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Premiere Pro CC 2019 not responding

New Here ,
Mar 08, 2019 Mar 08, 2019

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Hi guys !

I used to work on Adobe Premiere 2018, but I've updated it recently to the 2019 version and since I can't work. Anytime I use the timeline, try to play it or anything, it just doesn't respond... I've tried to come back to the 2018 and 2017 versions but same issue... I made some research and looks like a lot of people have the same problem since November 2018.

Has it been fixed ? What should I do ?

Here is my PC's components :

Microsoft Windows 10, 64 bit (build 10.0.17134)

KBL Freed_KLS V1.13 (BIOS V1.13)

Intel Core i5-7300HQ 2,50 GHz U3E1 (Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9)

AO1P21FC8T1-BSKS Bank 0 (8 Go)

WDC WD10SPZX-21Z10T0 (931,51 Go)

Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 (417.35)

Please help, I need it to work...






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Community Expert ,
Mar 12, 2019 Mar 12, 2019

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There's been a few times where after an update I've had problems and how I've fixed it is to uninstall my adobe apps and use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to get rid of everything and then do a clean install of Adobe CC and Adobe Apps.





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Explorer ,
Aug 11, 2019 Aug 11, 2019

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I am having this problem too, it was fine few days ago until today when I was editing halfway, it just went into 'not responding' situation. Even when I reopen, still not responding. Downgraded to 2018 version and still the same problem. I uninstall everything and reinstall still not solving the problem.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 11, 2019 Aug 11, 2019

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Try resetting the preferences:

FAQ: How to reset preferences in Premiere Pro?

If that doesn't work, try resetting the Workspaces:

Reset a workspace

Reset the current workspace to return to its original, saved layout of panels.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Workspace menu icon and select Reset to Saved Layout.
    • Choose Window > Workspace > Reset to Saved Layout.

from here:


If that doesn’t work ,try updating or rolling back your graphics driver directly from the video card manufacturer’s site.





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Explorer ,
Aug 11, 2019 Aug 11, 2019

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Premiere is becoming such trash and i'm freaking paying this crap...

Anyway here is the lamest solution that is working for me just so I can get through the edit...

Apparently, premiere stops responding every time i try to delete a cut from the timeline - so if i do my razer cut and the click
"save" i can delete it without going into not responding mode. And yes - I have to hit save for every cut i do just so it doesn't freeze.

Not a solution - but at least I can get through the edit and look at alternatives to this crap software that is taking my money...





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Community Expert ,
Aug 12, 2019 Aug 12, 2019

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Have you tried my suggestions?





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Explorer ,
Aug 12, 2019 Aug 12, 2019

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Yep. Including one from someone else about changing preview settings and mercury settings. The save button after each cut was the only thing that made it possible to do the cut.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 12, 2019 Aug 12, 2019

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Please post the issue here:

Premiere Pro: Hot (5595 ideas) – Adobe video & audio apps

where those who can actually do something about it monitor the posts.





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New Here ,
Aug 15, 2019 Aug 15, 2019

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This is the same issue I'm having however it's usually once I'm 15 minutes or so into an edit. It'll freeze up and hold for anywhere between 5-45 minutes. Rest of my machine continues to operate perfectly with no stress placed on systems. Eventually it'll complete the simple edit, removing a clip etc and then will behave for another 15-30 minutes before freezing again. It's really strange and after running through every suggestion so far I find that constantly saving then rebooting premiere on a freeze is the fastest way to operate. Good thing I don't have any clients sitting in for an edit. I think they'd be incredibly concerned.





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New Here ,
Sep 22, 2019 Sep 22, 2019

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I'm having the same problem. I dont think paying $20 a months is worth the many anymore. 





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Community Beginner ,
Oct 28, 2019 Oct 28, 2019

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Just a few notes here that might help and be careful if you allow adobe external support direct access as they did change things such as Open CL instead of CUDA even tho I am on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 and 1070 on another machine.

1, Uninstall all apps and clean out all saved preferences.

2. Stop using and uninstall any apps or programmes that you dont use or need.

3. Install new PP19 and encoder.

4. Make sure  PP is on C drive and files on another say E drive and that E drive has at least 30% headroom.

5. If possible have a 3rd drive SSD maybe 120 gb (NAME SSD TEMP) for all temp and cache files. On this drive create Media Cache and Scratch Media files.

6. Go to File, Project settings and change all scratch disk save features to the SSD TEMP / Scratch Media file, there are seven that you save all to same place. This feature you need to set every time you create a new project.

7. Clean out all tem files search %temp% and delete all temp files, dont worry these will re build in your new SSD TEMP. Also clean out %AppData% Adobe, Common / Media Cache and Scratch Media by deleting all files, dont worry these will rebuild in SSD TEMP.

8. Turn off Auto Save and rememeber to save regular.

9. Go to edit, Preferences and Media Cache, Change save Media Cache to SSD TEMP Media Cache and Media Cache database to SSD TEMP Media Cache.

Save and Close File with complete new project name and equally delete all associated PP files like auto save but better still archive everything before you start this just incase you have to go back some steps. 

10 The we hace C drive with all programmes and apps, E drive with all files with space, SSD Temp files for all temp and fast required preview files.

11. Open project and marke start and end of project with in and out, go to Sequence and Render In and Out. Then Render audio. These will go to SSD TEMP drive, befere you do this the project blue bar at the bottom right will be generating audio temp files in both SSD temp and C drive AppData. 

Here is a YT on hard drives https://youtu.be/r7zI7MYSY_0

and Rendering YT https://youtu.be/z58hyeAL4P0


Basically in an ideal world we should not update mid or part way through a project however I have been filming this TV doc for almost 3 years and editing through upgrades. 


It also helps that your CPU and GPU are balanced and that the most PP operations are CPU based so say 9% usage and GPU 2-3% but GPU will need to increase when something faster is required like render or export, get to know your usage in %task%. Memory you want it about 40-60% with headroom. So if you think of it like this, You downloaded ne update, it does not get on with bits of say 2-3 updates, it needs to start  a fresh, so to do this we have to break all ties and start the links again to all drives and storage. 

#Remember #Back-up # Back-up before doing and make sure you take a 2nd back up of your clean new version and dont mix old back up with new back up or the old links will struggle with each other. 


Before I did all this I was constantly suffering CEP HTML engine shut down, NOW REMEMBER, doing part of this wont help, doing everything right and cleaning out all old links to previous versions will work but the hard drive structure is key.






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Community Beginner ,
Oct 28, 2019 Oct 28, 2019

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posted further down what has worked for me, you need to do everything and its worth mentioning that some codecs struggle working with PP19 and with other codecs so even if you get a 100% fix sometimes the codecs slow workflow down so be patient. 





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