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Play/pause frozen

New Here ,
Oct 05, 2023 Oct 05, 2023

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I don't know what's going on.

Until last week I was using Premiere with it playing the mini player a lot. So what I did was buy a 2TB SSD and 16GB of ram. I installed everything, reinstalled Windows (Original) and now the program opens quickly and runs more smoothly.


PROBLEM: I'm working in Premiere, and suddenly Play/Pause stops working, leaving the FUNCTION stuck. If the video was rolling, it continues. If it was paused, it remains paused and I can't play or pause it. The program kind of locks the play/pause function.


I can walk through the program, I can save, I can add elements to the timeline, but I can't play or pause. The button does not respond.


What can it be???

Please help me!






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