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Timeline WONT STOP playing ?!?!?

Community Beginner ,
Apr 16, 2017 Apr 16, 2017

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While editing, the playback won't stop.

That is right, you read correctly, 
I hit play, and then cannot stop it.Keyboard no longer gets any result from any keys in Premiere.

Mouse moves fine, but nothing responds to clicks.

It plays as long as it wants, at least seven minutes, sometimes an hour.

When it stops it does whatever key clicks I entered, during its time as a runaway.

It will save, or open panels, or make markers,   whatever keys I had pressed.

I was using wireless.  Now I am using the second of two WIRED keyboards and a wired mouse.

Still same problem.
Impossible to edit like this.

This just happened now, while perfecting a three camera edit in Multicam.

I had just tweaked an edit point with the rolling edit tool in the middle of a 90 minute timeline.

Restarting the program, or rebooting makes no difference.

CC 2017  with Windows 7.

But I have experienced this with many earlier versions of PP.

This has happened in projects that are newly started as well as older projects. 

ANY IDEAS ?  This is something that is hard to search for due to being similar words as other problems.

Please, can anyone help me ?

not sure what tags to use on this post - its not about playback, its about NOT STOPPING playback




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correct answers 2 Pinned Replies

Adobe Employee , Jan 29, 2023 Jan 29, 2023

One fix could be related to NVIDIA drivers. Please install the 528.49 studio driver and let us know how it goes with 23.2. Any other driver, especially game ready drivers can cause unexpected behavior. Furthermore, take note of the GeForce Experience. Do not run it concurrently with Premiere Pro. NVIDIA drivers have been faulty for a couple of months now and have caused multicam editors a lot of problems. Check it out.


@SK321 has also found a potential solution for those running 23.1 and Asus



Adobe Employee , Mar 17, 2023 Mar 17, 2023


I am so sorry that some of you are still experiencing this bug in current versions. I appreciate everyone that wrote constructive posts and commentary. Unfortunately, the Premiere Pro team does not respond in this user-to-user forum, but they do read the Bug Reports and Ideas forums. Please address them there.


For action on this bug, please upvote and make further comments on this bug report. That would be the best thing we can do as a community. As a community manager here, I will also



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Community Beginner ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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I can't stress this enough: switch away from Premiere. I've done it and I regret that I haven't done this earlier. 




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Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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To ... what?


Among other things, I teach PrPro color work to pro colorists, most of whom are based in Resolve, some Baselight. So I have to be pretty versed in Resolve. I use it several times a week.


And of course, I follow Resolve forums from BlackMagic through LIftGamma Gain (LGG).


The posts "there" are containing a ton of comments about how R17 is junk and BM doesn't care to those saying it's working fine 'here'.


These are complex apps highly dependent on the hardware. Sometimes due to what the freak ever one works better on X machine than the other. The media, effects, network setups, and workflows can all interact and lead to odd things.


And it's frustrating as Hades. Over the last few years the "buggy activity" has gone from very predictable with normally known solutions to more ... ephemeral ... odd ... and difficult to track down. In both PrPro and Resolve. Things that happen for this user but not for those, and often don't seem to follow any particular pattern.


Until that pattern is somehow found.


It's made trying to help more difficult for sure. As it's made working more frustrating. Both for us and for the engineers.






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Community Beginner ,
Mar 17, 2021 Mar 17, 2021

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The absolute cheek that someone has marked this 'solved'. It's not solved. I've been using Premiere for so many years and this problem persists. It starts out of the blue and spreads through my projects like a virus. It's started happening in a project I've only been working on for a couple hours. I've missed so many deadlines and pulled so much hair out for this particular problem. Running very high end professional setup. Tried all the fixes. 


Year after year. I've got a deadline on Friday and I just know that this time in 24 hours from now I'm going to be stressed to the max because every time I press play it won't stop playing for +/- 30 seconds. It is degrading to my work and my mental health. Multiple systems. Multiple projects. Sometimes it happens on light projects. Sometimes heavy ones. No rhyme or reason. 


We are professionals here, I wish you were, Adobe. 




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New Here ,
Apr 09, 2021 Apr 09, 2021

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Hey guys, this platform is like a time machine. The problem is starting from 2017.  Don't worry  if it is not solved in 2017, today is April 2021 and the problem is still here . Most probably some one will reply to this post in 2025 with same problem. 

I am using proxy files in order to fasten up the process but timeline still does not stop in April 2021 .


Dear Adobe, when this timeline will stop? 





