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Hi everybody,
Well I have a big problem here, with my software Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. There is a project very important to me, on which I have been working for two monthes now... I can't open it.
Everything worked fine untill this evening. Now, when I want open it, it loads and there is a message on which is written : "This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type.".
I have tried the solutions proposed on http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/kb/missing-sequence-presets.html : I disactivated and reactivated my Premiere Pro CS6, and I "re-created the Adobe Premiere Pro preferences and plug-in cache" (at the least, I pressed alt + shift during the loading screen of Premiere.. I had no sign that anything was done or changed because the software started as usually, but I suppose it's normal).
So, since it seems that there's no further solutions or ideas to resolve the problem, I want, at the least, find a way to recover the huge cutting work on which I
thoroughly strived during the whole last weeks.
According the error message, there is ONE sequence that doesn't work. It means that the great majority of my sequences are clean. How can I recover them in a way I can edit them again on Premiere ?
PS : sorry if there are mistakes in my words, my maternal language is french.
1 Correct answer
Check out this FAQ: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4626663#4626663
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I know this is really old but THANK YOU!!! you saved my project! I just copied and pasted exactly the text in your message and used the "find and replace" function on the notepad on my computer. Thanks, bro!
PS: to any newbies who want a detailed tutorial on exactly how to do this I will gladly provide pictures. 🙂
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It's really easy.
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Hi, can you please tell me how you did this?
Thank you
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Wow! This is a hot solution. I opened project in Notepad++ and changed 6 occurences of the current preview codec from I-Frame Only MPEG to Microsoft AVI. Got my day's work back. Thank you so much.
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Check out this FAQ: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4626663#4626663
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>>This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type.
I deactivated, killed everything with Adobe's name on it and restarted Premiere (which promptly failed to ask me to or provide any options for reactivation - Encore subsequently told me I was not activated - relaunching Premiere showed the 30day message - relaunching the Adobe Application Manager let me activaite.
That allowed me to open ALL the prproj's I was DENIED access to by Adobe's licensinig division..... Slap on the back of the hand for your new flangled licensing devs - I bet you tested the part that collects the money and blocks use of the program right? Serious killjoy project manager...
And Priemere dev's - you should know better than to trust them when they say you won't need to update anythign for the new licensing - update the damn eror rmesage: "Oh yea...sorry...I'm gonna go ahead and ask you to reactivate everything"
Reinstall? What is this ATI?
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Is there any way you can get the guys who write the error messages to at least **hint** the real problem might be an activation/Clod issue? The phrase "a sequence that could not be opened" sends shivers of terror down the backs of editors! The message doesn't *have* to say "The Clod screwed up again" but something along the lines of "don't panic until you check your authentication" would go a long way to shortening the heart attack lines at the ER!
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I had the same problem. After some trial and error I figured out that it was some .psd files that I had imported as a sequence.
I created a new premiere project and imported the sequences from the old project that wouldn't open.
Then I used Photoshop to save the graphic as tiff files and reimported them into the project.
I replaced the .psd/sequences with the Tiff files and deleted the .psd/sequences from my project.
This totally solved the problem.
I know it's just a workaround but until this .psd import issue is fixed, it's a perfectly good one.
I hope this helps.
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Hello everyone and sorry for my bad english.
Ok, this was my problem :
I created my project in Prelude CS6 then worked out in Premier Pro CS6 and then send it to SpeedGrade CS6. After closing everything for a reboot, my main project Premiere couldn't be opened, error message : " This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type. "
So, after looking on all those forums I decided to reinstall all my CS6 programs with Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner. Somehow, the cleaner doesn't clean everything, 5 of my CS6 programs were still there. And when I tried to reopen my project with the fresh Premier CS6, the same error message shown his face.
This is my solution :
Open a new Premier project and import your "work" project in the new one. When Premier ask you how to import, choose Import selected sequences. This worked for me.
( Any of my CS6 were updated ).
Also, my " old " project had dynamic link with After Effect CS6, maybe all this cocktail made this error.
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Dynamic Link doesn't cause the error, not being activated is what causes it. Sometimes you need to close PP and retry after activation.
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its happen when i open my project from macpro to my macbook pro..
my method is create new project and just import that old sequence (not entire project)
its work to me.
good luck.
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I just encountered this same problem after copying all of my projects to a different external drive. I verified btye counts on every folder when I copied. I just read the FAQ that adobe pointed too. Maybe the error message should be a little more verbose as this is a very unsettling error to see on something you have worked really hard on.
Update. I'm on Creative Cloud and deactivating and reactivating RESOLVED this issue for me
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I ran into this when I swapped my SSD from my dell e6510 i5 laptop into a dell e510 i7 laptop. THe laptop hardware is identical to each other other than the cpu. Everything worked except CS6 gave me the same error you are having and then told me that I needed to reactivate which I did and boom I could open my projects again. Interestingly I could create new projects before reactivation but couldn't open up any old projects. Well then the i7 laptop was having lock up problems from a hardware issue so I decided to put the SSD back into the i5 laptop and once again ran into the same couldn't open old projects error. After reading the above replies in cs6 I clicked on help, deactivate, then reactivated and boom I was able to open up my old projects again. This definately seems like a licensing issue when CS6 sees a change in hardware and in my case the same OS but different CPU / laptop with different hardware IDs and such. I'm hoping this solution of deactivating and reactivating will stick because I have a lot of editing to do over this week-end.
Hope this helps some people having the same issue - cheers!
BTW - for those of you wondering why I'm editing on this laptop I wouldn't recommend a dell e6510 laptop (has 8GB ram, SSD and an nvidia video card) for editing with cs6 as it tends to be very slow on larger material edits - but it's the best laptop I have right now and I need to edit while traveling in a car and I don't really want to buy a faster laptop just yet as I have an editing desktop with a good video card that is MUCH faster than my laptop.

