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I just upgraded to Premiere Pro CC 2022 (i still have 2020 & 2021 still installed) the playback is terrible, it constantly freezes and when i add a gpu accellerated effect (colorista & Lumetri) the timeline turns red. It's already set to cuda. Meanwhile both 2020 & 2021 performs flawlessly. Im using Red Dragon 6k footage. Also this is a clean install of Windows 11 pro. Thanks for any help
PC specs:
GTX 1080 TI
1 TB SSD - Scratch Drive
4TB SSD - Footage storage
3 Correct answers
edit 2: Ok so it seems with I turn on "High Quality Playback" it plays back fine. But when I take it off and put resolution at 1/4 it stutters/freezes etc. weird.
Sorry about this. The current workaround for the issue affecting certain formats to is set the Playback Quality to Full. You can also enable High Quality Playback in the Program Monitor's Settings (Wrench) menu. I will post this as the solution until the fix is released so that others may be helped. I am aware that the issue is not "fixed" yet. Just trying to assist with a workaround that should help.
If this still doesn't work for you, I can suggest using proxies or transcoding to an mezann
I just downloaded the latest beta and tested it. Whatever you did seems to work. Thank you for your support. I guess now i can update from version 15.4 to version 22.5 🙂
I just saw that you said higher) but the version that i downloaded from creative cloud is 22.5.0 build 28 and there is no other update currently. Just for information
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edit: I turned cuda on the timeline is now yellow but it is still freezing/hangin during playback
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edit 2: Ok so it seems with I turn on "High Quality Playback" it plays back fine. But when I take it off and put resolution at 1/4 it stutters/freezes etc. weird.
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I remember a while back a few people having this problem, the solution was literally to just not play at lower res... I don't think anybody got to the bottom of it but it was recommended to make sure your drivers were up to date.
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I've just updated and the exact same thing is happening for me on both my iMac Pro and high spec Windows laptop. It plays okay on full quality playback but I use a lot of motion graphics / AE titles, which do not play back well at full res.
In 1/2 or 1/4 the audio plays but video is about 1 frame per 2 seconds!
I've also found another major issue for me with colour and exposure. 4k footage from the Sony A7iii comes out massively over exposed in the timeline (Lumetri color is turned off!). It's exposed correctly in the source window though?! I have tested the footage in a new project and the same thing happens.
I've used Premiere for 18 years so I'm no newbie. These bugs are infuriating. I've gone back to v15 and all is working fine. What a waste of a morning!
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Hi sclear001,
Sorry to hear about this. I tried a media from Sony A7III & it's showing the correct preview in the Program monitor. Would you mind confirming the Picture Profile that you used for these media files? Did you use any log profiles like HLG or S-Log?
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Wow, turning on high quality playback seems to solve it for me. I really didn't think of this option. Rather thought about lowering the playback quality. Thanks!
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Change the colour management in sequence settings. I found that with some a7iii footage too - weird. I just changed the colour management to rec709. Think the footage was HLG though. But anyway ueag sequence settings, colour management.
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They completely changed color management and most CM default behaviors in Pr2022. Many defaults are now about opposite of what they were before. And yes, that has major effects on the log from the A7s3 and most any other Panasonic, Canon, or Sony camera.
You might read this FAQ. I've not seen any other place that actually covers what is different, why, and how to use it successfully from import through export.
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Neil, I noticed now, for some reason I didn't pay attention earlier and many write that you need to look for settings in disparate places for the correct display of material on the timeline. Here's what developers need to pay attention to: why not make it so that if you are working with Rec 709 material, the color display panel on Lumetri Scopes automatically exposes the correct color space. If it is HLG, then accordingly Scopes changes automatically to the corresponding space. We need to strive to minimize and unify some work processes. Can you imagine how many steps the user needs to go through in order to correctly display their material on the monitor:
1) setting up the sequence, there is a color space;
2) interpret the material;
3) correctly set the value in the Lumetri Scopes panels to work with the color correctly;
4) set the correct color space in the material export settings.
Horror. And with all this, everything is in completely different places. It's not just inconvenient, but you really forget to put it all right everywhere. Your brain is focused on creating a product, and here we have to navigate through the software and spend this precious time. This is the main problem people have with setting up this very color space and the color that the community forum is full of here.
What do you say Neil?
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Couldn't agree more. I've posted all over the place a UserVoice request for a proper color managment (CM) panel ... one panel to rule them all ... and would appreciate upvotes on this:
For some of the other comments, Ann Bens linked this pdf file in another thread ...
PremierePro 2021 HDR User Guide
But some sections of it are already out of date, as they've changed so many things so quickly. Like ... the entire export section at the end. Now there are presets for HLG and PQ for all the formats/codecs that can work for exporting HDR.