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Participant ,
Apr 22, 2021 Apr 22, 2021

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All of a sudden this is happening to me today.  I cannot work like this.  Would love to be able to go back to 2018, but when we got new computers at work, adobe would only allow us to install cc2019, no option to use 2018, which actually worked pretty good.


Mod note: This is a user-to-user forum. Address Adobe devs by filing a bug report here.




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Contributor ,
May 24, 2021 May 24, 2021

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It's bonkers that this issue still exists.  My goto solution over the past year has been to use version 14.2 (the last version where this was not a persistent issue).  I started working with a new mobile workstation from the road (i7 10875H, 8 core/16 thread, 64GB RAM, Quadro RTX 3000, only working from NVMe drives), so I decided to give the most recent "stable" version of Premiere a try (15.2.0 build 35).  I had no lag start/stop on the timeline for around an hour, but I'm back to it again, and no amount of clearing caches or adjusting anything in the prefs gets me back to simply being able to start/stop the timeline without major latency.  This is a simple timeline with very few effects.  There *is* one clip utilizing time remapping (I mention this because others have reported time alteration being the reason for this bug), and lots of other clips running at 50% for slow motion.  I can't believe I have to reinstall version 14.2 on my new machine, just so I can start and stop the freaking timeline without a delay. 


Mod note: Address Adobe devs by filing a bug here.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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I don't have that isssue at all. Also my client who has 41 suites of Pr working of a SAN does not have this issue. All here is still locked on 2020 due to compatibility with plugins/strorage. What kind of codec are you using? What is the speed of your SSD's, what are your sequence settings?




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Contributor ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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The reason you aren't seeing this issue may be because you are using Premiere 2020 instead of the most recent release.  Any version beyond 2020 build 14.2 can exhibit this issue.




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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We are running v14.0 ?




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 25, 2021 Aug 25, 2021

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I've never seen the issue either. I responded a bit later. I think it could be a performance issue. It may be hitting certain formats. Not sure because we can't reproduce the problem.


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 27, 2021 Jun 27, 2021

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Logging in to shout out a solution I had - hit the Enter key to pre-render your clip (the action is called "Render Effects In to Out"). This solved any laggyness I had when trying to play/pause during playback.


The problem I was having was similar to the other users here: I would start playback, and attempt to stop it at random points on the timeline - most spots would either have a delay before fully stopping playback, or if it was currently playing a nested clip, it wouldn't stop playback until the end of the sequence, or be severely delayed by a matter of 10-15 seconds.


I believe the problem came from the multiple nested clips I had in the timeline that weren't pre-rendered, so I'm sure that Premiere had to process and render them every time the timeline tried to run through them. My guess is that pre-rendering those nested sequences took that load off of Premiere and it allowed for much smoother playback. (this is coming from a guy who has no knowledge of the inner workings of Premiere, so take this with a grain of salt).


Worth a shot.




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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Thanks for sharing your experience, but our problem is worse than that, it happens when trying to cue things up in the source monitor, when I stop it to mark an in it keeps rolling and can't be stopped until IT feels like it. Also when using J-K-L to cue things up, like I did on AVID, Premiere slips ridiculously, I have to use SCRUB to cue everything, NEVER had to use SCRUB with AVID, it stopped on a dime! Premiere is very buggy, folder intensive and completely the wrong system for live news. We editor's are all frustrated beyoy belief.




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 01, 2021 Jul 01, 2021

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I totally understand your frustration. I would say I hope Adobe finds a solution to this soon, but from what I've read on this thread, there are so many different things that could be causing this and everyone might even have different causes to why this is happening. Honestly, Premiere is a huge software and something like this, while totally annoying and flow-breaking, is honestly a little expected. 


The weirder part is people are rolling back to 14.2 and the issue has went away. I'm not entirely sure if it's a bug that was introduced with 14.2 or perhaps there's something with users' system configs that is causing this.


Adobe, fix it!




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Contributor ,
Jul 03, 2021 Jul 03, 2021

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The weirder part is people are rolling back to 14.2 and the issue has went away. I'm not entirely sure if it's a bug that was introduced with 14.2 or perhaps there's something with users' system configs that is causing this.


Adobe, fix it!

By @Zekester3000

In my case, the issue is persistent in any version after 14.2 across multiple machines with various configurations and different chipsets.





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 03, 2021 Jul 03, 2021

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This is a HUGE problem when editing a live local newscast. We have to edit lightning fast and the inability to cue on a dime using J-K-L, like we did on AVID, doubles the time it takes to get a PKG on air. This is NOT a system for fast breaking news, and is so frustrating it takes the fun out of editing...we need to go back to AVID....

