the caption panel.  Everything's... "kosher".   And I've attached a screen shot of the the end of the srt file for the caption and you can see it's about 6 seconds off...    And then I duplicated the sequence, deleted the caption track and then imported the srt.  And everything's kosher.  Am I being stupid.   




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Participant ,
Sep 24, 2023 Sep 24, 2023

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I had this same problem and it drove me crazy. It has to do with the fact that an SRT file is always at 30 frames per second. So when you export an SRT from Premiere or Resolve, even if your sequence settings are 23.976, the SRT will always be at 30 frames per second no matter what.




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