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Premiere won't export effects properly, but displays them properly in Program Monitor

New Here ,
Oct 13, 2019 Oct 13, 2019

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I've been working on a photo and video montage to be presented at a large group event, however the effects that I have applied to the photos will not display properly when exporting.
This does not happen when the video is played in the Program Monitor and did not happen earlier when I exported a test version of the video.
The screenshot below  is what the video looks like when viewed in the Program Monitor:Image with applied effects in Program MonitorImage with applied effects in Program Monitor

Notice how the edges of the photo is not cropped.
When it is previewed for exporting, and is exported it looks like this:

Same image with applied effects in Export media window, with edges cut offSame image with applied effects in Export media window, with edges cut off

Unlike the view in the Program Monitor, the edges of the photo are cut off.

Does anyone know why this is and how to fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I am using Premiere Pro CC 2018.






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