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Purple alpha bug with Prores 444 Alpha under GPU acceleration mode

Contributor ,
May 03, 2021 May 03, 2021

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I noticed this since a couple of versions and am currently on version 15 of Premiere. The same issue exists in Media Encoder, and rarely in After effects too. I'm on OSX 11.3 on a Mac Pro 2019 with two Vega II GPUs.  The issue is only with Prores 4444+Alpha, not with animation+alpha quicktime files.


When I get a Prores 444+Alpha file that is supposed to look like this:



instead it looks like this:



with somewhat completely inverted channels. The only way how I can see and render it as intended is if I turn gpu acceleration off completely. Then it does look like the above image, but my performance takes a hit obviously. 


Please fix this! It must be a specific issue with this GPU + Adobe apps, cause the issue shows up only there and on this machine. 

Error or problem , Hardware or GPU






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