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I have opened Premiere Pro today to find all the label colours in my timeline appear to be inverted. The lighter colour is now the main body of the clip and the darker colour is now the waveform. I have tried to go through all the different label group styles. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application. Does anyone know how to get this back to the default colours.
I have attached an image of what it should look like and what it looks like now.
1 Correct answer
First, I want to thank you all again for your feedback and comments. We are actively listening and working to address the issues you've raised. I'd like to provide an overview of some of the concerns we've heard so far, to clarify what constitutes a bug and what does not.
Color Text Labels Inverted: Indeed, we've encountered a bug regarding the inversion of color text labels in this latest release. Our team is working diligently to address this issue promptly. In past releases, when a user picke
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While yes you can get most of the original colors, it does not fix the colors on the audio waveforms. They appear to be inverted with no way to fix this annoying and distracting issue.
I have also found that video only clips have this annoying clip preview on the sequence timeline that is both distracting and takes up space.
I tried to have someone from Adobe with remote access fix these issues earlier today and their suggestion was to reverto to an older version which is what I did. Currently running on version 24.3 and much happier for it. Hopefully Adobe fixes these "features" and at least give an option to remove them for those of us who do not want them.
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These darkened colors trick my brain into thinking I have offline/disabled clips. I get the whole modern change, but can we admit that sometimes modern design is just garbage. Idk about anybody else but this looks like some 2012 iMovie unappealing appearnace. at least give us the option to change from the old colors to the new ones, or give more options when labeling so some bright colors.
This is just my opinion.
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The classic preset has the same colors as previous versions.
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No, it does not. It still looks vastly different, the audio tracks dont have a separated color, the icons are different and missing/contextual instead of like the old layout.
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Not to mention they have mislabeled colors right now. The labeled "Red" is purple. Adobe really needs to fix this or give brighter options cause this has really messed with the flow of things.
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Why fix something that isn't broken? I don't get why companies do this. They update stuff to stay 'relevant' whilst completely ruining the experience.
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The 24.4 update has changed my timeline colour to a highlighted version that is really hard to work with. Can I change this back to the original look that I had yesterday?
Mod note: Title changed slightly
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I have a solution: Edit/Preferences/labels - then change the colour back to classic. 🙂
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You are a LEGEND for this!! My entire editing setup felt so yucky
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Hi, so on Premiere Pro for some reason the timeline is like blue and weird, and idk what I did or how to reverse this. I tried resetting to saved layout and it didnt work.
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Hi @Romaan27190448rgds if you are using Premiere Pro Beta, or updated to Premiere Pro 24.4, you are seeing a new clip design that also includes new default clip label colors.
In addition to changing the default clip label colors, we have added Label Color Presets now as well, so you can easily switch back to the 'Classic' colors or change your own and save them as a preset. You can find all this in Preferences > Labels.
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Thnaks for the response. Please add an option to revert back to the original Clip Design. This is so gross
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Update: (on mac) - 'Premiere Pro' (preferences) > 'Settings' > 'Labels' > Bottom right of box: 'Label Colour Presets': Change to CLASSIC
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did you figure it out???
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Why would you do this ??? What level of tech-company-grasp-for-innovation need to mess with defaults/failure to feel helpful is necessary to warrant such a stupid and abbrasive decision? FIX THIS.
Even when i go back to default the audio waveform is still dark
[abuse removed by moderator]
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So once again, Adobe makes an unnecessary change which complicates the user workflow with an unexpected interface. The new colors are barely differentiated from one another, too; why would anybody want to label clips with muddy shades?
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Can you change the label text color as well? If you revert to classic the label text stays white, making clip titles difficult to read.
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Here's a grand idea - instead of working on junk that doesn't matter, like color schemes and new terrible looking interfaces, how 'bout you fix your dumpster fire of a program and get it to run THE WAY IT'S SUPPOSED TO?! I CAN'T EVEN GET WARP STABILIZER TO WORK WITHOUT THE PROGRAM CRASHING.
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old clip design was absolutely fine. Don't fix what's not broken. Please add the opion to revert back to the original!
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Perhaps this may be of assistance.
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Just pick the options you like!
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You don't seen to understand what the issue is. Please read through it all before posting a "solution" that we clearly have tried. The issue isn't that he can't change the colour of the labels etc, it's the fact that it's inverted so that no matter what color you select for the audio file, the background changes but the actual waveform remains too if it's changing the background of the file rather than the actual if it's inverted.
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All of those timelines hurt my eyes lol
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First, I want to thank you all again for your feedback and comments. We are actively listening and working to address the issues you've raised. I'd like to provide an overview of some of the concerns we've heard so far, to clarify what constitutes a bug and what does not.
Color Text Labels Inverted: Indeed, we've encountered a bug regarding the inversion of color text labels in this latest release. Our team is working diligently to address this issue promptly. In past releases, when a user picked a darker color background, the text labels would always appear black. While this provided consistency, it often resulted in readability issues. With the new dynamic color text formula, the text label color adapts based on the colors and brightness of the background, ensuring improved readability and usability. Premiere Pro introduced this dynamic color text formula with the intention to enhance visibility by adjusting the text label color based on the luminance and brightness of the clip.
New Clip Colors: The introduction of a fresh color palette was aimed at alleviating eye fatigue and addressing longstanding clip color accessibility issues. Over the years, brighter colors in dark editing spaces have caused strain, and the previous color scheme ("classic") posed readability challenges, especially with waveform visualizations. The new colors offer improved contrast, enhancing intelligibility and making waveform analysis easier ( faster identification of clicks or other audio artifacts). Additionally, we've updated the color picker formula to optimize contrast ratios depending on the background color that a user chooses, further enhancing flexibility and customization options by preserving accessibility as well.
Color Labels Presets: This new version also allows you to create new color label presets, enabling you to adjust your colors based on your preferences and needs.
Audio Waveform Layering based on Track Height: For this release, we have implemented an old Audition feature called Waveform Visualization Layering. In previous versions of Premiere Pro, when the track height was less than 24 pixels, we would scale down the audio visualization waveforms of a clip containing more than two channels, resulting in a loss of definition and clarity (waveform drawings in this case were rendered with a height of less than 8 pixels). The new version of Premiere Pro adds the audio layering feature to represent multichannel audio as a single audio waveform visualization. I want to clarify that the audio is NOT being mixed down or converted to mono.
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Why not set Classic as default color labels.