Omf export crashes premiere pro
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Hello everyone
I finished my full length film, and I want to export my omf using pp 2019, for the sound mixing process.
It's a professionnal emergency😶
Software seems to start computing but in the end stops responding, and one time there was an empty file as a result of the export..
Tried different presets, and also exporting small parts of the project, no change...
Any fresh ideas welcome !
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Are you exceeding the file size limitation for OMF? Which is 2GB.
At a TV network I'm at we still send all programs to Audio Mix using OMF. For an hour long program we'll have to duplicate the original program/edit into multiple sequences, with just a few audio tracks each.
i.e. first copy might have audio tracks 1-3, 2nd copy 4-6, 3rd copy tracks 7-10 etc.
Basically we copy the sequence and remove all but the tracks we want to keep - export that as OMF and then move onto the next one. Watch your OMF files sizes and ensure they are under 2GB. In a complex 1 hour program exporting (say) tracks 1-3 might give an OMF file size of about 1.5GB.
These exports will be easily synced back up at Audio Mix stage as they will all have the same timecode.
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try AAF
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I have the same problem with Premiere crash on export of OMF
When exporting separate audio it works everytime
When exporting embedded audio it crashes everytime
Apple M1 Ultra Mac Studio running Premiere 23.2.0
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as Steve mentions, there is a file size limitation of 2gb to OMFs with embedded audio... That's why many audio studios now prefer aafs... Just got delivery specs for a sound studio in LA... They request aaf...
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thanks Michael - these OMFs are in the megabytes so not sure what's happening?
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are there any nests in the sequence... Might be causing the problem. Also, what are the format of your audio files? Any material from iphone or screen recordings? Have you tried exporting an AAF just to see if it works?
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I think it might be something to do with using the remix function -- will do some tests.
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Was there ever a solve to this?
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he is absolutely right - break the segemts - by making different timelines.
and then export