Premiere Pro Crashes on Export
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Since a week PP crashes when I'm trying to export a project. PP shuts down or my laptop restarts due to an error. Never had this problem. It just started...
PP crashes when exporting different projects with different settings. I have removed some attributes on different project and tried to export it on a low bitrate (bad quality etc.), it worked on some projects but the changes are to random to pin it down to a overall problem.
I have tried removing an installing PP, clearing files on my computer, clearing media cash and upgrading RAM for PP. Also the files don't show in media encoder when trying to export with ME. It is not working. I hope someone has a an answer or knows how to resolve this problem.
Thank you!
MacBook Pro | 2,8 GHz Intel Core i7 | Memory: 16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3 | Graphics: Radeon Pro 555 2 GB Intel HD Graphics 630 1536 MB | OS: MOJAVE | Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 - Updated
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Thank you for the information. Was there any other updates to your system or non-Adobe software installs on your system? The fact that it just started could mean that there could be a third party conflict. The fact that it crashes leads me to think that it could be corruption or conflict with codecs or even a video card issue. Double check that your video card is fully updated. This is common cause of crashing. In fact, I was getting crashing on export myself recently and updating my video card fixed this. Make sure when you uninstall that you use Adobe's CREATIVE CLOUD CLEANER TOOL. This will give you a more complete uninstall if you havent tried it and can fix many issues like you are describing. Also, if you do have any plugins or connect applications, make sure those are uninstalled as well and see if you can eliminate conflicts.