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My original video was shooted (H265) at a cloudy conditions and illumination often changes from sun shines to sun behind a clouds. Camera work good in terms exposition, original video does not have lighting highlights, but unfortunatelly at video there are many bright red and saturated orange objects which color changing with direct sun light too much, but original video still does not have any color lose. But when my video editor "add some color richness" to whole video - most rich red+orange colors at scenes when sun is shining often becomes too much oversaturated! Make a detailed color adjastment for a very often lighting changes for almost 1,5hr seems are really hard.
1) Does PremierPro have some kind of a "dynamic color/brightness normalisation for all video" - that can normalize-balance colors and avoid oversaturation at bright scenes?
2) Does PremierPro have an option like Photoshop's HSL-color equalizer for a very precise color 8-12 tones adjastment via separated saturation/lighting/hue?
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Premiere does not have any auto-brightness effects. Resolve has two different ones, one using a specified area, the other an overall algorithm.
But neither of those change saturation only brightness. So even then, you would likely have much keyframed work ahead.
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Special area does not resolves because objects are moving, overall algorithm does not resolves because overall brightness changes often with colors oversaturation. Very dissappoint that Adobe cant add so obvious function after almost 20 years of working with video. 😞 A specially because it must be a very easy funciton with very high popularity, Adobe just need to mark one good video keyframe where user will setup all color at best and then just compare best frame to all other video: not to oversaturate colors and not to clipping highlights - if it happens to lower saturation/highlight of those frames-areas a little if some additional info exist at original files. Thas all. Maybe with special "effect adjustment" to gives possibility to user save on;y some most bright places as sun or lamp front light etc. Very very easy. Adobe must make it!
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I would actually expect more of an automated system like that in a prosumer application. Pro NLEs tend to be more dependent on manual controls.
Also an auto process to do what you're asking at a pro level would be very demanding on hardware.
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after effects can do some auto color stuff.
free ae template to remove flicker and fix white balance(in black, mids, whites) with matte support
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