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Premiere Project Manager Not Working Properly

Explorer ,
Sep 12, 2019 Sep 12, 2019

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Hi. I’m using Premiere Pro CC 2019 and I’m encountering a rather strange problem with Project Manager. I did a 4-minute teaser edit that was shot with hi-res .mov files and edited with proxies, and everything went fine until I tried to consolidate it to send to color correction.


I have just the one final edit sequence selected in Project Manager, with the proxy toggle switch turned off in the timeline so that it’s playing the original files again. I clicked “Exclude Unused Clips”, “Include Audio Conform Files”, “Include Preview Files” and “Rename Media Files to Match Clip Names” The “Collect Files and Copy to New Location” option was clicked.

When I clicked “OK” it proceeded to copy every proxy file in the whole project (the majority of which were not used in the teaser sequence) to the destination folder, without copying any of the original .mov files.


This in spite of the fact that only one sequence was selected and the proxy toggle switch was off. In fact, it even created duplicate proxy files for some of the clips. I’ve tried numerous times to re-do it, including copying the project and deleting every other sequence in that project except the final teaser sequence, but with no luck.


Any idea as to what might be causing this? I’m on a MacBook Pro running OS 10.13.1 and using Premiere Pro 13.1.3. Thanks.






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Community Beginner ,
Sep 12, 2019 Sep 12, 2019

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Hi James,

unfortunately there's no solution yet to avoid that the proxyfiles are copied as well. It would be a pleasure to have some checkbox where you can choose if you want only original files, only proxy files or both to be included in the consolidate-process. The same is when you do normal exports, it would be so helpful if you could choose "use proxy only" when you do exports, as sometimes it's can be so much faster to export preview-videos when premiere would use the proxy-files as sources... Me and many of our postpro-departments really hope to hopefully get features like that very soon, it's really long overdue, at the moment it's really time consuming for our departments... But let's get back to your question.


When you do a consolidate process, the project manager first copies the original files in the consolidate-folder and then starts to copy the proxy files. The process isn't that smart, so if your proxy-files have the exact same filenaming as your original files the project manager overwrite the original files with the proxyfiles and you end up with a folder that only contains the proxy files. Could you give me a feedback about your filenames?








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