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Motion Graphics Template is Corrupt - Premier Pro CC 2019

New Here ,
Mar 27, 2019 Mar 27, 2019

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Hello Team,

When trying to add Motion graphics template from Adobe stock, for example, THE FUTURE - Getting Motion Graphics template is corrupt. Have uninstalled Premier Pro CC 2019 twice, Once keeping the preference & without keeping the preference but still, the same problem is persisting. I don't know if anyone can help...

motion graphic template is corrupt.png




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Nov 16, 2019 Nov 16, 2019

Alright! We finally got an in-house repro!! Whew! I've been chasing this ghost in the machine for quite awhile! It looks like the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media



Adobe Employee ,
May 10, 2019 May 10, 2019

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Hi utsabc62987203

I'm sorry that you're seeing this issue. Thats super frustrating. I'm a QE on the Motion Graphics team and would love to help diagnose the issue for you. If you could please share some of your corrupt Mogrts with me via a WeTransfer link I'd be super grateful to deep dive and see if we can get this resolved.

Were they working correctly at one point and then became corrupted?

If so, can you tell me what version of PR you are using and if you updated between the time they opened and when they got corrupted?
Would you also mind sharing your system specks?

Thanks so much,


- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




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New Here ,
Jul 25, 2019 Jul 25, 2019

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no details.png

No, It never worked... still facing the issue...

The version of premiere pro is - Adobe premiere pro version 13.1.3 (Build 44)

in some effects, it is showing in the timeline but nothing is showing in the Program window and not getting any option to edit the effect...




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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 29, 2019 Jul 29, 2019

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In the second image that you are sharing, it looks like you've got a native Graphic Track item in the timeline (i.e. made in PR). I can tell from the UI in the Essential Graphics Panel. If you want to create Text within PR you need to select the Type tool and Type into the Program Monitor directly.

But that is a different workflow than using a Motion Graphic Template created in AE and a different issue than the one you first posted about your Motion Graphics Template being Corrupt.

Can you please send me the Corrupted Motion Graphics Template that you are having issues with? Also can you tell me which operating system you're on on Windows or Mac?

I'd love to help investigate this further and work on a solution for you.



- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




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New Here ,
Aug 06, 2019 Aug 06, 2019

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Hello Dacia,

I am using Windows 10...

Configuration of my Laptop is

Windows 10 64bit

i7 7th Gen




Manufacturer - ASUS

In the premier pro - i Am going to Graphics > Essential Graphics > Adobe Stock > FREE

After pulling items from Adobe free stock - Some of the Items are showing as couroupt and some of them are showing in the timeline but

nothing else is happening.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 07, 2019 Aug 07, 2019

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I also downloaded a free mogrt and it gave me a low level error and no preview. (2019.1.4 W10)




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 20, 2019 Aug 20, 2019

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Hi! So I'm not 100% sure but I think we are starting to narrow the issue down a bit. It looks like there are issues with using Mogrts from an Auto-Saved file which it looks like you're using from your screenshot.

If this auto-save version situation is the smoking gun, then what I thhiiiiiiink might be happening is the following:

When a Mogrt is applied to a sequence, it gets unpacked in a temp folder deeeeep in the deeeeps of OS libraries. When a user closes the project or shuts down PR, then these temp folders get deleted or cleaned up.

I think if a user's project crashed and they are opening from an auto-saved version then there is a stale version of the unpacked Mogrt left in the temp folder and then it throws the corrupt error.

I still need to investigate this further but for the time being, can you

A: try to apply the same Mogrt from a new Project?

B. Try moving the auto-saved project out of the auto-save folder and putting it on your desktop or another folder and then trying to use the Mogrt?

Thanks for your patience with this,


- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 16, 2019 Nov 16, 2019

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Alright! We finally got an in-house repro!! Whew! I've been chasing this ghost in the machine for quite awhile! It looks like the "Mogrt is Corrupt" issue occurs when the Motion Graphics Templates Media scratch disk is set to a folder that is nested so many levels deep or in folders with really long names that goes beyond the 260 character limit that file paths on Windows machines are limited to by default. The .aegraphic files within a Mogrt gets unpacked in the Motion Graphics Templates Media folder inside of folders with a Unique ID that also has a really long string of characters. It throws Windows over the edge to where it doesn't recognize the file path as valid.

We are looking into a workaround on our end but in the meantime, I found this article that shows where you can go in Win 10 to change this limitation. https://mspoweruser.com/ntfs-260-character-windows-10/ 

You can also open Project Settings and change the Motion Graphics Template Media Scratch Disk to a new location with fewer nested folders or closer to the root.


I have not been able to reproduce this issue on a Mac though. It looks to be specific to Windows. But if you are experiencing this issue on Mac please reach out 🙂 
Hope this is helpful! 


- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




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Explorer ,
Feb 16, 2021 Feb 16, 2021

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This did not fix it for me.

Looking in Resource Monitor I can see the *.aegraphic file in the Unique ID folder but that's not 260 characters so I don't believe this is the issue.

Isn't there a way to get a detailed log from premiere pro other than an error message.


Also, why are all these threads marked as Solved!? When none of these are solved. Not even a workaround. 




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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 16, 2021 Feb 16, 2021

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The issue can arise for a variety of reasons and there are a lot of workarounds that have been presented here in this thread that have worked for a lot of folks. 


I would love to help you figure out the issue that you're facing, and I need your Mogrt specifically to help me diagnose the problem since it sounds like none of the troubleshooting tips in this thread have worked for you. 


Please DM me a copy of your Mogrt and the version numbers of AE and PR (the number specifically) so I can better assess what's happening. 




- Dacia Saenz, AE & PR Engineering Teams




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Explorer ,
Feb 20, 2021 Feb 20, 2021

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I stated looking into permissions of premiere to the path you mentioned then I realized one thing,

I forgot to change premiere.exe properties to run as admin by default as it looses this property after update. 

So I ran the program as admin and this has fixed it for me.

I could say it's an ok workaround but it feels more like user error right now. 😐 




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