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Matching C-LOG footage to a jpeg image

New Here ,
Jul 18, 2024 Jul 18, 2024

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Hi all,

Colour grading advice needed please!  
I work for a fashion brand and we shoot our model imagery and videos in our own studio. These are taken on the same day, with the same camera and under the same lighting. We shoot our model video in C-LOG as it gives the best result and more control over the colours etc. however I can never get them to match exactly and it really bugs me!

The image and video sit side-by-side on the website so the closer we can get the colours the better.  I can get it close but it's never exact. I've tried using the 'Apply Match' in Colour Wheels & Match but it never works, even with a high resolution jpeg, it usually just leaves a pink hue over the top for some reason or sometimes gets it close but not enough.
I've tried downloading LUTs from Canon and they are still too far off.
I'd like to be able to create my own LUT so that I, and the other video editors on my team, can apply it when editing as we do a lot of these videos regularly. I've attached some screenshots: on the left is my reference jpeg model image and the right is my graded footage as well as another shot of the original LOG footage side by side.  Also my scopes and all of the settings I've applied.   

The model image just seems so much vibrant and punchy. If you look at the hues/shadows/highlights in the background, skintone and garments you can see a big difference.

What would you do to get them closer? is it possible to get log footage looking the same as images?


Thank you in advance!

J Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 17.06.47.pngScreenshot 2024-07-18 at 17.07.35.pngScreenshot 2024-07-18 at 17.07.43.pngScreenshot 2024-07-18 at 17.07.48.png

Please telle me, what would you do to grade?
Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 17.05.14.pngScreenshot 2024-07-18 at 17.03.38.png 







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