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I had the same problem and I fixed it like this:
- Create a new empty project in Premiere
- Go to File > Import...
- Import your broken project using the "import individual sequences" option
- Once it has detected all sequences, select and import them.
Although this already seems to work, if you save this new project, you won't be able to open it again later. So the next step is the key to make it work. - In your project media window, go to each of your sequences, right click, "sequence settings".
Don't change any settings, just click ok. Premiere will tell you that the preview files will be deleted. - Your project should now be fixed. You should be able to save it and open it again without any problems.
I hope this solves it for you and any other readers too! Good luck!

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this way can save 40% of my work (but it's better than i got nothing at the end)
Besides, this way can help to import all sequences, but the source files of Illustrator and Photoshop were failed. (cannot be selected in the process)
is it possible to recover an entire project ?

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I'm not sure what you mean. In my experience, importing a sequence also imports everything in your project library that is used in that sequence. Probably unused clips and other media will get lost though. In my case that wasn't a problem.
I used a few Illustrator and Photoshop files in my project too, and the sequences where I used them were imported correctly. All the source files on my harddisk have always been in the same place, I didn't touch them.
So as far as I can tell, I recovered my entire project.
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In my case, with CS 5.5, the problem appeared to be corrupted software.
For no apparent reason, no files would open. All attempts produced the "This project contained..." message.
Then I noticed that creating a new file would not give me the HDV file options. Just the DV options. That was the clue.
Solved the problem by reinstalling the program. Good thing I had install files saved on a disk.
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This is the best and fastest solution to the problem!
No need to follow the Adobe official process, if this solution works for you.
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Adobe helped me with mine at some point and they said it was "sleep." if you sleep your computer it thinks it's not licensed! Lame. lame. lame.
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I got this problem right now. About a week ago I was able to do system restore and then was able to continue editing. However today the program just quit without warning and lost an hour's work which unfortunately autosave didn't kick in as it is meant to do this every 20 minutes. This is Premiere CC btw. Tried system restore and it failed. Unbelievable....
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I just Stepped into this problem, I have Had this Hard Drive Cloned because the previous hard drive was failing. if some one wouldnt mind, can you please explain this Notepad++ Solution? when i open my projects in Notepadd++, all i see is what looks like Compiled language? How does one ungarble it?
Also I show Activated when i sign into Adobe, Where is the Activation Tab in Premiere pro CC?
thanks in Advance
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I had the same problem with Premiere CC opening a very large Project file. The following solution fixed my problem as well:
I simply signed out under Premiere > Help and signed back in. After that I was able to open the project again.
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Why adobe premiere developers don't fix this problem???
Tons of super cool features, effects etc and a simple problem they can’t fix... I don't get it!!!
Is any Premiere developer in this forum???
I almost lost a 1 week of editing (10 projects) because of this problem. All my projects are in an external HD that I use to work from home to office. I finished editing all the videos at HOME and when I took them to the office to show the client, NONE, NONE, NONE of the files could be opened in the office’s Premiere (home/office = CS6 v.6.0.5).
After researching, tried all the options above, editing the .prproj as xml in Dreamweaver, nocking my head against the keyboard and spending 3 days figuring out what happened to the files and why it couldn’t be opened in another machine AND NOW in my original computer at home some of the files couldn’t open as well….. arrrgghhh!
Well let’s go to what really matters
My solution:
1- Create a NEW PROJECT and save it in the same folder you have your project with the problem (DO NOT OVERWRITE your original file, save it with a different name you will need to import it in the end).
NOW here is the TRICK --- >
2- Create a NEW SEQUENCE
2.1- Click on ANY of the presets you like
2.2- Now click on the tab SETTINGS
2.3- In the 1st option = Editing Mode -- > CHANGE it to --- > CUSTOM (DO NOT USE ANY of the Adobe presets)
2.4- Set the other parameters as you like
2.5- In VIDEO PREVIEW (for PC) I use Microsoft AVI -- > dv24p advanced… MAC probably use QuickTime.
2.6- ****** CLICK -- > SAVE PRESET -- > use any name you like.
2.7- SELECT your new custom preset and double click on it.
3- IMPORT the original file using the option -- > IMPORT SELECT SEQUENCE --> Select ONLY the editing sequence…
3.1- now double click the IMPORT sequence.
3.2- click on the timeline, select all your project (ctrl+a) and copy it (ctrl+c)
3.3- double click the NEW sequence
3.4- the new sequence should be EMPTY (no video/audios). Now paste it (ctrl+v)
3.4- DELETE the old sequence you imported (JUST the old imported sequence, keep all the linked files)
4- Save it
It worked for all my files in Premiere Pro CS6 and I also tried on Premiere Pro CC and all opened perfectly…
I hope it helps you !!
Fabio - washingmachinelab.com
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Thank you!!!
Had this problem going from a mac to a pc, your workaround was great!
My sequence was all there, just the footage was offline.
All I had to do was locate the footage and delete the old sequence, otherwise I would get the same error.
Thanks again!
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Fabio —
Thank you for this procedure, It has saved me all sorts of time and trouble. It worked great for getting my project back with all editable tracks.
My problem now is that when I go to save the re-named project, I'm getting the same infernal message: "This project contained a sequence that could not be opened...".
Essentially, I'm repeating the entire procedure every time that I need to open and work on my project. I'm certainly better off than than I was before, but it still makes me wonder how much I'm going to have to deal with this problem in the future.
Any thoughts?