Shortcut for Playback Speed
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I realize that the shortcut for increasing playback speed in Premiere is hitting L on the keyboard while playing. However, this only works if the timeline panel is active. And therein lies my problem—when working on captioning, the Transcript panel is active as I make corrections. But I want the video to play at 2X speed because I have hours and hours of this to get through. Unfortunately, I can't do this with a shortcut, because L doesn't work in the Transcript panel. Is there a UNIVERSAL shortcut (or command for which I can assign a shortcut) for increasing the playback speed?
I thought a solution might be an applescript... but Premiere Pro doesn't support it.
I'm looking for a way to hotkey the 2X playback speed of the current playing sequence WITHOUT needing to have the sequence panel active. Any help would be appreciated.
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Not ideal, but could you hotkey making the Seq panel active, then press the speed up key?
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Thanks and this is what I've done. I set the command+1 to make the Seq panel active, then command+2 to Shuffle Right (so that I could do it without my mouse hand) and then command+3 to reactive the text panel (I need this for working on captions). This last shortcut doesn't seem to work 100% of the time, although I'm not entirely sure why. The other two work fine.