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Premiere Pro 5.5.2 will not play back audio after transfer from one computer to laptop ?

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May 05, 2020 May 05, 2020

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Audio timeline missing from originating computer to laptop ?


Vision is OK  The odd bit is the audio will play back and is accepted by a generic operation in the Dell Precision 3541 but, not an editing program ,, this lap top is new and the data sent from the 11 year old Dell Precision T5500 which originally produced  this production,  does play the audio ? Ths reason for this ,is logistical and

is caused by a remote location, any idea.?

Bob Dix BA Degree (Journalism & Media) UNI Southern Qld




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May 05, 2020 May 05, 2020

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Better check compatibility between a given version of the program and the operating system. You see, Premiere Pro CS5.5 came out long before Windows 10 - and a year or so before even Windows 8 - was released. In fact, it dates all the way back to the early days of Windows 7! And it had been EOL'd the very minute that CS6 was released. Which meant no more compatibility fixes ever for CS5.5 since CS6 came out in 2012, while critical security patches continued for about another year afterwards.


And it is now completely incompatible with a lot of newer hardware, including the audio controller in your new laptop. Seriously. CS5.5 is now totally obsolete. That Precision 3541 really needs a much newer version of Premiere Pro than CS5.5 just to even work properly. And of those, only the two most recent major versions - 13.1.5 and most released builds of version 14 - are available.




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New Here ,
May 06, 2020 May 06, 2020

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Yes, that could be the issue a Trial Version of Vegas Movie Studio Platinum v 17 does in fact play the audio.


Productions in 5.5.2 do play correctly on the Precision 3541, but, not when transferred from the very old T5500. Apparently the data transfer could be an issue. I see where the base data is now saved in Vegas so nothing is off line



Thank you for your input, this really is the first time in the 11 year life of the Windows 7 Pro that there has been a real problem. I have been lucky, and support from the Forum has always been better than Adobe Tech Support Oh, I forgot to say, Dell Tech Support , upgraded the audio drivers in the new 3541 on Windows Pro 10, he did improve the audio performance to first class.





Bob Dix BA Degree (Journalism & Media) UNI Southern Qld




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New Here ,
May 06, 2020 May 06, 2020

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"Seriously. CS5.5 is now totally obsolete"

I agree, but, production on both the Dell T5500 and the PRECISION 3541 are still broadcast  quality compared with other latest equipment I have worked on including the latest Premiere Pro. WE do not do a lot of work to warrant the upgrade, as I have seen work done on the latest software and computers.

The other previous replies on this going back to 2018 have been very interesting.

Bob Dix BA Degree (Journalism & Media) UNI Southern Qld




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May 06, 2020 May 06, 2020

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I meant "obsolete" in that it is no longer being updated for newer operating systems, and that it has not been updated at all in many years. Thus, with each new update to Windows 10, the program might not run properly, if it even runs at all. The same thing with CS6: permanently EOL'd as of 2015. And Windows 7 itself had already been permanently EOL'd by Microsoft itself back this past January.


So, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Just like everybody else who overspends on a PC just for the sake of future-proofing.


And while you're at it, you'd better start looking for alternatives to Adobe if you do not wish to keep paying them every month just to get newer, up to date features and format support: Adobe now no longer sells what is called "perpetual one-time licenses" for any of its professional programs. They are now only being rented on a subscription basis. And only the later subscription versions of Premiere Pro tap into much if any of the advantages and newer features of newer hardware. The only Adobe products right now that are still being sold with one-time perpetual licenses are the cheapo home-oriented consumer programs sold under the Elements line, which currently do not take full advantage of even a 12-year-old PC with obsolete, low-end hardware, let alone a modern high-end PC.


What's more, CS5.5 and all other older versions of Premiere Pro prior to the 2018 version do not correctly support any of the newer video formats with Variable Frame Rate (VFR). The audio and video of such videos will drift severely out of sync every time you import such videos into those older programs. And that cannot be fixed at all once imported. Unfortunately, professional videos are now increasingly shot with smartphones, most of which only shoot with VFR. So the only way to prevent the audio and video from going way out of sync is to transcode them to another, Constant Frame Rate (CFR) format using an external third-party program.


And I am posting this because either the studios have fallen behind the times or the so-called newer "professionals" have gotten lazy. I just don't know which side to believe at this present time.




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New Here ,
May 06, 2020 May 06, 2020

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I do understand where you are coming from ,and other members of the business often run into trouble with the newest Adobe Premiere Pros, and I have to save them , they are amazed what an old Dell Precision and an old Premiere Pro can do still, and no, I will not need VFR and I do use the latest Sony Video Equipment, and the new smart phones are so full of advertising, it is a new world. Not always for the best.


I just prefer the old at least 1920 x 1080  which is still broadcast in Australia , in the Land Down Under.

"I just don't know which side to believe at this present time."


Nor do I ?



Bob Dix BA Degree (Journalism & Media) UNI Southern Qld




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New Here ,
May 06, 2020 May 06, 2020

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"The only way I am making it work now is to export ProRes and converting to H264 with .mov in MPEG Stream.


Any idea how this could be fixed or is it permanent? No more support to H264 with .MOv in Premiere? 


Now H.264 was used on a recent shoot for a multi million dollar GERMAN Agricultural company and the video was lost of a full day marketing promotion, but, was saved by using "obsolete production equipment" ? and  saved by back from a Sony HXRNX30P edited in Premiere Pro 5.5.2 and uploaded to YouTube to the editing location.

I am trialling Sony Vegas Movie Studio v 17 with promising results alongside Premiere Pro.


My associate was using the latest version of Premier Pro V14 which was causng errors with 83 faults as advised by Adobe last year and quickly corrected to produce broadcast data, I am used to and still use the earlier  version of Premiere Pro .

Frankly I am happy with the Adobe Products and have been for over 15 years.




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