Match project sample rate with existing audio.
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Hey all,
My question in essence is: How do I change the program/timeline settings as to export the container (audio+video) at a 44.1K sample rate. Here's the scoop.
I just purchased a license to Adobe Premiere 2020 to fix an issue I'm experiencing from another popular (and expensive) video editing software. I was told that there is a bug in the other software, yet the issue now seems to persist onto the Adobe video platform.
I'm trying to make a music video for YouTube. YouTube absolute crushes my files, both audio and video. Something that was wrong with the last program is that despite feeding the program a 44.1k WAV, the program would always export at 48K (thus upsampling the audio, only to be down-sampled again by YT. Double loss). So, I bought the Adobe video editing program only to find a similar outcome. Granted I'm much less familar with the menues of this new program, but it's quickly looking like deja vu.
Upon import, the audio file indeed inspects to be 44.1K, yet even a muted video file has a 48K audio sample rate. Is there a way to remove the associated empty audio track of the muted video file (I've already delted the empty waveform on the time line, but the 48K desdignation persists)? Is there an innate 48K sample-rate to all video files? What else might I be missing? I'm new to editing, and I'm sure there's a lot of common knowledge that I lack.
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Firstly, I personally wouldn't worry about going from 44.1Khz to 48Khz and back again...but I'm not really an audio guy and others may have something to add to that debate. I think any loss would not be detectable...
But anyway, you can change the sequence to 44.1Khz in the sequence settings and then choose 44.1 for whatever format you are exporting in the export dialogue.
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I have a somewhat similar sample rate issue. In the preferences, the only Sample Rate available is 192 kHz regardless of my Sequence Settings. This instantly gives me the "sample rate is not supported by the current audio device" error, but I am unable to change the sample rate.
I'm on a Mac, so I can click on the settings button. This opens the Audio MIDI setup panel, where I can select and change Channels, Bit Depth, Format and Rate for every audio device in my system. Unfortunately, the max sample rate for my audio hardware is 96 kHz. How can I set my Premiere preferences Sample Rate to 96 kHz (or lower)?