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Set Engine Resolution Change Failed, freeze on premiere pro

New Here ,
Oct 28, 2023 Oct 28, 2023

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Adobe premiere pro 23 and 24
Windows 10

Hello everybody !

I have come to ask for your help with a very annoying problem which occurred around August 2023.

When I work on premiere pro, I sometimes have computer freezes during which I can't do anything for several seconds, until the screens lose the signal and find it frantically (a bit like when touching a faulty cable). It happens that during this moment, we hear the Windows sound which indicates that a USB cable is plugged in, and this several times
When this calms down, it happens 4 times out of 5 that the Windows Explorer windows are completely black and the Windows taskbar as well as the desktop see their icons disappear. Sometimes dragging the mouse over the windows makes the icons reappear, but often it remains completely black.
The only way to get back to normal is to first restart Windows Explorer from the task manager, which solves the problem with the icons, then close all the windows which are black.

It sometimes happens that this forces a restart of the computer, without a blue screen appearing.

I would like to point out that this problem only occurs on Adobe Premiere. The recent update to .24 did not resolve the problem.

This problem does not appear on any other software, whether it is a video game, After Effect or Photoshop.

I ran an OCCT to test my hardware, and everything seems ok.

I noticed that the problem occurs very frequently when I switch from Adobe Premiere, to drag and drop a rush for example. This means that clicking outside of Adobe Premiere will trigger the bug. But this also happens when I stay in Adobe Premiere.
It also happens that the error message "Set Engine Resolution Change Failed" appears at the bottom left of the screen while I am working. And while typing this message on the internet I came across a Reddit post from someone who seems to have encountered the same problem:


If anyone has already encountered this problem I am interested!






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