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Is there a way to quickly disable / enable all effects in a sequence for previewing?
[Changed the correct answer as in the meantime the feature has been added. Mod]
Solution is available! Even though this thread was from forever ago, I thought I would try to help save anyone else time and frustration!
For anyone searching on the internet like I was in the version of Premiere CC 17 for how to turn off all effects for preivew purposes. Our prayers have been answered! I can't tell you Adobe how grateful I am for this little feature finally.
To gain this feature click the plus symbol in your program window to add the icon for the "global effects Mute" that looks
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It's quite human, really. Some parts are committee recommendations/decisions, and some are someone up the line making a choice. I've had employees who felt very much the same about changes they'd suggested/requested in my business. Different positions combined with different personalities guarantee different perspectives on what's important. Some of the threads like this that have had LONG life here ... and like that cat keep coming back ... have vastly different perspectives within the users here.
There's a couple that do that involving a change in the way PrPro & Ae inter-relate, that would involve changing a couple things in the way Ae handles something. There are users that feel that process is SO outdated and ridiculous they can't imagine why that and the accompanying pathway PrPro/Ae haven't been changed years ago. And others who nearly foam at the mouth at suggesting a change of those particulars. We've had moderators have to ... amend ... posts over those issues.
And yea, I've got my "issues" that they haven't in their wisdom seen fit to "fix". I don't hold my breath, but yes, it would be nice. And yea, some things ... well ... there's a lot of folks just shake their heads that something hasn't been taken care of. Jeepers, the audio stuff in PrPro ... it's not particularly obvious what many of the options do (especially in multi-track), is it? Interesting choices of nomenclature & the accompanying lack of understandable, clear explanations.
But of course, the continual change in program "features" and the continual lack of new & detailed documentation ... another big problem.
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There are times when I like to compare color grading with and without effects to see if I've gone too far, or not.
Turning off all effects is simple if you put them in a Adjustment Layer. You can toggle that layer's visibility and quickly compare your scene without or with effects.
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I guess you could have an adjustment layer as mentioned but that could become a real PITA in a large or complicated project. Rarely are my various clips graded exactly the same, except for possibly interviews and those vary in focal length and therefore in grading. Add to that layers of b-roll, graphics, AE comps, etc and it could quickly become unwieldy. Still seems like a reasonable request that has long been overlooked.
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Hello Thrilled Media,
Still seems like a reasonable request that has long been overlooked.
One man's reasonable request might be an engineer's nightmare. Though there are almost unlimited things you can do with software, there are many reasons why a feature might not get implemented. Only one of which is that we "overlooked it." One way to make sure we do not overlook your idea is to create a feature request:
I recommend each of you on this thread do so, if you haven't already.
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I can see how that would be more difficult than changing the interface from orange to blue, but it has been requested many times and it is an option in other NLE software so it still seems like a reasonable request.
Yep, already feature requested many times.
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Hello Thrilled Media,
I just thought of a workaround:
You now have a copy of your sequence with effects and one without. You could even stack them up in "pancake" fashion for comparison purposes or gang one to another in the Source and Record Monitors.
Would that work for you?
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This is a great workaround - thank you
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Rather than duplicating entire sequence like others have suggested - I duplicate the clips in the timeline, and paste them onto a higher track in my sequence (if using multiple tracks then move all copied clips onto one track). Then selected all the newly copied clips and 'remove effects'. You can now continue to edit using the clips without effects as a guide and toggle the track view on / off to see the graded version, without slipping out of sync. Handy for when changes come back to a graded edit and is very quick to do. Good luck!
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Solution is available! Even though this thread was from forever ago, I thought I would try to help save anyone else time and frustration!
For anyone searching on the internet like I was in the version of Premiere CC 17 for how to turn off all effects for preivew purposes. Our prayers have been answered! I can't tell you Adobe how grateful I am for this little feature finally.
To gain this feature click the plus symbol in your program window to add the icon for the "global effects Mute" that looks like an "fx" icon. Ta-Da!
