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Premiere Pro exported footage glitch

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Jul 25, 2020 Jul 25, 2020

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I opened Premiere Pro today after a lifetime of it working fine, and all my assets are dispaying like this.

I've tried opening projects that I had already worked on in the past, and they also have this new green glitch:



The raw footage is fine, although all the assets on the bin present the same glitch when I click on them or hover the mouse:




In fact, this happens EVEN WITHOUT ANY FOOTAGE:




I've tested exporting it, and the export is also fine (except that it now says "An Adobe media encoder update is available, please download the updater from the help menuor visit adobe.com/go/updates". I DO NOT USE MEDIA ENCODER. And after I click on OK, I can export normally).




I just can't work with this f-ing green curtain in front of my footage. What is it and how can I fix it?

Thanks in advance. 



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Jul 25, 2020 Jul 25, 2020

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That is normally an issue with your graphics driver ... so what's your GPU, and you would be advised to go to the manufacturer's website (Nvidia or AMD) and install the newest driver.


MediaEncoder btw is the 'full-bore' encoding engine for Premiere, and in the stand-alone Me version, you have more options than within Premiere ... including setting up watch-folders with encoding/transcoding presets, creating ingest presets for Premiere, and batch working a queue while still being able to work in Premiere.


Note, if you export directly from Pr, the app is locked up until the export finishes. Queue that export to Me, you can keep working while it processes in the background.






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New Here ,
Jul 26, 2020 Jul 26, 2020

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Thanks Neil and PhillipJoseph, for taking your time. It didn't work.


I've updated whatever drives were available via Intel. None of them was the graphics card. My GPU is Intel® HD Graphics 520, which apparently was last updated in May. This is from the Intel website that PhillipJoseph indicated:




"A customized computer manufacturer driver is installed on your computer. The Intel Driver & Support Assistant is not able to update the driver. Installing a generic Intel driver instead of the customized computer manufacturer driver may cause technical issues. Contact Toshiba for the latest driver for your computer".


I looked, but there's no update from Toshiba either.

It's very odd, because this issue is only happening with Adobe Premiere Pro, not with any video, or game, etc.

I wonder if it's something to do with a Media Encoder interference? Because this Media Enconder message had never appeared before.


Many thanks again, and if anyone has another insight, please let me know.










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Community Expert ,
Jul 26, 2020 Jul 26, 2020

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Note: I just read that I'm basically echoing Neil's comment but I'm still going to post it.


I still think the Intel driver is likely the issue. That comes from seeing the green line thing many times in various places and helping people out.


The unfortunate thing about some laptops (I'm assuming that's what you have) is that there is now an extra layer between the video driver and the video card. It's a mobile card made specifically for laptops, if not specific to that particular laptop. There can be a delay between when a fix is made for the regularly available drivers and the drivers that are for custom mobile cards. There may even be a different third-party in there between Toshiba and Intel. It's not a great situation.


You could also look into rolling back a driver version.


One of the last people I helped with an Intel Driver issue said they contacted Intel and the person on the phone gave them access to a beta version of the next driver and it solved their green line issue. Could be worth chatting with Intel or Toshiba.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 25, 2020 Jul 25, 2020

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As Neil suggested this is usually a GPU driver issue. The green lines are typically from Intel integrated graphics cards. Go to Intel's website and update your driver from there or through the manufacturer of your computer (like if you have a Dell laptop, you may need to go through Dell.)




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Jul 26, 2020 Jul 26, 2020

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That is a GPU driver issue, tied to that Intel graphics chip. And sadly, many laptop makers mod the drivers for their specific use such that you have to use their version. And they often don't get around to the latest drivers for months if ever.


Sadly for their users.






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New Here ,
Jul 26, 2020 Jul 26, 2020

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So you're saying that the driver is now automatically updated and no longer compatible to Premiere Pro? Or that it's too outdated for Premiere Pro? In any case, I haven't updated Premiere, so all the settings should remain the same.




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