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Premiere Pro 2020 Audio Cuts Out

New Here ,
Feb 13, 2020 Feb 13, 2020

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Been having issues with audio tracks dropping in and out during playback both on the timeline and in preview window. Clips will play for a couple seconds and then the audio drops out, sometimes it comes hack, other times have to stop and start the clip only to have it happen again a few seconds later. On timeline one audio clip will drop while another continues to play. Anyone have an idea how to fix this?


Computer specs

Operating system: windows 10 pro 64-bit

Processor: Intel i9-7980 18 core

Motherboard: msi x299 gaming pro carbon

Memory: 64gb ddr4 3000

Graphics card: asus geforce gtx 1060 6gb

Ssd: samsung evo 7 pro 1tb

Hdd: Seagate barracuda 2tb

Audio , Crash , Error or problem




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Aug 25, 2022 Aug 25, 2022


Audio dropouts:
Audio dropouts could be caused by many reasons, so there is no one correct answer. Typically, it is because of one of the following:


  1. Insufficient computer resources (hardware not powerful enough for certain media, media files are long in duration).
  2. Materials were not ingested properly (H.264 or HEVC media needs to be transcoded or proxies created).
  3. Out of memory (memory cache is full and needs to be cleared via rebooting or otherwise).
  4. Sequence Settings for audio sample rat


New Here ,
Jun 01, 2021 Jun 01, 2021

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I just spent some time on the chat support feature, and I experienced success using the help provided:


  1. Set an IN and OUT point in the Timeline
  2. Click on SEQUENCE
  3. Choose Render In to Out


That solution worked perfectly for me. I used to use that feature on slower systems when struggling to achieve real-time playback when using multiple effects. It never occured to me that I would need to use the "temp render" feature just to hear normal audio playback. This is not the standard level of service I have come to expect from Adobe over the past 20+ years as a customer. I am hoping this issue is QUICKLY addressed. I should be able to hear audio without dropouts in real-time when playing back a single video track.


By comparison, I can add MULTIPLE coloring nodes and even minor noise reduction in Resolve and still experience normal audio.





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Community Expert ,
Jun 01, 2021 Jun 01, 2021

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and I'm working on both a 2012 macbookpro and a custom built windows machine without experiencing the same issues that you have.   Working with uhd prores material on the current project.   If a previous version of premiere was working without issues, I suggest you revert to that version.  Or if you're happy with resolve, move to resolve...  Personally, I much prefer resolve for color correction, but am not happy with the editing interface...  And have always had serious issues in resolve with bringing projects in from premiere via xml with some media just refusing to import and link properly...  I'm kind of crazy on a couple of jobs over the next few days, but if you'd like to spend an hour in a zoom or teamviewer session, I could take a look at your problem and see if anything obvious jumps out.

Just click on my name at the top of this post and send me a direct message... and I'll get back to you on Wednesday.




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New Here ,
Jun 20, 2021 Jun 20, 2021

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I can't believe how much time i've been wasting dealing with this...and the fix was just to RENDER THE AUDIO ONLY! So much better.






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Community Beginner ,
Apr 29, 2021 Apr 29, 2021

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I'm also having the same issue and have been experiencing it for at least the last two updates. It's so incredibly frustrtaing!!! It's also furstrtaing to see that Adobe offers no real solutions to the issue. I've tried all the solutions mentioned above and none, except rendering the entire timeline, worked. So here I am, editing like I'm back in 2007 having to render my timeline to even preview it with any consistency... smh. 


Here are my specs:

MacBook Pro, 15-inch, 2017

2.9 GHz quad-core intel core i7

16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3

Radeon Pro 650 4 GB


All footage (shot on a Sony A7s II, MP4/MOV H.264 4:2:0 codec) is being stored on a high speed Lacie disk with a USB C connection. 




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Community Expert ,
Apr 29, 2021 Apr 29, 2021

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you haven't told us the pixel dimensions of your souces.  and a physical hard drive is not the ideal media drive.  And I don't think you were working with mp4's in your editing system in 2007 at least you sure couldn't do that in fcp7.  I suggest you try a proxy workflow.   




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Community Beginner ,
Apr 29, 2021 Apr 29, 2021

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Yep, couldn't do it in 2007 and now that its 2021 still can't apparently... C'mon, at least try to fain an interest in your response. 


I didn't need the proxy workflow in previous versions of Premiere and now suddenly I have to create a proxy workflow? That's absolutely unacceptable from Adobe as is your response. 


Pixels are square 1.0 




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Community Expert ,
Apr 29, 2021 Apr 29, 2021

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if you were able to work in a previous version of premiere, I suggest you revert to it.  Updates usually require better hardware.  Of course there may be something else going on and maybe someone else will be willing to help.  




