.mov files lag in playback/not playing back/only audio can be imported to timeline Premier Pro 2019
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I recently built a new new PC and did a fresh install of the Creative cloud apps.
I imported .MOV files shot on the iphone to the project. When i try to playback the media in the source monitor, the video does not playback or keeps looping few frames from the video (the begning few frames of the clip).
If i try to import the video to the timeline, only audio gets imported to timeline.
I saw a number of threads which go through .MOV format issues.
I tried most of the solutions posted.
I cleared cache memory, did a clean uninstall and reinatll of the full creative cloud suit. I am still not able to use the .MOV files.
I tried to convert the .MOV files to MP4 and tried, and it works perfectly fine. But its not supporting .MOV natively
Specs and Details:
1. Adobe Premier pro V13.1.4
2. AMD Ryzen 3700x
3. 16GB Ram
4. AMD RX590 Graphics card
5. Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500GB m.2 SSD
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Phone footage is notorious for giving issues: codec, vfr. Might want to consider using Proxies
For only having audio on the timeline this is an user error: tracks not source patched.
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Hello Ann,
I have not tried creating proxies, i will give that a try.
As far as the tracks not sources, i actually had the video toggel turned on in the timeline, when i got o drag the entire video from project to timeliine, it gives me a 'X" inside a round logo, showing it cant import the video to timeline.
but if i try to drag just the audio from the source monitor to time line, it works, but if i try to drag just the video from the source monitor, it wont work.
Again, i had my video channel toggeled ON in the timeline.
For some .MOV clips, i was able to drag the video to timeline, but the video wouldnt playback realtime and used to get struck at a single frame while audio played fine
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Remeber that .mov is only a container. a .mov file can have many different codecs. Only some of those will be supported by premiere. You will have to convert the videos into a different codec for premiere to be able to import them. The audio is probably in a supported codec which is why it does import the audio.
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Hi! I'm having the same issue, did you figure out how to do it? mind sharing?
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I just had the same issue and I fixed it by creating low-resolution proxies that are used for editing. Then when exporting, Premiere will use the original files automatically, so no loss in quality.
You can create a proxy by right-clicking the media in the project window > proxy > create proxies.
Then make sure to turn on proxy use in your preview window and you should be good to go.
Any problems let me know 🙂
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Post screenshot of clip in Mediainfo in treeview.