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Pancake editing technique and Automate to Sequence Problem/Solution involving nested sequences

Community Beginner ,
May 16, 2024 May 16, 2024

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I recently been trying my hand at pancake editing when I have hundreds of clips to sort through and ran into an issue. After identifying the best clips and moving them up to track 3-5 (5 being definitely will make the final edit and 3 being maybe) my client wanted to comb through the clips and select the ones he wanted and didn't want in the final video. My solution was to nest all these clips, send it to them, they respond with what they like and don't like, and then create a new bin with the updated selection. The problem this created was the name of the nested sequence changes the order of clips when mixed with original clips as well.  I wanted to bring all the good clips into a new sequence using "automate to sequence" feature but nothing was in chronological order. 



  1. Place all nested sequences into 1 bin after you or client have identified which you want to bring into final edit.
  2. Create a temp sequence and make sure "insert and overwrite sequences as nests or individual clips " is toggled off. (Button is top left of your timeline under Playehead position) This will turn all nested sequences back into clips 
  3.  Select all clips in temp sequence and drag into a new bin
  4. sort clips into chronological order, I do this by sorting by clip name 
  5. Select all clips in bin after sorting and automate to sequence as normal


*im open to any ideas or discussions if maybe there is a better/effecient way of doing this besides what I mention above. This is for projects with 100 clips or more and involving the client wanting to review clips but in person option is not possible

Editing , How to






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