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New Here ,
May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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Your replies are very vague. I have this audio playback dropout issue on my brand new super speed PC, but not on my older PC or laptop with the same Premiere Pro 2021 project. You suggest to revert to a previous version of Premiere, but it is not possible. Once you started editing in the latest version, you are basically screwed.




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Community Beginner ,
May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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Yep, that's the support you get from Adobe... can't use it? Must not be our fault, revert to an older version or create a proxy workflow. Seriously?!? Fix your program Adobe!!!


I'm still struggling with this issue every single day. It sucks and it seems there is no fix other than to uninstall and then reinstall my premiere but that will only fix it for a day or two. Or you can fully render everything, but even that doesn't fully fix the issue. 


But Adobe doesn't care. They already have your money. Also, rightly pointed out reverting back to an older version will leave the new project file unable to be used. Plus, with older versions there are other issues that happen because the version is old and out of date. Like if I revert back to an older version then suddenly the dynamic link will be broke or some other aspect won't work.


Like I said, Adobe doesn't care (you can clearly tell by their terrible, lackluster responses on this thread) because they already have your money.




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New Here ,
May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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Do you ever use Premiere Pro? For real.




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Community Expert ,
May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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if that questions is directed at me, yes, I use premiere all the time.  Currently working on both an outdated 2012 macbookpro and a custom built windows machine which is a few years old with a variety of formats without any serious issues.  Currently working with UHD proresHQ material on a feature documentary moving the project back and forth between my 2 systems (old macbookpro at home, windows machine in a studio that I have limited access to).  I've been working on computer editing systems since the early days of Avid Media Composer and worked extensively on FCP 1-7 and for the last 4 years or so primarily on Premiere.   All systems have problems and if you're interested I can detail the serious issues I'm having with DaVinci Resolve on a seriously overpowered system on a project that I'm supervising. 


If you'd like to solve your problem, I'd be happy to spend some time via zoom or teamviewer with you and see if there's anything obvious going on.  You can send me a direct message by clicking on my username at the top of this post.  If you'd rather just complain, go ahead, or explore one of the other major alternatives, like avid or resolve.  




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New Here ,
May 05, 2021 May 05, 2021

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I've been having the same issue where about 5-10minutes into my timeline (depending on how many cuts) the audio stops working. My workaround is to only enable the clips in the area I'm working on. Then turn everything off before and after so only about 5 minutes at a time is enabled.


My problem now is that when I export, the audio stops somewhere about 5-10minutes in. I've only been using Premiere for less than a year but it seems to have been a problem in the community for years with no answers.  




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Participant ,
May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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This seems like a very tedius and time consuming work around. I feel your pain. Whe you say stops working, do you mean it doesn't come back or that it drops out but once you pause and play again it resumes?

I don't have the audio issue when I export. Could the export issue be related to the disabling and enambling of the tracks?




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Participant ,
May 13, 2021 May 13, 2021

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I have had this same issue, over and over again. when it happens, I'll put the scrubber elsewhere and play. Sometimes the playback then hesitates for a second or two before playing. I kept thinking, maybe it's my hard drives not keeping up, so I have 2 extreme disk pro SSDs. One with my files, one for rendering/media cache and my main HD is SSD that premeire resides on.

SAME DAMN THING! My imac is fully capable, these are 8 bit, 1080p files from a canon 5D M iv. Not a strain at all on the system. It's not like I have music playing and sound effects. It's a simple video clip...

I agree... WHAT IS GOING ON?! It is beyond annoying to be editing interviews and having to start and stop playback constantly just to hear the audio that was dropped out. It happens soooooo often!


iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019)

3.6 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9

40 GB 2400 MHz DDR4

Radeon Pro Vega 48 8 GB




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New Here ,
May 27, 2021 May 27, 2021

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This was driving me crazy- here's my workaround which won't work for everyone as this was a very simple sequence. I had tried everything, getting anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds of audio out of a 1:05 project on export. 

With nothing to lose, I decided to try exporting the project as a WAV, then adding that WAV back in as the sole audio track (deselecting the linked audio) which was from a MOV file. There were also silent mp4 clips before the problem appeared.

This worked for me, flawlessly. It's a workaround and I would still like a real solution. But it's a start and I hope it helps others.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 12, 2021 Aug 12, 2021

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Okay, so I was also having this issue, but it was only new to me after I made a slight change in my preferences. I changed my Media Cache Managment under Media Cache to "Automatically delete oldest file when cahce exceeds: 5 GB." I don't know why I chose 5GB, but I did -- it was after this change that my audio was dropping out (I forgot what it was before). So I decided to change these settings to "Do not Delete Cache files automatically", I closed Premiere and reopened it and haven't had any issues so far. 

