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Problem with TRANSCRIBE "saving previous transcribe output data in the wrong language" And other!

Engaged ,
Feb 18, 2024 Feb 18, 2024

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The transcribe function is deeply flawed sometimes it seems,

Adding to the previous problems mentioned here: (https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-discussions/transcribe-a-video-projectitem-and-transcrib...)

Or here (https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-discussions/you-can-no-longer-transcribe-only-few-clips-...)

I noticed another problem which is bothering me:

Instead of transcribing clip by clip inside one sequence, I am creating unique sequences for my clips to be able to transcribe them.

Ok so far so good, until I faced a problem, I have an audio clip that was transcribed INTO THE WRONG LANGUAGE, the problem is when i delete the transcription or hide the captions track, and try to do a NEW transcription, it instantly generate the previoussely wrongly generated captions! And There is nothing I can do about it.


Look at this:



it just hallucianted wrong words because it was not the right language. Look at all the missing captions (it only transcribed imaginary words in the red area, you can see the green audio being bigger than that area)


No option to "re transcribe":



When hiding the sub tracks to make the c"aptions making menu" appear, well there is NO langage option and pressing ok will just RE PASTE the previous wrong captions:



What now?


Edit: DELETING the sequence and creating a new one, can help. BUT is that REALLY what PPRO high end product offer? I need it to work perfeclty without these kind of inconiences. The menu to choose langage (if you start with a fresh sequence, does NOT let you choos the langage easily by pressing a letter, insted you have to hover thourgh all languages until you find the right one you want, I insist on the "ergonomy feature" (see one of the posts url I shared above)).






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