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Contributor ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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This has got to be the most aggravating issue of the multitude of Premiere problems.  I realize that with a program this amazing that has to address evolving technology, there are always going to be issues to work out (though *bloat* and useless "features" has become one of the greatest issues of all), but when you have an editing program that CAN'T start and stop without lag, the software becomes pretty much useless.  I cut to music, and without being able to start/stop exactly on the beat, editing a two minute video can become a multi-hour process instead of a half hour endeavor.


The ONLY current solution to this problem is going all the way back to Adobe Premiere 14.2.  This is the "newest" version that absolutely does not have the timeline start/stop issue.


I am currently using a computer with an i7 10875H processor with 8 cores/16 threads, 64GB RAM, a Quadro RTX 3000 GPU, and the only drives involved are NVMe drives that never exceed 50% capacity (OS, footage, and cache/previews are all on separate drives).  On most videos I use *only* Lumetri and no other plug-ins or FX.  Most timelines are only 2 minutes long with only three video tracks and one stereo audio track.  The footage is H.264 from various Sony A7III's and Panasonic G9's, but only from one camera (ther diffferent codecs are not mixed).  The footage is 59.94fps and the final two minute composition has most if not all of the footage run at 50% using the speed/duration drop down.  I realize a better way to create slow-mo is my "interpreting" the 59.94 footage as 23.976, but when you do that you have to go through all the footage in slow motion (vs. regular speed) and that is not acceptable for the amount of footage that needs to be culled.  Regardless, if the "slo-mo" is the issue, then Adobe needs to address it (long ago), because running footage at 50% speed shouldn't be any trouble at all.


The fact that this is an issue is absolutely inexcusable.  The fact that this has been an issue for YEARS should be a massive embarrassment to Adobe.






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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 25, 2021 Aug 25, 2021

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Sorry for the issues. I don't have these issues, but I might do things a little differently than most.


My guess is that your "runaway playback" issue is a performance-based issue brought on by extensive use of Long GOP formats, time interpretations, speed effects, GPU accelerated effects, color grading, scaling, etc. If things like playback begin to fall apart, you might take a look at your workflow in order to optimize media to perform better in the Timeline. I find that a transcode on ingest pipeline to editing codecs when beginning a project brings in footage that can hold up much better to the kinds of demands you are placing on your footage.  


If you try these things, I would gamble that your problem would go away. Please try it out.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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New Here ,
Jul 12, 2021 Jul 12, 2021

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I'm having this issue this week. The last two days have been painful. It's a real shame to read through a thread like this and see that it's an issue from 2017 that still hasn't been fixed. 




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 12, 2021 Jul 12, 2021

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Yes, I'm still having the problem and what's equally as bad its I can't cue things up quickly using J-K-L because it SLIPS SOOOOO MUCH!!! so time consuming trying to cue things up, constantly have to scrub and look at the waveform on clips. I NEVER had to scrub using AVID, J-K-L would stop on a dime....I really hate Premiere.

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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 26, 2021 Aug 26, 2021

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Sorry. Try transcoding footage to 720p ProRes Proxy and edit with that. Report back with the results, please.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Explorer ,
Jul 29, 2021 Jul 29, 2021

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July 29, 2021 I am having this issue. All my drivers are up to date and I have a fresh install of premiere pro. The issue is very significant during playback in multicam view. Using 4k proxies.
Intel I7 10750h
32GB ram
RTX 2060

I can not edit this way. Playback will not stop for 5-15 seconds after I hit stop and the program is unresponsive. Any multicam cuts do not happen until where the playhead finally stops.





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Jul 29, 2021 Jul 29, 2021

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This would be maddening.


How big is the project file itself? How many assets in the project? Have you tried creating a new project, and seeing if the problem is there also?






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Contributor ,
Jul 29, 2021 Jul 29, 2021

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I am curious to know if you still have the issue if you install and use version 14.2.  It's annoying to have to install an older version, but it's easy to do, and you can install it without removing the newest version (you just won't be able to open projects that were created in the newer version).  As much of a pain as this might be, at least you can get the timeline to play in real time without having to go nuclear (reinstalling everything up to and including the OS).  It would also be worthwhile to the community just to see if someone with the same issue in newer versions does not have the issue with version 14.2.




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New Here ,
Jul 29, 2021 Jul 29, 2021

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I found that if I changed the renderer it fixed the problem. I had someone from Adobe support tell me to set my sequence to (Software based only) and it seems this caused the issue. I changed back to Metal and it fixed the issue entirely.




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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 26, 2021 Aug 26, 2021

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You should definitely have Metal running as your renderer. Good luck.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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