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did anyone check the Markers feature or are you using markers @adobe to mark things?
I don´t know how you use it.
It´s unuseble really no joke.
If you apply a marke to a clip in the timeline. the software applies one marker to the video
but more is yet to come: It also applies to every audio layer one marker? Why?
Can someone explain this feature?
I would expect that when I select video, I get video marker .
With audio selected I would expect audio markers.
What sens does it make that every layer of video and Audio gets a marker.
This seems to happen because audio and video is linked.
If I add material on V2 or V3 the markers are applied only to the videolayer.
Here is a video to illustrate the "feature"
kind regards Peter
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When you realize there is nothing lacking,
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2 Correct answers
Do a quick double-tap M ... once to set a marker, the second tap pops up the dialog box. I've thought it would be nice to just hit M and bring up dialog also, but many who use markers for say cutting points do NOT want that behavior. They go down a line hitting M to the beat of their soundtrack, then drop clips in cut to the marker points.
You can of course set markers to different colors ... in the Markers dialog and Markers panel. Or ... there are eight marker colors you can assign to keybo
...Hovering over a Marker currently shows Name, Timecode and Description.
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but the Overlays in the Source and Program show Markers by default, but this can be change by the editor.
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There are no separate audio and video markers. The reason you're seeing markers on every clip is because the video and audio are linked together – see the (V) and (A) at the end of each clip name on the timeline. Adding a marker to a clip's video track will also add it to the audio tracks regardless of whether you have them selected, because they're linked.
JVK | Editor/Designer/Software Instructor. Pr, Ae, Ch, Ps, Ai, Id
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Hey ,
I have checked that.
but that is not correct.
if I deactivate the sync feature it still happens.
why is that ?
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Sync is for specifying how clips in other tracks will or will not ripple when perfomring edits in the Timeline.
Since it's not something that control Clip selection, it does not affect adding Markers.
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Premiere's markers are something that takes a bit of practice ... first, there are clip markers and sequence/timeline markers.
If you have a clip selected, you get a clip marker when hitting the M key. If you don't have a clip selected, you get a Sequence/Timeline marker when hitting the M key.
Clip markers are for that timecode spot on the clip; move the clip, the marker moves.
Sequence/Timeline markers are for the timecode on the sequence, and stay at that timecode no matter what happens to the clips of the sequence.
Clip markers are attached to clips. If a clip had audio, even if you unlink it, and then add a clip marker both the audio and video will have markers.
However, if you add a clip marker to an item that never had the other, such as an added audio track or say graphics item, then the clip marker will only be attached to that item.
You can get duration sequence markers by holding down the Alt key, and grabbing an upper corner of the now-split marker.
Set duration for clip markers by the duration control in the dialog for the clip marker. Hit M once to create the clip, a second time to open the Marker dialog, and you can then set a duration for it.
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Hey R_Neil,
I post this video here to show you one aproach to markers.
I know different App , but maybe we can adapt something of the good things we see here-
1. when adding a marker: why does the text field not pop up?
Can we alter this?
2. when the CTR is over a marker: Why dont we see the little comment that is attached?
Can we do that?
x Would you like to have this feature?
x Do you like the feature?
x Do you find this disturbing?
3. Wouldn´t it be nice if we can have different markes on the fly.
The red makers are for; good
the green for: left to right
the yellow are for: right to left
pink are for: don´t use
thanxs for making this app enjoyable.
ps. I use the markers a lot. that is why I am complaining here and trying to get some reactions.
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As I'm sure you've noticed, Premiere Pro offers 8 Marker colors. Some of the colors are mapped to the Marker Type, but this can be changed in the Marker Settings dialog box.
Green is for a Comment Marker.
When you use Markers > Add Marker (M), you're adding a Comment Marker on the fly.
Red is for a Chapter Marker.
To add a Chapter Marker on the fly, you need to use the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box to map a custom Shortcut to "Add Chapter Marker...".
Pink is for a Segmentation Marker.
Currently, "Add Segmentation Marker..." does not appear in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box.
Orange is for a Web Link Marker.
Currently, "Add Web Link Marker..." does not appear in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box.
Yellow is for a Flash Cue Point Marker.
To add a Flash Cue Point Marker on the fly, you need to use the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box to map a custom Shortcut to "Add Flash Cue Point Marker...".
As far as using Markers for "good", "left to right", "right to left" and "don't use", that's what Labels are for. In the Keyboard Shortcut dialog box, you can set a Shortcut for each of the 16 Label colors.
