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Multi-Cam audio sync issues

Engaged ,
Jan 23, 2020 Jan 23, 2020

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I've made many multi-cam videos with my camera rig and was stumped last night when I came in from a dress rehearsal of a chorus concert to find that (unlike dozens of shoots in the past) audio would not sync on two clips although I could see visually where the tracks match. I ended up using in-point sync (cameras do not make time code). Back, in other words, to 2015 or so before sync on audio was available, and I need to use visual cues in the audio track to sync. 

I'm HOPING my problem is that although there is plenty of audio data in my clips that match, because I was recording a dress rehearsal with little prep time I started the cameras with a piece of music (chorus and orchestra performing Haydn's PAUKENMESSE) in progress rather than ahead of the first music. 

I'm normally recording a play or opera with a period of silence, applause (conductor walks in) maybe or the curtain goes up and actors start dialogue. In this instance, I started with music in progress. 

I can't find documentation on how to do a successful audio sync - it always worked before. Not having it work is unusual and a bit scary. If anyone has insight I would really like to know! Thanks all...

CAMERAS: Sony FDR-AX100/HXR-NX80 (identical outputs and very similar electronics; I can control the NX80 remotely with an iPad where I need to adjust focus, iris and/or zoom during the shoot).

COMPUTER: PC, i9-9600, 64G RAM, RTX-2070 video.  

Software is current and up-to-date.

Audio , Error or problem , Performance , User interface or workspaces




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Jan 23, 2020 Jan 23, 2020

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Odd! I've often started cameras at slightly different points in an interview or concert, and it figures it out. I'm trying to puzzle this out, but for the moment I'm stumped.






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Engaged ,
Feb 01, 2020 Feb 01, 2020

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Neil, I've since writing the above recorded the actual concert (on January 26) and another (January 24) in a different venue with similar results.

At the suggestion of Adobe Customer Care technicians who are apparently taking this quite seriously, I used as a troubleshooting method downloading Red Giant's PluralEyes software which without any issue or problem synced the files perfectly and quickly. I would be very upset if the result is that I have to pay $300 for software to do what the Adobe suite advertises it does as part of that subscription. The Adobe techs and I are in agreement that the final footage - somewhat unlike the Dress Rehearsal versions - is extremely well-defined and relatively easy to match by eye on the audio tracks (but when I was able to use PluralEyes it showed that I was off by a frame or two). 




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