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Hola tengo un problema. Todas las pistas de audio en la linea de tiempo suenan perfectamente, pero al bajarla a la pista a3 no suena. El audio está bien porque lo he comprobado, tampoco está bajado el volumen, ni tengo salidas de audio tipo cascos o algo parecido, simplemente al bajarla ahi no se oye. Tengo dos secuencias con el mismo montaje y en la primera no me pasa, también al abrir la segunda secuencia y copiarlo tal cual me pasa el problema que os comento y en vez de audio en la linea pone "output", espero podais ayudarme gracias os envio pantallazo.
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p.s. i don't think the adobe website, and forums in particular, are easy to navigate, so don't spend a lot of time searching that forum list. do your best and we'll move the post (like this one has already been moved) if it helps you get responses.
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Tengo exactamente el mismo problema AYUDAAA
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It looks like the original poster is using a Broadcast sequence preset that sends each audio track to a different audio channel, rather than mixing everything down to a stereo mix.
To fix this, select all the clips in your sequence and drag them onto the New Item button (document icon) at the bottom of the Project panel.
In the future, I’d recommend avoiding sequence presets in the Broadcast folder, as they're specifically for editors who need to deliver split audio.
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Igual yo, pero no encuentro solución
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This button at the bottm of the Project panel.
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Could we have a screen shot of your track mixer.