Personally, if I could change anything about Markers, I would love to see a "Prelude Marker Mode" that works while in Premiere Pro without having to manually switch over to Prelude. You have Subclip Marker and Comment Marker as well as Unassigned Markers and as you add them a text field appears in the Timeline for text entry - removing the need to go to a separate dialog box as we do in Premiere Pro. Also, it also defaults to a Marker Range as they are applied. It would also be amazing to be able to copy, cut and paster markers between clips in Premiere Pro, Prelude, Audition and After Effects.
Being able to completely customize Markers is a great feature request for the Adobe User-Voice pages for Premiere Pro (if not already there).
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I'm sorry if this is a very basic question, but I cannot seem to find it online anywhere. What exactly is a "Flash Cue Point"?
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Flash Cue Points are a time index that can be referenced in Adobe Animate (formerly Adobe Flash).
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Do a quick double-tap M ... once to set a marker, the second tap pops up the dialog box. I've thought it would be nice to just hit M and bring up dialog also, but many who use markers for say cutting points do NOT want that behavior. They go down a line hitting M to the beat of their soundtrack, then drop clips in cut to the marker points.
You can of course set markers to different colors ... in the Markers dialog and Markers panel. Or ... there are eight marker colors you can assign to keyboard shortcuts in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog. Type "marker color" in the Search box in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog, you'll see and can assign them. Figure out your color scheme, and set keyboard shortcuts to set marker colors.
I like the idea of hovering and seeing the marker name/description ...
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Hovering over a Marker currently shows Name, Timecode and Description.
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but the Overlays in the Source and Program show Markers by default, but this can be change by the editor.
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Hey Warren,
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
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rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
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Do a quick double-tap M ... once to set a marker, the second tap pops up the dialog box. I've thought it would be nice to just hit M and bring up dialog also, but many who use markers for say cutting points do NOT want that behavior. They go down a line hitting M to the beat of their soundtrack, then drop clips in cut to the marker points.
If the dialogue pop up we could have a small menu square where we could activate or deactivate the feature.
We had this debate over at Avid too and we decided to add the posibily of changing the behaviour.
Sometimes you need to add text instantly and sometime ( I agree on that) you need the ability of adding the marke
on the fly and shuttle through the material.
You can of course set markers to different colors ... in the Markers dialog and Markers panel.
Or ... there are eight marker colors you can assign to keyboard shortcuts in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog. Type "marker color" in the Search box in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog, you'll see and can assign them. Figure out your color scheme, and set keyboard shortcuts to set marker colors.
This is what I was looking for! Thanxs
actualy , it only works with the word "marker" and then you need to scroll down the list.
So this feature is very hidden. Maybe that´s why I didn´t find it.
I like the idea of hovering and seeing the marker name/description ...
Warren mentioned this in his thread!
Works ! Perfect for me this way!
1. picture with marker color
2. marker
3. scroll down
marker color
only marker
scroll down
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
the whole world belongs to you.>Be content with what you have;
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
the whole world belongs to you.
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There are so MANY things that seem 'hidden' in Premiere that I can't keep track of them all! That is the reason I not only have the ebook version of Jarle Leirpoll's massive tome "The Cool Stuff in Premiere Pro" ... but also the paper version of that book with me at all times.
Jarle's book has 1244 pages of content/indexes, plus 43 pages prior to that of a very detailed Table of Contents. So I can normally find things in there pretty quickly. I've only been working in Premiere about seven years now, and ... I'm still learning things daily. And struggling to remember what I preveiously thought I knew!
Jarle’s Book/page:
Keep coming up with questions and ideas ... post here, and feel free to add in links to UserVoice requests you've either posted or found. It's great to have the continual flow of ideas.
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I thought I saw an interesting comment about what could happen with tapping the M key while the Source panel or Project / Sequence panel are playing. It mentioned that tapping M-M with the intention of placing two markers quickly could result in unintentionally opening the Edit Markers dialog box. I gave this a try and it had to mash the M key rapidly several times while footage was playing. I see this as a good reason to want to be able to disable the M-M action (which, we can't), but I'm not sure how real-world that worry is. I've tried this on four systems so far.
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I just remembered something about Marker bahaviors in Final Cut Pro classic when it was around version 3. This changed, but I can't remember exactly when. The application allowed you to right-click on the Current Time to reveals a list of all of the markers. Selecting one moved the playhead to that marker. Even though we have the Markers panel to see a very detailed list of Markers, I'd love to see this feature make it's way into Premiere Pro.
Maybe it'll be up as a request on the User-Voice pages.
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Excellent idea!
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
the whole world belongs to you.>Be content with what you have;
rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
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