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Latest premiere, lagging on latest mac studio max.

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Jul 12, 2022 Jul 12, 2022

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I just got a new mac studio, because it was a disaster to edit on my last pc. Now I installed all the latest adobe sofwares, I wanted to test with a clean project, however today I had to reedit a project which I started on windows on a earlier but still v22 premiere (the one before the new export update).

It was a disaster, a TON of error messages even under the export process. The playback is laggy, no real time window opening on the top bar, I thought maybe because it was on the ssd. Than I throwed a canon r5c raw footage on the internal memory, in the timeline, color corrected and tested the playback, after 10-15 min, the project started to move extremely slow.


I want to ask if this laggy software response is because of the big update? I dont like at all the new export and import interface. Could be a solution to downgrade to the version before this, which could be much more reliable? If I downgrade do I need to downgrade the media encoder and after effects. audition? Or if I keep the v22 main version, than all su version will be compatible?

Editing , Error or problem , Performance




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Community Expert ,
Jul 12, 2022 Jul 12, 2022

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***Regarding laggy playback:


As a test, make a duplicate a Sequence of your Canon R5C Rawc cliips.  Change the " Copy 01" part fo the Sequence name to " ProRes".


In the duplciate ProRes Sequence, select all of the clips (command A), right-click any one of the Clip Boundaries and choose "Render and Replace".




In the Render and Replace dialog box, choose Individual Clips to be converted to QuickTime using the Match Source - Apple ProRes 422 HQ preset (if tight on stroage space, choose ProRes 422 LT).




When that's complete, choose Sequence > Sequence Settings and change the Video Previews to QuickTime Apple ProRes 422 HQ.


To get the Render Status lines to refresh (the Yellow, Red, and Green lines along the Timeline Ruler), close the Timeline panel and then open it again.


ProRes source in a ProRes Timeline should be very responsive.


This should work very well, especially if your Canon R5C Raw clips are 8K.  To transcode all of your source, insert all of your full Canon R5C Raw clips using from Media Start to Media End and do Render and Replace again.





***Regarding rolling back to an older version


Yes, we need to install corresponding versions of Premiere Pro, After Effects, Adobe Media Encoder, and Audition for Adobe Dynamic Link to work.  It's not as important for Photoshop and Illustrator, but it's a best practice to use like versions across the board.  The corrresponding verison of Media Encoder will install with Premiere Pro or After Effects.  Also, it's possible to have more than one version of these applications installed side-by-side.  Premiere Pro project files are version specific, but After Effects project files are backwards compatible down to After Effects CC 2019.




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Jul 12, 2022 Jul 12, 2022

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Thank you for your help. Well I'm not going to edit 8k raw on this, it was just a stress test. But can you help me, where can I find the latest premiere version before the import/export panel redesign? I think that was the latest stable version on my old PC.

!!!!! Also another even more imortant question which I forgot somehow!!!!!!!.  

Why I can't import my older shortcuts into premire? It says because its from and older version which is obvious, but this makes no sense, until now I managed to import since 2019. Isn't the windows vs mac kys file incompatibility a problem? I dont even know which are my own and which are the default hotkeys, if it does not let me to import my personalized shortcuts probably will be the final nail in the coffin. Hope someone could help me out with this.




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Jul 12, 2022 Jul 12, 2022

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A lot of PCs are having issues as well. The CPU and GPU usage does not scale like it should as scene in the video link below. 




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Participant ,
Jul 14, 2022 Jul 14, 2022

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Edited my first clip, a 40 min interview c200 eosR5c, 4k, long gop, it was ok, no problems this time, no frezes or crashes, BUT unfortunatey still getting error messages about retriving frames... even under export it shows error messages. All fottage was on the internal ssd, IDK what that error means but its weird.




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