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Hello Adobe community,
I am doing a new project where I have to use a lot of on screen text. I am using "Legacy Title" to create those text.
The problem that I am having is that the size of the panels change every time I reopen the titles.
Below are the images:
1) First time I open it. This is normal. All three panels are divided properly.
2) Second time I open: Look at the left and right panels. Right panel gets extended and the left one gets squished.
3) Third time I open the title. Again look at the left and right panels.
This gets really annoying when dealing with lots of on screen text!
Any help will be appreciated.
Hi, we fixed the issue where the legacy titler panels weren't showing up at all in the default workspaces. Unfortunately, this fix came at the end of the 13.0.2 cycle and we ran out of time to fix a side effect, where the panels aren't maintaining their original layout. Given that the original problem prevented access to the legacy titler panels, we wanted to provide that fix ASAP. We hope to get the layout resizing bug (now a separate issue) fixed soon. If you reset the workspace, that should r
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Hi. I am not sure about the EGP. The "Legacy Title" is a great tool, and the way it is prenseted in a separated panel can benefit some workflow. Still it's not a reason to keep it broken in the new versions... I would rather like them to leave it there and fix it....
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If Adobe's position is that Legacy will not be fixed as it is scheduled for immediate phase out - then state that. If you don't know how to help, please don't answer. Chiming in with "Might want to..." is off tompic and needlessly provocative.
This thread is about issues with Legacy title which, as of this moment, is nominally supported by Adobe. Any and all answers should be framed within that context.
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There have been numerous statements from Adobe managers that the Titler will not be updated. Both in blog posts going back several years and in statements from both product support staff and program engineers here.
When they launched the EGP, they renamed the Titler "Legacy" to make it CLEAR that it is on the way out. Adobe being Adobe, they never announce things ahead of time.
When the EGP/mogrt system first appeared, it was limited in many ways as they were early in the development of it and wanting to "grow" it as part of the app from user feedback and use. That was also clearly stated at that time. And has been restated on this forum several times by engineers who have come here on their own time to help out a number of users.
But it is several versions since the EGP was first launched. Nearly anything you could ever do in the Titler you can do in the EGP, plus things the Titler wasn't capable of doing.
Adobe brass runs by metrics. By their stats, a smaller and smaller subset of the user-base are using the Titler. My guess is they have some number in mind, and when Titler use drops below that number, the Titler will be discontinued. Personally, I'd be suprised if it's still here in 2022. But that's just a guess as again ... they don't talk about this sort of thing with anyone.
The comment that seems to call Ann's knowledgeable response "unprofessional" was itself questionable. She's a volunteer like the rest of us here, and quite experienced with Premiere.
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OK right, still it is unnacceptable the windows get messed up like that. Legacy Title is still there, and sometimes, i find it easier to use for quick titles. So ok they don't update it anymore, i understand, but not fixing an horrendous bug like that is just shameful.
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Adobe wants to get rid of the Legacy Titler even though many people have stated time and time again there are things the Legacy Titler can do that the EGP cannot. I like the fact that you can do some really cool art work with the Legacy Titler but that is not the main reason I still use the Legacy Titler. The metadata features of the the Legcy Titler are awesome as seen in the video link link below.
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i am a similar issues with legacy title, but insteadof the side panels being the problem, the problem is the slate is verticle instead of horizontal, and i need it horizontal. how do you go about fixing it.
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Adobe has to know how important the features of the Old Legacy Titler are to so many people. The people that have probably been using it for over 8 years. You think they would fix it but I think they care more about new users.
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They don't give the exact number, but the number of people still using Legacy has dropped way off. It's a percentage of the user-base thing I am assuming. Once it's down below a certain percentage, buh-bye.
So it isn't old versus new users. I used it when I started with PrPro, it was the only game in town. The first year EGP was out, I did some things with it, some with Titler. Each version, there's been less uses for me for the Titler. I think that's rather common. Not universal, but common.
And I've been on the short end of the EOL process myself. Still bummed they dropped SpeedGrade but what the hey. It's been five or six years now.
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There is no metadata or bins with EGP like there is with the Old Legacy Titler. That is the big drawback for me.
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You can use local folders and organize those. And add keywords to the mogrts/graphics. Not the same, and yea, you're searching somewhere other than the project panel. But it can work.
If one has a good setup working for you, it's a pain to have to change.
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I think there is a chance Adobe might keep the Legacy Titler but only time will tell.
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Keep on dreaming.
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It will be a devastating day if they remove it for many of the reasons given in this thread. I'm gradually trying to prepare for that day but I have to say I just don't like the new method at all and losing all my templates for differnt clients will have a massive impact on my time. Why can't they just leave it there buried away in a menu? A small ask but with huge benefits for those like me who have built up a significant collection of templates over the years.
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Hi David,
Sorry about this. Leaving old computer code buried in an app is a recipe for instability, unfortunately. Takes extra resources from the eng team too. I think that naming the tool "Legacy" is the sign companies give for beginning to migrate your existing workflow to a newer one, even though it's very painful. I have been in your shoes. Not fun. If I can help at all, drop me a message.
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How is the migration to EGP going, David?
I recall that in version 12.x, a lot of the QuickTime 32 bit codecs went away. I transcoded all my files so that they could be used in later versions. Man, was I glad I did that then. Now, I don't have to worry if I still have a machine that can use these files. I wanted to encourage you (and others) to continue working in migrating so that all the work to change over won't hit you all at once.
Take Care,
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Transcoded all your files?? Forgive my ignorance, but are you talking about rendering them all out to files? If so, wouldn't Photoshop be quicker with more ability to edit? I would love to know how to migrate all my legacy titles, but I am clueless. I hate to lose years of work.
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You will if you dont do something.
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Thanks Kevin.
I'm using then EGP when I can for simple things but it's still no good for anything more complicated - shapes, backgrounds, embedded graphics etc so I continue to rely on the legacy titled for those.
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It just getting used to.
You can make shapes, backgrounds, embed graphics/movies.
For me still missing is inner and outer stroke (for now with a workaround) and sheen.
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The only way LT stays is if essential graphics fails to mature. Right
now that's 50/50. Essential Graphics has its own issues and so far
isn't what was promised in a titler.
Hunter Cressall
Senior Production Associate, Pack Health
<removed personal info>
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You can save the EG Titles in bins. That is a big plus but there is still a lot of room for improvements to be made with the EGP.
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Thanks for making this one, Andy. You're right, it should be better publicized for those concerned about that. I also think that the metadata column should be included by default.
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Matbe things will change in the next release.
On a side note. On my system the Intel Quick Sync stops working for no reason. I have to close out the program and restart it. It has been like that for the last couple of releases. The new Intel 2021 CPUs are supposed to get a revamped version of Intels Quick Sync. I hope it works with Premiere Pro.