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Updated to latest version 24.4.0 and the Alt+ scroll zoom behaves different. It zooms to a totally different timeline area than the usual mouse pointer/playhead. Any workarounds?
1 Correct answer
Sorry for this issue. As Stan mentioned, this sounds like the issue mentioned in the thread he linked. Alt + mouse wheel scroll should once again zoom based on cursor location with 24.6 beta build 020.
1 Pinned Reply
Hello @Jeremy22269921hcpn & others on the thread,
This bug is marked as fixed in Premiere Pro 24.6. Please let the team know if you still see the issue in a new project. If necessary, I will move your thread to the "Discussions" forum for further troubleshooting. Glad the team was able to address this issue. Take care.
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That's what I have. I have to do a lut of blur stuff on my clips and this sucks!
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Realmente isso está me atrapalhando muito, gostaria de rolar e poder manter no centro como antes, alguém sabe como fazer?
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When mouse wheel scrolling in the timeline in the latest update of Premiere, the stretching/zooming of the timeline doesn't follow your mouse location. The zooming and scaling of the timeline should follow the location of your mouse cursor. That's how it's been since 2008 when I started using Premiere. In the latest release, the mouse wheel scrolling/scaling affects the timeline in an odd way that is not accurate. Very frustrating.
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Known issue: team is working on it.
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Bless. TY
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As Ann mentioned, this is being investigated. Thank you.
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As I used to after update I am unable to zoom in timeline to mouse coursor while pressing left alt + scroll
Instead of zooming to mouse coursor it is changing view of timeline anchoring to it's beginning.
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They're working on it:
It's not just toward the beginning. And, despite early reports, it is not related to Windows scaling.
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Apologies. As Stan mentioned, this is still under investigation.
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Got it, @Ann Bens - Thanks. Keep checking the Beta for updates. A fix should be there soon.
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Hello @johnalmightyx,
I appreciate your message. I know this issue. The team is working on a fix to come out in beta soon. So, leave your feedback for the team in the Beta forum.
Please try zooming in with the mouse after selecting the Timeline as a workaround. Is that working for you? Please let us know.
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Hi. Thanks for advice. I've returned to ver. 24.1, so I won't investigate
it further.
In lates update there was issue with frameblending while using timeremaping
when I was trying to speed up 50p footage on 25p timeline, and premiere was
crashing frequently.
Pozdrawiam, Kind Regards
Robert Sagadyn
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What's driving me insane is the update to alt+scroll in timeline. Surely a bug tho because there is no application I can imagine for the random direction it zooms now.
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Yes, they said they are working on that.
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I used to be able zo zoom in on my timeline with the mousewheel, on the position of my cursor. Now when the playhead is to the right of my timeline and the mouse cursor is on the far right, Premiere always zooms somewhere to the middle of the timeline instead of where my cursor is. I can still zoom in perfectly to the left of the timeline but not to and specific point in the middle or right.
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Known issue: team is working on a fix.
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Same problem here. So frustrating.
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wenn ich im Schnittfenster zoomen will, drücke ich "ALT" + "Scrollrad der Maus". Bisher wurde immer genau an die Stelle gezoomt, an der der Mauszeiger war, aber seit dem update zommt es immer in die Mitte des Schnittfensters, was unfassbar nervigist. Ich habe schon die EInstellungen durchsucht und auch die Online Foren, aber bin zu keiner Lösung gekommen.
Hoffe das jemand eine Lösung für mich hat
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Known issue.
Team is working on a fix.
Check the forum for multiple threads about this issue.
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We believe this issue has been fixed in 24.6 beta build 020.
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Die beste Lösung die ich finden konnte war, in der Adobe CC App auf die letzte Version von Premiere zu wechseln und automatische Updates auszustellen - zumindest bis Adobe das Problem behoben hat. Seitdem funktioniert alles wieder.
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Yep, fixed in beta build 20.
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Thanks for the quick verification, Ann!
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I got the 24.4.1 version and I have the same bug
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Still an issue in 24.5. Again rolling back. Very frustrating. Saying it has been fixed in beta and then releasing an update with the issue still present make no sense to me.