It says there that the scopes will auto-adjust to the clip or sequence color space. I'm not finding that particularly ... reliable. I can have an HLG timeline and clip, with the scopes still showing Rec.709 both for graticles and scales. I have to manually reset scope color space to HLG, and set the scales (lower right corner dropdown in the scopes panel) to HDR.
And ... properly tagged HLG clips, both clips produced by cameras AND clips produced by export from Premiere itself ... when used with the 'new sequence from clip' command, will produce a Rec.709 sequence with an HLG clip looking thoroughly blown out.
Simple fix of course, but ... it should do it correctly to begin with.
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I think Adobe engineers should pay attention to this.
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So do I!
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This one works for me too, changing to full quality and the issue is solved
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I have the same issues you had but turning "High Quality Playback" on just ever so slightly improved performance. It is still barely usable with heavy stuttering. It does not care whether CUDA is on or off, in which resolution I play (full, half etc.) and nothing else does anything. CPU and GPU are pretty much on idle, RAM usage is around 20%.
PC Specs are
WIN 10 Pro
i7 9700F
RTX 3060 12GB
64GG RAM 2667MHz
NVME Harddrive
Premiere Pro 2022, Version 22.4.0 (Build 57)
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Correction: The CPU and GPU usage go up whenever the stuttering clips are played back (CPU 70-90%, GPU around 15%).
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What's your media? Format/codec, framesize, framerate, any effects/time changes?
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Hey, thanks for your interest.
This is one of the stuttering clips (sorry the GUI is german):
Typ: MPEG-Film
Dateigröße: 1,72 GB
Bildgröße: 1920 x 1080
Framerate: 25,00
Audioformat der Quelle: 48000 Hz - Komprimiert - Stereo
Audioformat des Projekts: 48000 Hz - 32-Bit-Floating-Point - Stereo
Gesamtdauer: 00:11:00:12
Pixel-Seitenverhältnis: 1,0
Alpha: Keine
Farbraum: Rec. 709
Farbraum überschreiben: Aus
Eingabe-LUT: Keine
Videocodec-Typ: AVCHD H.264 4:2:0
I have a warp stabilizer effect on top of it ,which worked fine previously. After i cut an moved the clips the stuttering began. No time changes or further effects. But the clips on the other tracks with no effects on them stutter, too.
The program monitor is zoomed to "fit", playack resolution is full (chaning it didn't do anything for me), "High Quality Playback" is checked thanks to this thread.
Project settings are set ot Mercury Engine with CUDA (changes here also did nothing), no cache (can't change it anyway)
Sequence settings are "user defined", "25 fps, 1920x1080", "square pixels (1,0)", display format is "25 fps Timecode", color space is "Rec. 709", videoplayback is set to "I-Frame only MPEG", 1920x1080, "maximum bit depth" is unchecked, "maximum render quality" is unchecked, "composite in linear color" is checked.
I hope i made not too many translation errors with the settings and so on.
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Ahh, Warp is involved ... that's one of the freaking heaviest effects possible.
First suggestion ... anything with Warp on it, apply the Warp, then nest the clip, then do any other effects such as time, color, whatever.
Second suggestion ... for all Warped clips ... consider getting the Warp work done, then doing a COMPLETE Render & Replace to a good digital intermediate format like Cineform, ProRes, or DNx, preferably something similar to what your final master will need to be.
That replaces the original clip with the new media with the Warp baked in. Meaning the load on your system for playback is much lighter, and all exports are VASTLY faster.
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Thanks for the suggestions, i'll try that!
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Thank you Neil, that works. Though I had to uncheck rendering warning banners, because no matter which render option I chose, which boxes I checked and unchecked (handles yes/no) and even if I had "analyzed" just before rendering: after rendering a clip (all shorter than 10 seconds), I got a warning banner "new frames need analyzing". I couldn't notice any difference from the non banner, non rendered versions to the rendered banner versions, so I just rendered without the banners and it seems fine now. No stuttering left and the warp stabilizer seems to work just fine.
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I'm experiencing the same on a new Macbook Pro with M1.
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I checked Premiere 22 on my other computer as well and have the same issue. It seems the new version doesn't utilize GPU power at all during playback. I have extremely high CPU usage and zero GPU usage during playbacks. I'm currently working on a project with a very strict deadline and it's impossible to use Premiere any more. That's a joke.
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Hi @ohorvath ,
Sorry for the issue. Can you please verify if your Hardware decoding option is checked ?
Premiere Pro menu --> Prefereces --> Media --> checkbox at the bottom
Can you please share the media details (Camera/codec/resolution) and a sample media, if possible ?
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Hi everyone,
We're sorry about the poor experience. We will get it checked. Please let us know the exact specifications (format/codec, frame rate, frame size & chroma subsampling) of the media files with which you are noticing playback issues.