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Premiere Pro 2018 Can't render H.264, crashes every time

New Here ,
May 16, 2018 May 16, 2018

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I have a Windows 10 machine with Premiere Pro 2018 on it, I'm trying to render a 1080p video about 8 min long. Whether I render it within Premiere or queue it to render in Media Encoder, it just crashes after about a minute.

-Rendering H.264 in Media Encoder normally causes Media Encoder to crash after about a minute.

-Rendering H.264 in Premiere froze the whole machine, staid frozen overnight. Had to do a hard reset.

-Rendering H.264 in Media Encoder with the software only option caused a BSOD MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION

-Rendering H.265 in Premiere causes premiere to crash.

-H.265 is missing from Media Encoder, queuing it from Premiere only sends the aac audio to be rendered in AME

-One of the attempts to render H.264 caused another BSOD ATTEMPTED_EXECUTE_OF_NOEXECUTE_MEMORY

Rendering Quicktime animation and AVI both work fine but create absolutely ridiculous file sizes, so they aren't useful. None of the other encoding options gave me the right format, so I ended up installing the WebM plugin and rendering it out in VP9, which worked fine, but the render time is massive compared to the (predicted) time for H.264 (1h30min vs 10-15min).

I've emptied the media cache. Updated Media Encoder, Premiere, Windows and graphics card drivers. Tried saving to a different drive. I've run both the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool and the Memory Diagnostic due to the BSOD error codes, but both turned up clean.

Seems like H.264 is currently completely broken in Adobe, is there any way to fix this?




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May 16, 2018 May 16, 2018

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I can't replicate this ... or any trouble exporting H.264 on my Win10 rig.

Please file a bug on this on their new bug/feature report "UserVoice" system. There's a link for it on the top of the Overview page of this forum.





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New Here ,
Sep 01, 2018 Sep 01, 2018

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I have a similar problem. Windows 10 pro reinstalled, the system works fine, the latest graphics card driver.




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New Here ,
Jul 03, 2018 Jul 03, 2018

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Hello I have the same problem, did you find any issues?






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New Here ,
Aug 07, 2018 Aug 07, 2018

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I am having the exact same problem with 4 clients waiting for video. Were you able to find a fix I'm at my wits end. I have completely reinstalled windows at this point and run test after test each showing my system is fine.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 01, 2018 Sep 01, 2018

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Bsod usually means a hardware problem.




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Contributor ,
Nov 01, 2018 Nov 01, 2018

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Try turning off hardware acceleration if it's on, and try it on if it's off. Updating the video drivers was a good move and usually the second thing I'll try after clearing the caches, which you also did. It's possible it was and still is a video card driver issue, even after the upgrade.

A work around would be to render the Quicktime and feed that back through Media Encoder to convert to h.264. If THAT works then there may be an issue with the way the encoder is interpreting an effect or transition in your sequence.  Another way to troubleshoot this would be to look at the Output Preview as it's encoding. Watch for the moment the crash happens and go to that point in your sequence to see if there's an effect or transition that may contribute to the crash.  I've had some very simple things cause encoding crashes in the past.  It that's the problem, you can try adding a solid in the layer above the problem area and set the opacity of the solid to 0%. It won't show up in the render but will affect the way the software encodes those frames and may be different enough to get you past the problematic section.




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 10, 2019 Dec 10, 2019

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if you have dual graphics try to disable the intel graphic card in your device manager and leave it for the other graphic card maybe that fix the issue




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Explorer ,
Sep 14, 2021 Sep 14, 2021

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I was having a tremendously difficult time exporting H.264 renders of a 4K project. The render would time out or crash everytime no matter which settings I adjusted.


I can't say this will be the fix for everyone, but while reading about H.264 vs Quicktime, someone mentioned that Quicktime is much better for files with alpha channels and files/tracks with transparency than H.264. I was using a few .png graphic files with transparency. I cleaned them out by flattening the transparency files and all of my H.264 renders have been successful since.


Another thing that helped a great deal was "Sequence > Render In to Out" and in the render settings, ticking the box 'use previews'. As the Render In to Out is rendering, I watched the progress to see where the computer got stuck or took longer than usual to further examine the files on the timeline that it was struggling with. In nearly every instance, it was at a point with transparency or graphics.




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Explorer ,
Sep 14, 2021 Sep 14, 2021

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If you render in ME, you can see where the render gets stuck, too, to give you more clues as to which files are giving your render a hard time.




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