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Countless times in the past few months I go to premiere and press export -> queue in encoder. Then encoder does its thing. But in the past day I've noticed that my export just sits in the encoder queue with the status saying "ready" and doesnt move. I did a computer restart and this didnt fix it. no i cant push the green play button because the button shows up as a gray pause button icon. No I have not updated premiere recently but I mightve updated Encoder recently.
I'm running encoder Version 22.3.1 (Build 2)
I'm running premiere version 22.2.9 (Build 128) aka Premiere 2022
Yes I've been patient and sat here for quite a few minutes waiting for encoder to start but it wont start. This isnt normal. It's a 30 min timeline that i'm trying to get it to encode to an mp4. I have a 2020 imac 64 gb ram so its not an issue of my computer not being able to handle this. somethings not right. Anyone else have this issue or know how to solve it?
UPDATE: i started a brand new empty project. brought in one clip. queued it in encoder and it worked....... so I took my 30 minute show that I'm editing and did "Save a copy" (to make it a new project file name), tried to queue it in encoder, and its still stuck on ready. This project is too big to rebuild from scratch bring in piecemeal to a new project file. I dragged the entire project file into a new project file. then made a small in-to-out point (maybe a second or two long), queued in encoder and it worked. so now lets try the entire 29 minute sequence.... Yep it worked. It's the project file that appears to be the issue.
EVERYTHING DESCRIBED ABOVE WAS ON A DESKTOP COMPUTER. THEN I RAN INTO THE ISSUE ON MY M1 CHIP MACBOOK LAPTOP and the aforementioned didnt fix it. i got in touch with senior engineers at adobe and this is the solution we were able to find: Open media encoder, and go to settings or preferences and uncheck “import sequence natively”. Quit encoder and re open it. Now go back to premiere, hit export and press queue in encoder and it should work.
m1 chip macbook pro / laptop solution: Open media encoder, and go to settings or preferences and uncheck “import sequence natively”. Quit encoder and re open it. Now go back to premiere, hit export and press queue in encoder and it should work.
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Maybe try going into preferences and cleaning the media and disk cache in Premiere. Can you give us information about the type and resolution of the media which you are trying to output?
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4k MXF files for the most part. some are 4k mp4's. I see a way to purge media cache but not disk cache. isnt disk cache purgable in After effects but not premiere? It's rare when purging the media cache ever sovles anything for me. I have purged my media cache. I have also went to Adobe Creative cloud and updated premiere and encoder. When I press export in premiere i get a new looking export window that ive never seen before. When I press the "send to media encoder" button within the export dialogue, my cursor turns into a spinning rainbow wheel and its stuck on the rainbow spinning wheel of death
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I did a force quit. came back in. marked an in and out point (just a few seconds worth). Got it to queue and its stuck on "ready" again.
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m1 chip macbook pro / laptop solution: Open media encoder, and go to settings or preferences and uncheck “import sequence natively”. Quit encoder and re open it. Now go back to premiere, hit export and press queue in encoder and it should work.