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@AdobeCare suggested I post this here.
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I just tried exporting a reel of clips that need burn-in with source clip name and source clip timecode. Premiere would not cooperate. In the timecode overlay, in the export window, no matter what option I tried, it only shows only sequence timecode and name.
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The workaround is to add two layers of adjustment tracks, one using the obsolete Timecode, making sure it’s the right FPS, and obsolete Clip Name set to Video 1 as source track. Why two tracks? So you can add edit the timecode track in case the source clips change FPS.
I'm pretty sure this is something a lot of people do. Resolve handles this easily with their burn-in options. Also, Media Composer has these options in their burn-in gerneator. I hope Adobe adds options for clip based timecode read and clip name for burn-in on export as options. But if anyone else has a suggestion, I'd love to know. Thanks!
2 Correct answers
Have you tried the new "Metadata &Timecode Burn-in" effect that replaces the obsolete Timecode effect?
It's currently only in the Premiere public beta, but I use that version every day and it's very stable. You can install the public betas from the left side ("Beta Apps" category) of the Creative Cloud Desktop app. These can be installed alongside the public versions withou
...Holy wow, I guess there's not. That's a big fat oversite, I'd say.
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The overlay options on export only apply to the sequence as a whole.
For overlay info that changes over the coures of your export, use the Overlays option in the wrench menu of the Program Monitor.
In Overlay Settings you can specify project clip name and source timecode, which should do exactly what you are wanting.
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Is there an option to leave OVERLAYS on the clip while it exports?
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Holy wow, I guess there's not. That's a big fat oversite, I'd say.
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Thank you Matt. I was hoping that I had just missed a check box somewhere. Adding this ability to leave overlays on does seem like the easiest way to achieve a lot of info based exports. That is pretty much how Resolve handles burn-in now. I hope they see that feature request. Voted! Thanks again.
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Have you tried the new "Metadata &Timecode Burn-in" effect that replaces the obsolete Timecode effect?
It's currently only in the Premiere public beta, but I use that version every day and it's very stable. You can install the public betas from the left side ("Beta Apps" category) of the Creative Cloud Desktop app. These can be installed alongside the public versions without causing any issues since they get their own sets of preferences. For the most part you can even go back and forth with your project from public release to beta, but in this case, opening your project in the public version of PR 2022 won't show the effect since it's not in that version.
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Thanks for that info. I am on a new 16" MBP M1 Max. Since I have a good workaround, I'm not sure it would really be worth having to go into another version just for this type of export. Ultimately my request has more to do with adding this ability to the export window since it's a common function needed in post production. This plugin does look like a great modernization of the Clip Name and Timecode plugins though and I look forward to using it when it comes to Apple Silicon.
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Agreed, and the effect was first introduced in the beta back in April and has gone some great revisions, so hopefully it'll make it to the public release version soon.
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Thank you so much for the information though David. I really do appreceate it.
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You're quite welcome!
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Sorry evil,
Looks like you have the best solution for now. I'll leave the feature request and beta feature as the current solution. I will update it once the beta feature is part of the mainline feature set.
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Very kind Kevin thank you. The real solution is learning to be more active in these forums since there are so many great and smart people here.
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Any news when the new timcode generator effect will make it out of Beta, Kevin ? I'm still wrestling with the obselete one...
... thanks
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I expect action on it shortly, Thom C, but not sure when. The team knows about the issue. Apologies.