My Media Cache Files and my Media Cache Dadabase are going to my "User/myname/Library/Appication Support/Adobe/Common/". I'll continue to run PP for the rest of the day without closing it or restarting the computer and report back if I'm still having the audio issue.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 12, 2021 Aug 12, 2021

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Spoke way to soon. Still having the audio drop out issue.
But as I said previously, this is only a recent problem for me. I've had PP v15 installed for a while now, and audio droppage hasn't been and issue until this past week. The media cache managment is the only setting that I've changed.




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Explorer ,
Aug 20, 2021 Aug 20, 2021

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I've been dealing with the same issue. Which is annoying to be sure. I've tried most of the solutions I've found on the forums without any luck.  I did stumble upon one thing when I look at the audio that is giving me trouble.  This was audio given to me by a client, so I didn't record it.  But the bitrate from the source is different than the project bit rate.  Problem is I can't find where to change the project bit rate to change it and see if it solves the problem?  Maybe you can't do it.  I could re-encode all the audio files, but not sure if it's worth it.  Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks. 


audio sample.jpg






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Explorer ,
Aug 20, 2021 Aug 20, 2021

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Well....not super scientific...but rendered out about a 30 sec of the audio to match the bit depth...and now that section will play through without audio dropping out, where it was before regularly. Prob could use further testing, but might be a fix/bug.  





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 02, 2021 Sep 02, 2021

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Same issue here any word Adobe? Seems like there are enough of us having this issue to warrant an answer. Problem with audio dropping out after a few seconds. Happnes on timeline and in preview, I even rendered the timeline and still have the same issues. Kinda hard to eidt a 2 hour podcast if i can't hear what people are saying and im under deadline. Has anyone found a fix for this its reallly slowing me down and making me question my adobe subscipitions. Specs as follows;


Adobe suite  2021 up to date 

Processor              AMD Ryzen 9 3900x

Chipset                 AMD x570 

System Memory  16GB DDR4 (2-8gb DIMMS)

Video Cards         Dual Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080ti 

OS                         Windows 10








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Explorer ,
Sep 02, 2021 Sep 02, 2021

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Hey @colorado springs.  I don't know if there has been a real answer yet.  I will say that I have the same processor as you. Maybe a coincidence? Or maybe something?  Did you look at my discovery above about the bitrate?  You could try that. 






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Explorer ,
Sep 03, 2021 Sep 03, 2021

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Also, I have observed that this application is memory intensive. I take the playback resolution down to 1/4, save the project, then cold boot my computer and don't start any other apps.  I also make sure that things that start in background are shutdown.  After I render all the sound in the timeline, at least on space bar pause, the audio will start back up in spurts. It is really annoying.  I also have a Wondershare subscription and that app does not have these kind of problems. The memory, sound render, space bar resolution may work enough to get you through your project. 


I create videos in 360, there are relatively few software choices out there for 360 edits right now.  I was able to render an output of 3.9 GB 360 3860X2140 4K video by using the above method.  It took 3 hours to export it, 12 hours to upload it on YouTube and it still hasn't rendered a standard version of it from two days ago.  It will, it  just takes time.

Be resource conscience it may help. 




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 03, 2021 Sep 03, 2021

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I did see your post about bit rate so I checked mine and found a discrepancy. I recorded a .WAV file at  4100hz 32 bit floating but my timeline sequence was at 4800hz. I changed the sequence settings and still have the issue. Even adobe couldn't trouble shoot the problem, not sure where to turn to if the developers of the software are just as lost on the issue. 




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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2021 Dec 11, 2021

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I've been working on Premiere for more than a decade... There were some bugs, some fixed, some stayed... some dissapeared, when I got a better system... And now... I was editing a timeline from two cameras recording a footage in ProRes and a WAV audio from a recorder... and it was all going smoove as usual until one day, my sound started to turn off and on randomly... I press play, the sound is there... then it drops for a few seconds, then it comes back... and if I pause and then press play again - the sound is back, and drops after few seconds in another place...

And... as I read here - it happens for many years... I've tried everything - new sequence, new project, render the audio, dissable the tacks, dissable the video footage... the bug is there. Even if I open it with Premiere 2022 it is still there. So I think the bug is in the project/sequence...

The only thing I did differently than usual is I grouped the footage... but ungroup doesn't remove the bug.

So that's it from me... I don't even expect an answer or a solution.

My specs:
Windows 10,  Inteh i7, GeForce 1660 Ti, 32 GB RAM... so more than enough... 😉




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Community Beginner ,
Dec 14, 2021 Dec 14, 2021

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Same problem here jsut started up one day after years of working properly. I have been bugging adobe for months trying to find a solution....turns out the only way to fix the bug is to uninstall adobe and reinstall davinci resolve 




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