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I have not tested that yet but are you sure that function is not just for the Program Preview and has no affect on an export?
It is situated in the Program Monitor for a reason.
I thought it was an aid to speeding up previewing ie without the load of effects on the fly.
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Shooternz is correct: its just for viewing. Effects are present in the export file.
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I could have missed a post down the thread, but this was just in response to the original post/question of turning them off for preview purposes. I would think that would actually be a bad feature if it did do it on render; being in the program window and all which could be misleading. I am almost thinking I remembered there being a feature to disable fx but I am sure I am thinking of AfterEffects export menu. Haha.
I was working with it last night. I was only adding color grading and warp stabilization, and some color correction. It seems to be disabling all of those effects for me for previewing which helps SO much for slightly older systems like my work iMac.
Side-note: Glad to hear it helped. I usually never post answers or reply's when searching for help topics; but I think I might from now on if I find a solution or update of info, seeing that it was helpful. Just imagine what would happen if people went back on forums they were searching for after tinkering and finding solutions for media software... it would surely abolish all poverty, disease, and remove all differences in the world to create true bliss and world peace. Haha.
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Please post on here when you find things that don't seem to be common knowledge ... that sort of thing is very useful. And also, yes, hop in & answer when you've got one ...
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BIG, HUGE UPS to Gavin for noticing this little sweety!!! This is what I have been looking for as well! I haven't fully tested it out yet but it looks promising so far. I don't need to remove the effects, in fact I don't want to remove the effects (mainly color grades using MB Looks) when I need to do a re-edit... I just need to do the re-edit and have it play at speed. This solves that huge problem. Chroma key isn't great because it removes that as well but I can get past that little issue.
FINALLY Adobe answered the call... thanks for pointing it out Gavin!
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gavinb9475083 wrote
Solution is available! Even though this thread was from forever ago, I thought I would try to help save anyone else time and frustration!
For anyone searching on the internet like I was in the version of Premiere CC 17 for how to turn off all effects for preivew purposes. Our prayers have been answered! I can't tell you Adobe how grateful I am for this little feature finally.
To gain this feature click the plus symbol in your program window to add the icon for the "global effects Mute" that looks like an "fx" icon. Ta-Da!
The feature has been broken for years, in the context where it actually would have been the most useful (and Adobe totally ignores bug reports on this).
You will find that the fx mute function automatically toggles back to inactive upon starting multicam playback, randomly but most of the time. There is no fix, and no interest from Adobe in fixing the widely reported bug.
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Gavin, you've just changed my life - thanks so much haha, this is gonna save me so much time!!
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it dpes not remove transitions in to out nor in selected section
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That is because it is designed to disable effects temporary and not remove transitions.
Workaround for removing transitions
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yes. so is there a way to select a section on the timeline and remove all transitions in to out? is seems elemantary for avid users and yet I didn't find a solution in premiere pro.
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Brilliant! Very, very useful - especially if you have noise reduction on. But why is it hidden away.
Thank you gavinb9475083
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Dude, yes this thread is old, but I'm benefitting from your post today! This is great!!! Thanks!
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Me too
Adobe does something right for once
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Thank you so much! Huge time-saver.
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I'm STILL waiting for this to be implemented, Adobe. What's going on?
Seriously - if you continue to ignore your supporters who literally keep your company off the ground, what makes you think that we won't go elsewhere? I've heard some pretty nice things about Da Vinci resolve recently... and they support the bazillion things that you all seem to find as meaningless or un-useful.
Please, stop with near useless new feature implementations and INSTEAD work on getting your software more optimized. We didn't need a second titler. Da Vinci does Shared Projects much better than whatever you all just released.
Add more support for multiple CPUs and GPUs, make all of your effects able to run off a multi core CPU, add better support for Multi CPUs, and more. Seriously - I've been logging a LAUNDRY LIST of things that you all need to fix in recent years, and you all do not implement the important aspects of the feature requests. Why does your team not even bother to look at them?