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Hi, the color is not the same after uploading on YouTube
Lagarith Export (Original) :
Lagarith Upload on YouTube :
Why does this happen?
what is the solution ?
Thank you
1 Correct answer
As per knowledge Youtube converts your video into mp4 with H.264...so export the video from premiere pro using youtube presets instead of using the AVI with lagarthi codec
You see the change in color due to conversation done by youtube into mp4 with h.264
See youtube help for codec informatio - Recommended upload encoding settings - YouTube Help
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Hello, can you provide some more details, for example on the format of the video, the size, the quality, the bitrate ...?

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Hello, No problem
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I've never used the Lagarith codec.
However I see some strange parameters in the settings:
• 1 FPS?
• quality 100?
• and the output file is 16bit
In my opinion, it could have something to do with colors, for example when Premiere must interpolate between the frames (1 FPS) and a 16bit depth.

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• 1 FPS because it's only a image, (no video)
• Quality 100 (i can't change this settings)
• 16-bit audio, (audio cd quality is 16-bit / 44100)
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Ok sorry I did not read the part of the audio well.
At this point I would check the settings of the codec, not knowing it I can not say what could interfere with the color range, but apparently there could be the cause of the difference with the original.
Have you tried to click on "match sequence settings"?
Or I should see the settings of the sequence you've created in time-line.
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As per knowledge Youtube converts your video into mp4 with H.264...so export the video from premiere pro using youtube presets instead of using the AVI with lagarthi codec
You see the change in color due to conversation done by youtube into mp4 with h.264
See youtube help for codec informatio - Recommended upload encoding settings - YouTube Help
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